Cardinals want health warnings on condoms


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
In today's UK newspaper,"The Telegraph", there is an article that the Cardinal in charge of Vatican social policy, Alfonso Lopez (no relation to J-Lo), said: 'To treat condoms as reliable was like playing Russian roulette.'

He wants all condoms in Italy to have a health warning stating that they are not 100% safe and he publicly 'advises against people infected with HIV wearing contraceptives.'

What is wrong with the Catholic Church? Why on earth do they make these stupid public statements? I just cannot believe that people cling to religion like it's the last bastion of humanity.

This statement is made as coming from the Vatican Church itself. The WHO have already condemned his remarks as 'extremely dangerous.'

What kind of world are we really living in?
ChiefB said:
He wants all condoms in Italy to have a health warning stating that they are not 100% safe and he publicly 'advises against people infected with HIV wearing contraceptives.'
I don't get the statement. He 'publicly advises against people with HIV wearing contraceptives' do what? Stop having sex? Kill themselves? Watch Benny Hill re-runs? What?

This statement is made as coming from the Vatican Church itself. The WHO have already condemned his remarks as 'extremely dangerous.'
What's WHO?

What kind of world are we really living in?
Just to be devils advocate, if you were about to shaft some bird who you knew to be HIV positive, would you still bang her with a condom?
JayKeeley said:
I don't get the statement. He 'publicly advises against people with HIV wearing contraceptives' do what? Stop having sex? Kill themselves? Watch Benny Hill re-runs? What?
Uh... Yeah... That is, he doesn't want people wearing HIV to wear contraceptives... Read that sentence again :p

Anyway, this is totally fucking inane, just as you would expect anything to come out of the Vatican to be. Obviously they're not 100% safe, anyone with half a brain (i.e. less than an estimated 3.2% of the world's population) could figure that out. It's not 100% safe driving a car either but you don't see fucking health warnings on them.
JayKeeley said:
Just to be devils advocate, if you were about to shaft some bird who you knew to be HIV positive, would you still bang her with a condom?
No, and I don't need a fucking label on the pack of condoms to tell me that, thank you very much. :p
Erik said:
Uh... Yeah... That is, he doesn't want people wearing HIV to wear contraceptives... Read that sentence again :p
Ugh - I had to re-read that three times. Gotta love the ambiguity of the English language. Vi bort försök Svensk.

It's not 100% safe driving a car either but you don't see fucking health warnings on them.
I love how they try to isolate HIV sufferers, and yet totally avoid the issue of their priests buggering school boys.
World Health Organization

No shafting AIDS broad for me thanks, I've had them non-100% condoms break on me.

The Catholic Church is moronic. You cannot stop people from having sex, so what is so wrong about at least trying to be safe about it? It's like prostitution. It has always happened, and it will always happened (until the Orgasmatron is patented anyhow :p ), so at the very least concede and make it safe.
Erik said:
It's not 100% safe driving a car either but you don't see fucking health warnings on them.
4WD vehicles sold in the US have warnings on them. "This vehicle will handle differently than a normal car blah blah blah." No shit. So higher center of gravity has something to do with all those idiots flipping their SUV? WOW! :Smug:

Separate rant, sorry. :)
NAD said:
No shafting AIDS broad for me thanks, I've had them non-100% condoms break on me.
Yeah but AIDS and HIV are different, innit.

The Catholic Church is moronic. You cannot stop people from having sex, so what is so wrong about at least trying to be safe about it?
Yeah they're saying the exact opposite to what people should be doing!
@JayKeeley: Aye, difference between HIV and AIDS, but without a proper cure just yet, both are a death sentence. I'll bet without the FDA screwing everything up we'd be closer to a cure. I have absolutely not scientific base to stand upon with that sentence. :)

@Erik: Nice. :lol: Is that from one of their movies?

@bloodfiredeath: I've seen those warnings on driver side doors and sunvisors, what do you drive?
Yes, it's from "The Meaning of Life." Great movie, that, and that particular scene is very fitting for this thread :p

Scene: slummy apartment full of small children clad in dirty rags

MUM: Now, whose teatime is it?


MUM: Come on, now. Out you go. Now, uh, Vincent, Tessa, Valerie, Janine, Martha, Andrew, Thomas, Walter, Pat, Linda, Michael, Evadne, Alice, Dominique, and Sasha, it's your bedtime.


MUM: Now, don't argue! Laura, Alfred, Nigel, Annie, Simon, Amanda,--

DAD: Wait! I've got something to tell the whole family.

MUM: Oh, quick. Go and get the others in, Gordon.

CHILDREN: What could it be? Shhh...

DAD: The mill's closed! There's no more work. We're destitute.

CHILDREN: [talking]

DAD: Come in, my little loves. I've got no option but to sell you all for scientific experiments.

CHILDREN: [whining]

DAD: No, no. That's the way it is, my loves. Blame the Catholic church for not letting me wear one of those little rubber things. Oh, they've done some wonderful things in their time. They preserved the might and majesty, the mystery of the Church of Rome, and the sanctity of the sacraments, the indivisible oneness of the Trinity, but if they'd let me wear one of those little rubber things on the end of my cock, we wouldn't be in the mess we are now.

BOY: Couldn't Mummy have worn some sort of pesssary?

DAD: Not if we're going to remain members of the fastest growing religion in the world, my boy.

MUM: Ehhh, he's right.
I was thinking Meaning of Life (just because of the subject matter really), but I've only seen that once and it was years ago. FIND THE FISH!!! and the fat glutton exploding are the only two parts I remember. :)