fuck college

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so i started this semester on academic probation.
it's been about a week since the semester started and i still need to add a new class.
i missed the first actual day of one of my classes and if i miss more than one more, i'll have to drop the class.
my room mate informed me, over xmas break, that she was moving out, with no prior info to me and i still need to find another girl to room with, since the girl i'd originally planned to room with changed her mind all of the sudden, and so i'm not charged the difference between a double (cheaper) and a single (twice as much), even though my dad already paid for me to be in a double

was hoping to find a picture of him with it photoshopped on there, but no luck

anyways, the semester is starting off alright for you.. new friends, a list of possible people you can room with, classes you like... you'll be alright
No, fuck high school.

oh, this is absolutely not to be contested by anyone.

When I'm travelling home on the bus, and a bunch on highschool kids get on, I want to get up and punch them all in the face. Twice.

Not to mention what I wanted to do to them when I myself was still in high school, but I've mellowed a bit since then.
MajestikMøøse;5792167 said:
College is pretty awesome once if you know what you're doing.

(ie. clearly I don't have a clue either. lets ask Scotsman.)

Well, I don't care for institutions of higher learning very much. I'm going to quit teaching as soon as I can.