Catchy Death Metal?

if you wanna to hear any sound like Hypocrisy's "Virus" album, need just an album; Amon Amarth - The Avenger ... both of them near as sound and melodies. Then if you search an album over Virus and The Avenger, should try the "Amon Amarth - Crusher" band. It is the most aggressive and brutal band you've ever heard in swedish death metal.. (i think all over the death metal)
psYchotic-eYes said:
if you wanna to hear any sound like Hypocrisy's "Virus" album, need just an album; Amon Amarth - The Avenger ... both of them near as sound and melodies. Then if you search an album over Virus and The Avenger, should try the "Amon Amarth - Crusher" band. It is the most aggressive and brutal band you've ever heard in swedish death metal.. (i think all over the death metal)

Amon Amarth may be one of the best bands ever but they are definatly not the most brutal; there are about 20 bands I can think off the top of my head that are more brutal in sweden alone.
amonamarth10 said:
Amon Amarth may be one of the best bands ever but they are definatly not the most brutal; there are about 20 bands I can think off the top of my head that are more brutal in sweden alone.

so tell us these bands please.. i also listened many bands but couldnt hear as brutal as the "Crusher" of Amon Amarth..
Swedish bands more brutal than Amon Amarth:

Spawn of Possession
Maze of Torment
Soul Reaper
The Crown
The Project Hate
Murdur Squad
Satanic Slaughter
Edge of Sanity
God Among Insects

All these bands are more brutal than AA but they are by no means better. Keep in mind that Amon Amarth are a melodic death band, they are not going for brutality. And I personaly think that listening to something just because its 'brutal' is fucking stupid.
amonamarth10 said:
All these bands are more brutal than AA but they are by no means better. Keep in mind that Amon Amarth are a melodic death band, they are not going for brutality. And I personaly think that listening to something just because its 'brutal' is fucking stupid.

well fucking said...
I'm w/ you DSOUL, I don't know how Malevolent Creation can be considered boring! {Okay, 'In Cold Blood' might have been repetitive at times, & 'The Fine Art of Murder' wasn't that great (to me)} Music that's that heavy & w/ great structure being considered boring is beyond me! Now EARLY Cannibal Corpse was boring to me! But 'Bloodthirst' & beyond have been great, hell even Corpse have done some different types of songs once & a while, but still maintaining their death metal integrity! AS of lately, I definitely think Old Man's Child newest 'Vermin' might be an example of 'Virus!':Spin:
amonamarth10 said:
All these bands are more brutal than AA but they are by no means better. Keep in mind that Amon Amarth are a melodic death band, they are not going for brutality. And I personaly think that listening to something just because its 'brutal' is fucking stupid.

no one listening for brutality, never mind ok? those band that you'd written is not brutal more than amon amarth (most of all).. what's your brutality mean i couldnt understand, i wrote down it in meanings of hard , ear destructive (expecially for guitar riffs and bass) , lyrics and vocal.. i cannot compare "the crusher" with any band for the features i've just written up!! sorry
psYchotic-eYes said:
no one listening for brutality, never mind ok? those band that you'd written is not brutal more than amon amarth (most of all).. what's your brutality mean i couldnt understand, i wrote down it in meanings of hard , ear destructive (expecially for guitar riffs and bass) , lyrics and vocal.. i cannot compare "the crusher" with any band for the features i've just written up!! sorry

^^^ what u just said makes absolutly no fucking sense. All those bands are way more brutal than Amon Amarth. Oh and you are fucking stupid because the crusher is not even AAs best album.
amonamarth10 said:
^^^ what u just said makes absolutly no fucking sense. All those bands are way more brutal than Amon Amarth. Oh and you are fucking stupid because the crusher is not even AAs best album.

Man your one major "fucking" asshole.
back on topic, enough bickering -- two more

Eternal Tears of Sorrow -- AMAZINGLY talented finnish melo-death band!!! (Already broken up and formed into new bands (For My Pain, etc.) but their 3 albums were great -- SCARS OF WISDOM is the best song I've heard all year! (sadly I had these albums for 2 years and never listened to them til now)

Insomnium - very 'Whoracle'esque, but their new album is something special compared to their debut (the title track of which is quite nice too though)
ds336 said:
Seditious, he said he wanted something that was death metal (mostly), catchy, melodic, or like Virus. I think those qualify! Nu-metal??? Seditious, what are you thinking? None of that sounds like nu-metal!! And by the way, I do like SOME nu-metal stuff, but I DON'T LIKE SLIPKNOT!! Nu-metal??? What the....:hypno:

U arent better! U call Morbid Angel melodic,catchy?!?! ....reTArd
Actually Breeding Death, I was giving examples as CLOSE to 'Virus' that I could think of in terms of heaviness & catchiness, not so much in terms of "melodic" because I don't really know many CDs that sound like 'Virus' in the melodic aspect. (Apparently you didn't notice in the quote you took from me as an example that I said "catchy, melodic, OR like 'Virus" The keyword is OR!!!!)From what I hear people saying though, it seems that 'Virus' has a black metal vibe to it, (which I do hear a little of) so maybe there's a ton of black metal CDs that sound like 'Virus!' I wouldn't know though really because I only like VERY LITTLE black metal! As for the "retard" comment, how old are you 13, 15? Grow up!

Malevolent creation own all of your lives. Now go repent to Phil Fasciana bitches....

There is one band that is similar to Hypocrisy called Chronicle of Tyrants.... check out their myspace page.
Seditious said:
-- I said that's the type of shitty death metal my numetal friends (who also love 'stonesour' 'audioslave' 'slipknot' 'molevolent creation' etc.) seem to like

Audioslave is definitely not numetal. And they fucking rock.
Chronicle of Tyrants is an established band... they just happen to have a myspace as do many other bands now.
ds336 said:
Actually Breeding Death, I was giving examples as CLOSE to 'Virus' that I could think of in terms of heaviness & catchiness, not so much in terms of "melodic" because I don't really know many CDs that sound like 'Virus' in the melodic aspect. (Apparently you didn't notice in the quote you took from me as an example that I said "catchy, melodic, OR like 'Virus" The keyword is OR!!!!)From what I hear people saying though, it seems that 'Virus' has a black metal vibe to it, (which I do hear a little of) so maybe there's a ton of black metal CDs that sound like 'Virus!' I wouldn't know though really because I only like VERY LITTLE black metal! As for the "retard" comment, how old are you 13, 15? Grow up!

well well whatsoever...but u could atleast come up with some better names :P
I think u took the bands u only know (and like) = musical narrow minded
haha :D
i dont really care...and no, i'm not the deformed freak kid u looking for...keep searching
have good day
I really should just ignore you because you seem to assume quite a bit!:Smug:
I named what was most appropriate for what I could think of.....I could've done what other people do & name bands that are completely off the wall all together like say Metallica, Slayer,.....those bands are not close to Hypocrisy musically, yet alone to 'Virus' at all. Also, I don't own every god damn CD in the world!!!! If you do, why don't you help the man who posted the thread to begin w/ & name some bands he might be looking for instead of being a d--khead!!:grin:
ds336 said:
I really should just ignore you because you seem to assume quite a bit!:Smug:
I named what was most appropriate for what I could think of.....I could've done what other people do & name bands that are completely off the wall all together like say Metallica, Slayer,.....those bands are not close to Hypocrisy musically, yet alone to 'Virus' at all. Also, I don't own every god damn CD in the world!!!! If you do, why don't you help the man who posted the thread to begin w/ & name some bands he might be looking for instead of being a d--khead!!:grin:

*quotes incase he's such a dick that it needs to be repeated to get through to him* :Spin: