Categories of Metal

Dead Eternity

Jan 25, 2002
Munich, Germany
It's very difficult for me to distinguish between speed and true metal (or thrash metal). So please help me and name for each category a typical band. Thanks.

Speed Metal
Power Metal
True Metal
Thrash Metal
Death Metal
Black Metal
Progressive Metal
White Metal
Doom Metal
Gothic Metal
speed and true arent that hard to distinguish - or dont you see the thin line between slayer and manowar? :lol: ;)
i rather have difficulties with speed and thrash!
Speed Metal -> Megadeth I'd say. Technical and fast, although could also be thrash. Anihalator(not spelt right) also I think. Not too sure about this category

Power Metal -> Hammerfall. Awfull, awfull band, but still :D

True Metal -> Manowar. See comment for Hammerfall. I never understood this whole true thing, but it's funny to say the least :D

Thrash Metal -> Death Angel/Testament/etc

Death Metal -> Morbid Angel/Deicide/Cannibal Corpse

Black Metal -> Darkthrone/Emperor/Dimmu Borgir(some will
argue about the last band)

Grindcore -> Agathocoles

Progressive Metal -> Dream Theater

White Metal -> Anything bad with "I love jesus" lyrics

Doom Metal -> Early Paradise Lost (Gothic), My Dying Bride

Gothic Metal -> Darkseed

And Cremetory are indeed an awfull band. I think the only reason they got the wacken gig last year is through being german
Actually "True" has a good 6-7 bands that fall in to it.. so it's not just a Manowar ego trip. They coined the term but there are other bands that play "true" metal. It is now a term for a perticular style of metal rather then what most people see it as... an ego trip.

Oh Dead eternity... you forgot alternative metal, Symphonic Metal and Synth Metal
sorry to be a troll but...

this is a really stupid thread. all these names are fucked. genres are just a way to make people feel comfortable about something, while pigeonholing a band at the same time.

there is only good music and bad music. stop falling into the MTV/etc trap.
would have to agree with Phyre. True as a musician, I'd like having the freedom of not having my music placed ina catagory, that way I wouldn't feel constricted and confind to only produce one type of music. But the majority of the public (I hate to say it) need those titles to help define what music they like and don't like and to help them define what type of music certain artists and bands play.

music is individual. If you tell someone listen to this, it is good, I wouldn't be sure if it is my taste, but if someone said hey listen to this band it sounds like melodic death metal in the vain of In Flames' Jester Race, I would definately try it out.
there are variations on what these mean but where I am from....
Speed Metal - fast guitars, usually higher vocals as opposed to a heavier sound which separates it from thrash-I E overkill,piledriver, helstar etc...
Power Metal- there is power/progressive and power speed etc.. anything from Helloween to ed guy to Gamma Ray to BG to Evergrey-again the list is endless
True Metal- true metal is any metal that adheres to the roots of metal. and usually the lyrical content is geared toward Metal in specific- there are true bands in all genres listed here.
Thrash Metal- thrash is usually heavier and the vocals are lower -guitars are more crunchy and thrashin as opposed to just all over the place speed- I E -testament or sacred reich-the list goes on forever.
Death Metal- cookie monster vocals... not my speciallity and have no recommendations-cannibal corpse and 6 ft under? ( i know im going to get slaughtered for that!! hahah
Black Metal- under produced, barely audible guitar,very primitive,fast and screeching vocal-haha again not my speciality
Progressive Metal-usually very technical and tight composition-for the most part in my opinion is lacking in spirit -total application of music theory- some great stuff though -Dream theatre, Labyrinth(power-prog) edge of sanity, watch tower is actually progressive thrash but its killer!!!
White Metal -christian based lyrics... musically just fast guitar riffing and high vocals
Doom Metal -typically very slow and dramatic-melancholic- i would say that there are many sub-genres here as well-power doom-Solitude Aeturnus, candlemass,Solstice(the difference here is that there are solos and the vocals are more power style. Romantic Goth doom- Theatre of tragedy, Sins of they Beloved,Trail of Tears Etc.. typically have female and male vocals.. high fems and deathish male.. music is very dark and sad- classical influences and use of many instruments such as piano and flute.
Gothic Metal- the closest think i have to this would be Type o negative and Poema Arcanus-not sure if thats really goth though.
Well that was the very bare bones of all the possible bands that fall into each of those catagories.. hope that helped a little.. and I know I will catch flack for a few of those- hahah
Hails All

Originally posted by MetalMaiden1777
there are variations on what these mean but where I am from....
Death Metal- cookie monster vocals... not my speciallity and have no recommendations-cannibal corpse and 6 ft under?

--- Cookie monster vocals.. that's the best description I've heard so far :D

Black Metal- under produced, barely audible guitar,very primitive,fast and screeching vocal-haha again not my speciality

- black metal is attributed to a lot of different bands that don't fall into any of your categories :) Dimmu Borgir is one of the most well known black metal bands. Some songs go from incredibly fast blast beats/palm muting to extremely melodic. Check out the song "Perfection Or Vanity", its an instrumental that's orchestrated, incredible song. High pitched vocals for the most part though, yes :D


No comment here, Phyre will write me a novel on how close minded he thinks I am :D

Doom Metal -typically very slow and dramatic-melancholic- i would say that there are many sub-genres here as well-power doom-Solitude Aeturnus, candlemass,Solstice(the difference here is that there are solos and the vocals are more power style. Romantic.

Yeah there's a shitload of sub genres under doom metal. One of my favorites is the band Tiamat, who delve into the doom metal category throughout their album "Wildhoney".

In case for all you non-cultured people, the Swedish Chef was on the Muppet Show. Remember, "Ish a feesh a feesh and a bork bork bork bork!"
Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal. All ya need.

Just about everything is just heavy metal.
Cradle and Emperor are black metal
And shit like Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse are death metal.

Its rediculous to see In Flames and Vintersorg(believe it or not) and shit labeled as Death Metal when it isnt. Just because there is growly vox doesnt make it death metal.

So you can keep your gothic speed thrash doom metal.
I keep it simple.
Lumping a band into a sub-genre has a small amount advantage to it. It does halp "selkl" the band to a certain audience, but all of the genres bleed into one another in some ways. "Labeling" a band to a certain sub-genre is not really fair and pigeonholes them to a degree. I wouldn't even worry about it.
