catholic colleges will get you killed.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
okay, so aside from the run-of-the-mill drugtastic dumbass chicks and gangstariffic "i'm gonna tear yo' face off of you look at my wrong" black chicks, thursday night into friday was a really eventful day. in a bad way.

thursday night, a car comes speeding up the hill onto my campus, takes a sharp curve, crashes right into the corner of one of the buildings, and is vacated by two large black men who run back down the hill chased by two police officers. turns out, they'd stolen the car and took a wrong turn while trying to escape the police.

later thursday night, my room mate and the 2 girls across the hall met up with one of the most drugtastic dumbasses here and went to the University of Pittsburgh for a party. it turns out that someone slipped something into the drink of one of the girls across the hall, and the drugtastic girl may have had something to do with it. so nikkita, the one who was probobly drugged, was puking all over the bathroom floor at 1:30 this morning and could barely move and her room mate stayed up with her all night until the effects of the drug wore off.

then, around 6 this evening, after i go to dinner with the aforementioned room mate, Tiarra, and a girl down the hall, i hear this insane shouting and cursing from across the hall. i duck in to see what's going on, assuming it's ust Tiarra being crazy like normal, and see tears streaming down her face as she shouts into the phone, presumably at her boyfriend, who she was talking about going to get drunk with later that night. so the several other girls here who didnt leave for the weekend, and i, stand outside of the room wondering what the fuck's going on, and listen to Tiarra's prolific epic of profanity and phone-injury. i'm sitting in the room next the Tiarra's with 2 other girls for, literally, an hour while Tiarra continues to scream and cry. finally, Tiarra comes over and one of the girls suggests a cigarette break. tiarra agrees, then casually mentions that her boyfriend's gonna be aound in another hour so they can go gt drunk.

*edit - while we were waiting for Tiarra to calm down, on of the girls mentioned this guy (yeah, a guy here. and he's really fucking annoying and creepy) who's been caught walking around outside of girls windows and looking in to see him changing. the campus police are apparently trying to catch him "on the prowl" or just catch him.

aaaaaaaaaaand the black chicks across the hall - Tiarra and some friend of hers who came over, and Nikkita who just got back from work - are fighting over some stupid shit AGAIN.

oh yeah, and i'm one of 3 girls on my floor who's staying here over the weekend. and they're both spending the night with boyfriends. so i'm gonna be alone here. who wants to take bets on my chances of waking up tomorrow?
Yup. this was one long winded tirade just to hint at William.

Chicks should speak plain-like.


I'm confused, if Tiara's going drinking with her bf, who was she screaming at? Was she just not done screaming and thought lubing it up would be good? What about Nikkita? Is she feeling well enough to go party with her bf? (Not that she'd be much good to you if she's not.) And where, young lady, is your pepper spray? Hmmm? Mine sprays 12 feet and marks the unfortunate target with UV. I don't remember how much it was, but I remember thinking it was d*mn cheap for that kind of cool. Consider it. Just remember not to play with it indoors.
In that case, Will, you better get some photos when you visit. You can black bar Laura's privates if you want. Or not, we won't mind either way.
me's thinks yous crazy catholic girls ares gonna all end up ins a heaping pile of sexystuffs