Perfect Metal Guitar

Seems Jackson will start offer 24-fret RRs (not a moment too soon). Here's a pic of the JS30RR (budget line model) that will probably be officially presented at winter NAMM in Anaheim.


Harmony Central newsflash here:

Definately a no-frills model, just to my taste. =) They've taken away the pickguard and the hideous gibson-esque "v" tailpiece. It's a shame it doesn't have the output jack in the upper wing like the regular RR's, but I guess you can't have everything. ;)

Reminds me a lot of the old Rhoads EX, except with 24 frets and fixed bridge.

really, Caparison Guitarist? I couldn't tell by your name... :lol: as if you eve had to say anything in your post to be recognized as a caparison enthusiast haha. I'm just kiddin w/ ya man. I'm still an Ibanez man myself. I play bits of everything and I just recently found out that Six Feet Under's guitarist uses and Ibanez RG like mine and that Between The Buried and Me uses Ibanez S Series guitars. That only reinforces my ideas that Ibanez are top of the line.
I have a cheap jackson ($400 US), and i have done some modifications to it, but it screams now. When I got it I put an EMG 81 in the bridge, and then just recently i put Yellow bevels on t (self Done), and now im getting gold hardware for it all. Maybe ill put a 24 fret neck on it, and plug up that other pick up cavity.
NocturnalSun said:
really, Caparison Guitarist? I couldn't tell by your name... :lol: as if you eve had to say anything in your post to be recognized as a caparison enthusiast haha. I'm just kiddin w/ ya man. I'm still an Ibanez man myself. I play bits of everything and I just recently found out that Six Feet Under's guitarist uses and Ibanez RG like mine and that Between The Buried and Me uses Ibanez S Series guitars. That only reinforces my ideas that Ibanez are top of the line.

Oh, I am an Ibanez collector as well.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Are those cheap jacksons any good???
Depends on your standards and what you're after. I would rather pick up a cheap Jackson than an equally cheap Ibanez or Epiphone. Quality control has been an issue on some Jackson models, but things have become a lot better after they stopped production in India. Nowadays I believe most "import" Jacksons are built in Japan and those are very nice. They're usually very poorly set up when you find them in a shop, but that is easilly fixed.

BUT - don't take my word for it. Try some out in a store and decide for yourself. You may find that you like another brand better.

Your guitar is a set neck, not a neck through body. hate to burst your bubble.

Hmm, read my sig for an explanation. :loco:
Let me say this in my idiot mode. My guitar being 1 piece is good! :wave:
Ahhhh...see its good to be an idiot!

Oh then im gonna need to know what a NeckThru is then. :Smug: