Catchy Death Metal?


I Rule.
Mar 28, 2005
Göteborg, Sweden
I bought "Virus" a couple of weeks ago, and I totally love it. I really like that it's so catchy, and still real (melodic) death metal.

I would like some band suggestions, because I've been looking for catchy death metal quite some time now. I'm looking for Death Metal bands that are extremely catchy, and only some-what catchy, like Hypocrisy (especially the "Virus" album).

Thanks in advance!
Try Malevolent Creation, especially their album 'Will to Kill;' Morbid Angel's 'Gateways to Annihilation;' Cannibal Corpse's 'Bloodthirst;' Deicide's 'Legion;' Susperia (who Peter produces); Mnemic's 'Audio Injected Soul; Testament's 'The Gathering;' Napalm Death's 'Order of the Leech;' Nevermore's 'This Godless Endeavor' (yes I know it's not death metal, but it's heavy as hell!)Those are worth checking out. And try looking into some black metal bands too for 'Virus' similarities.:cool:
Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Nevermore


hell no, that's the kinda list I'd give to someone who likes slipknot or some shit. (or rather, that's the kinda shit my numetal friends seem to like)

I'd suggest..,
Amon Amarth
some of Vehemence's more crafted songs
the In Flames "Luner Strain" album
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
Seditious, he said he wanted something that was death metal (mostly), catchy, melodic, or like Virus. I think those qualify! Nu-metal??? Seditious, what are you thinking? None of that sounds like nu-metal!! And by the way, I do like SOME nu-metal stuff, but I DON'T LIKE SLIPKNOT!! Nu-metal??? What the....o_O
For some really good catchy stuff chech out:
Graveworm-Engraved in Black
Kataklysm-Shadows and Dust
Pessimist-Blood For The Gods
Katatonia-Brave Murdur Day
Paradise Lost-Gothic

and for the most catchy albums check out Finntroll-Nattfodd, and Finntroll-Jaktens Tid.
ah fuck yeah, Wintersun is bad ass. and Paradise Lost... nice, I gotta find that cd, haven't seen it since I moved...
Here's some to definitely check out if you haven't already, all very catchy but not pop sounding like some melodic death, yet still heavy:

Dark Tranquillity-Character
Beyond The Embrace-Against The Elements
Darkane-Expanding Senses
Omnium Gatherum-Spirit And August Light
Enforsaken-The Forever Endeavor
Dimension zero is good straight DM, plus a lotta melodeth is catchy - Soilwork, Disarmonia Mundi, Bodom, IF's Colony. It's far from death metal but Alice in Chains is damn catchy, I've had Would? stuck in my head all day.
AlphaTemplar said:
Dimension zero is good straight DM, plus a lotta melodeth is catchy - Soilwork, Disarmonia Mundi, Bodom, IF's Colony. It's far from death metal but Alice in Chains is damn catchy, I've had Would? stuck in my head all day.

a prime example of why i dont subject metal and rock to sub-genre's

god damn

if its heavy and metal. its heavy metal!!! if it rocks, its fucking rock! kladfjo;akjflakfha;ojhal;kfha'kflhadl'kfakfljasdf
just gave Kataklysm - shadows and dust another listen (ain't heard that album in years) I'd have to agree -- it's more death metal than melodic death, but if you like Bloodbath then you'll prolly like it.
i'm going to assume you already have the self-titled hypocrisy album? that is pretty much THE catchy death metal album to me.

also edge of sanity - purgatory afterglow is very catchy as well.

both of these are amazing albums which every fan of metal should own btw. :)
god damn nad said:
also edge of sanity - purgatory afterglow is very catchy as well.

both of these are amazing albums which every fan of metal should own btw. :)

Yeah, Edge of not look further...EoS is maybe the best example for catchy death metal...I adore Crimson&Crimson II and Spectral Sorrows...Masterpieces..
Seditious said:
Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Nevermore :yuk: hell no, that's the kinda list I'd give to someone who likes slipknot or some shit. (or rather, that's the kinda shit my numetal friends seem to like) I'd suggest.., Amon Amarth some of Vehemence's more crafted songs the In Flames "Luner Strain" album At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract

cannibal corpse nu-metal? your fucking insane. They are death
Vital Remains said:
cannibal corpse nu-metal? your fucking insane. They are death

I didn't call them nu-metal... sorry for the confusion

-- I said that's the type of shitty death metal my numetal friends (who also love 'stonesour' 'audioslave' 'slipknot' 'molevolent creation' etc.) seem to like -- where as they don't like other death metal or black metal or anything like that for some reason
Seditious said:
Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Nevermore


hell no, that's the kinda list I'd give to someone who likes slipknot or some shit. (or rather, that's the kinda shit my numetal friends seem to like)

I'd suggest..,
Amon Amarth
some of Vehemence's more crafted songs
the In Flames "Luner Strain" album
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract bag on Malevolent Creation as being for numetal kids....have you ever even heard Malevolent Creation? jesus. Malevolent Creation is old school death metal, their Eternal album being one of the most underrated yet brutal examples of excellent death metal.

And, if you're going to recommend an At the Gates album, how about the one that isn't their worst? With Fear I kiss the burning darkness and The Red in the Sky is Ours is far better than the yawn fest of Slaughter....
malevolent creation and cc are boring. atg sucks too. Rotting christ is awesome but they arent death metal, theyre gothic black.
amonamarth10 said:
malevolent creation and cc are boring. atg sucks too. Rotting christ is awesome but they arent death metal, theyre gothic black.

yep, boring... but at least ATG is more melodic death metal, rather than just bland death metal.

yeh, I was thinking of the earlier (early 90s) RC albums, not the new stuff -- different genre, but equally catchy and produced more like death metal than traditional black metal