Perfect Metal Guitar

schecter makes a good 7 string. check out the 007 elite. not only does it play well, but it comes with some great shit, especially for the price. quilt top and all. if i find one i will get it without hesitation. that is, after i get myself a dean 8 or 12 string bass
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Id say Ibanez are amazing all around rock to metal guitars.
I totally agree. I have two Ibanez's, a Jackson, and an ESP ltd (soon to be "had"), and the Ibanez's whoop the other two. I'm not sure why you're ruling Ibanez's out, but I'd seriously reconsider.
...And Darthlardo is 100% correct about the EMG HZ's. The absolute worst pickups I've ever had the displeasure to own.
i suggest a Jackson KV2 (King V). The best guitar i have ever seen and played. I plan on owning one... once i get enough money... so never.
Silverhaze said:
I totally agree. I have two Ibanez's, a Jackson, and an ESP ltd (soon to be "had"), and the Ibanez's whoop the other two. I'm not sure why you're ruling Ibanez's out, but I'd seriously reconsider.
...And Darthlardo is 100% correct about the EMG HZ's. The absolute worst pickups I've ever had the displeasure to own.

what kind of jackson do u have? I've never heard of anyone say that their ibanez whoops their jackson...
My Jackson is a DR7 7 string. The pickups are weak (duncan design), the volume and tone pots move around in the cavity and the 3 way switch shorts out when switching from bridge to neck. The guitar pretty much came that way new. Not impressed with the Jackson quality in the least.
I have an old Ibanez EX ,which was in the same price range as the Jackson new, and the stock pickups are loud and more than adequate for stock and it's an all around solid guitar. It was my first guitar and I still enjoy playing it. My other Ibanez is an Iceman, and it's a crunch machine with a great neck. Both Ibanez's are close to 10 years old and have held up great. Between an Ibanez and a Jackson - of equal value - I'd take the Ibanez.

My Gibson's rule all though. They are tone monsters and built like tanks!! Of course it's not really fair to compare USA made Gibsons to the imports that cost 3-4 times less. But once you play one, it's hard to enjoy any "lesser" guitar.

I just sold my ESP ltd, which was about the same as an import Jackson and probably made at the same factory, and I have my eye on a Guild Bluesbird now....or maybe a Polara...but probably the Bluesbird.

Or I could just save my money.......nah! (:
Prefering Duncans over EMGs because of the battery issue is ridiculous. Is it so hard to change a battery once a year? I have a wonderful set of Klaim Aktiv (Schaller made) pickups on my strat and all I have to do is unscrew the pickguard and swap the battery. Believe me, it isn't lethal. If you prefer Duncans for the tone, fine, that's up to you.

And by the way, EMGs sound fine to my ears. The 81 is a nice rock/metal pickup, it does what it is supposed to do, but the best, in my opinion, are definately the SAs (single coils).
the EMG's may be okay, but they don't give a straight-up natural tone to my ears. It still sounds artificial. Duncans give a good natural sound all around for a normal 6-string. I agree the battery issue is not big, but I still prefer ones that don't need a battery. You also mentioned that EMG 81's are a nice rock/metal pickup. Fine. Great. But I want an all-around pickup because I don't stick to those two categories. I play jazz, blues, and classic rock as well, so the clean tone has to really stand out.
Aggressor said:
Didnt he use an ESP before?

Personally Ive fallen in love with the Jackson guitars, so if I have to recommend a guitar, I would recommend (almost) everything Jackson has made :p
I second that.
The Jackson company has my fanship for life. I have a DKMG that I put a set of EMGs (85 and 81) in and a KE3 Kelly that I put a Seymor Duncan Invader and screamin' demon in and I love them both. Neither are USAs but I'm working on the money for a USA Kelly right now.
As far as I'm concerned Jackson is god when it comes to guitars.
NocturnalSun said:
I play jazz, blues, and classic rock as well, so the clean tone has to really stand out.
In responce to this, I have been nothing but impressed with my 81 for clean and slightly distorted guitar work.
I also play alot of blues and I love the sound I get out of the 81. And for a nice smooth round tone, the 85 works great clean too.
Come on, theres one in the USA Select Series - can't get much better

Hey darth, get the Dave mustaine Signature guitar, its got that same bridge as the one up there. its really nice. But his personal preferance of tuners is weird.
Darthlardo said:
The Jackson (that they dont make anymore)? or the new Esp?
well i would gone with a jackson, but I didn't know they stoped making them, either way they are both good.

to the guy who said they play 7 string so jackson it out: i just saw a 7 String jackson RR on ebay.
Jackson.. for all kinds of metal except nu-metal..

However, I've been doing a lot of home recording lately and will add that on tape, I can get more brutal rhythm tones from a Les Paul. But all in all, Jackson's are where its at.