NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Alright listen, its a weeknight, but it starts at 7 p.m., and the album will be played at 8 p.m. and be done by 9 p.m., so there ain't no reason, unless you work nights, that most people shouldn't be able to come out for two hours with plenty of time to get to bed for work the next morning! So everyone follow Dan's lead and get yer asses on out to the listening party. We're even throwing free beer at ya, for cryin out loud! LOL

Plus, the reason it's tuesday is because that's the day that Delilah's hosts their "Metal Night", because of course no fucking clubs would ever have Metal Night on a Friday or Saturday!!

Well, if I didn't live 3 billion miles away, I would would be a great excuse for taking Wednesday off from work!
KaptainKrude said:
Damn... I've got class until 8:20 that night. Looks like I'm gonna miss the spinning of the album, but it's Metal Night, I'll be there.

Harley is that you? Hell I didn't know you posted on here! Bastard!:loco:

Back to the subject at hand. Ya know, Tuesday nights are my usual beer nights over in Scumbag, but hell this is a listening party with FREE beer to boot. I may have to make my presence known. Heee.
Tweety birds?? lol

I'm not sure if this is any relation to what you're talking about, but the acoustic instrumental "intervene" on "The Knowing" does in fact have birds chirping in the background, and they're real too! Eric was preparing to record this, and he and the engineer Chris decided it would be cool for Eric to try recording this outside the studio. They dragged a microphone outside and Eric sat on the ground and played the whole song in one take pretty much....the mic was so sensitive it actually picked up the sound of birds in a nearby nest, and there you have it. I think it sounds cool, personally. I like birds. Even tweety birds. And that song is nice, it doesn't make you want to slit your wrists. So hopefully you were referring to something else. Okay, I'm off. LOL
chris' face when that tweety bird chirped was amazing. his eyes looked about to explode from the bird's awesomeness- we did a few takes before, but that was the first one the bird chirped on. you can even hear chris toss a small rock at the ground. i think they edited out the part where he walked away at the end for time's sake in mastering.

don't forget there's birds before Dawn Breaks too on OSIaSF. with all the sound effects on that was the album, i thought we'd invented Nature Metal.
Yeah, it was a shame to have to edit the sound of the footsteps on the gravel, but when mastering the disc, we listened to it and realised that 99% of people would think it sounded more like you took a large bite of a spoon of cereal and started chomping on it LOL The effect just wasn't quite "clear" enough for people to get, I guess.
A big grunt of annoyance from me as I'm still only 20 for 4 months still. Otherwise I would be there.Damn me.
As always, it was really great to see you guys and hang out tonight. Thanks for having us all and thanks for the CD and the beer.

This is an excellent album Paul! I'm playing it again as I write this. I wish you guys all the luck in the world with it.

Hopefully I didn't take you away for too long on that little sidetrack. Please accept my apologies if it caused any hiccups.


NK said:
As always, it was really great to see you guys and hang out tonight. Thanks for having us all and thanks for the CD and the beer.

This is an excellent album Paul! I'm playing it again as I write this. I wish you guys all the luck in the world with it.

Hopefully I didn't take you away for too long on that little sidetrack. Please accept my apologies if it caused any hiccups.



Neil, thanks a ton for coming. We had a great time! I'm happy you like the disc too!!

Nothing to apologize for! She was more busting my balls then anything. Dames! Anyway, it was worth it to hear the new Neil! I mean NILE.