fuck college

Many American degrees are laughed at here in Italy. You can't even get a foot in the door if they hear you went to a University that isn't Ivy League quality. The system is different here, and it's more focused on the student and his/her goals. Conversely, I don't think many Italian degrees would be accepted in America due to the fact that the system is completely different; rather than a broad spectrum, they are more focused. Most of them are accepted now because it's about the same as the US system, but five years ago it was a different story.

The level of education is like this: a sophomore in an Italian high school is about the same level as a freshman in an American University...state University, that is.

But you must realize that it depends all on your degree. I'm SURE that the German education system is head and shoulders above that of the US state university system. Why would CERN primarily hire Finnish, German, and Italian scientists?

But then again, a degree doesn't say anything about your level of intelligence.