CD-R writeup thread

So after Henrik's Behexen campaign some months ago I accepted a CD-R with said band and Satanic Warmaster's two track-MCD "Of the Night" as a bonus, and here are my thoughts on it:

(Bear with me as I'm pretty lousy when it comes to reviewing music; I lack a broader musical horizon and general technical knowledge, but since Henrik is likely the only one who will read the following, it's not that big a deal.)

First of all: I don't like Behexen. That constant blasting of theirs is the major turn off for me. The music feels one-dimensional and only manages to convey feelings of anger and hate, which is not enough. They sometimes manage to make it more interesting with some variation and surprising melodies but most of the time the music is like a fast flowing black river of sounds, like Dark Funeral and their ilk.
Satanic Warmaster are better, I have their latest album Opferblut which was good, but pretty far from spectacular. Here they carry on in the same vein; slow dragging songs with a pretty poignant sorrowful feeling. Good stuff, but those sounds of vomiting at the could have been skipped I think.

Bands just need to stop making songs that don't vary in tempo NOW. How this shit started, I don't know. Metal fans are way too forgiving when it comes to 'cheap-shot' song writing because obviously someone continues to buy this stuff and bands keep producing it.


[computer driven blast beat on]

Play one (maybe two) riffs without any correspondence to drum pattern

[computer driven blast beat off]

End of song.


Apply this to shitty black metal, 90% of melo-death, and most power metal. This same forumla applies to that recent Wintersun album, even if it does feature real drums, who cares, it just pisses me off to no click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click ....that's all it sounds like to me.

With that said, I've never heard Behexen so my comments do not apply to them. :)
Those type of songs are fun one or two times on an album, and best left as shorter tracks. Also, cold pizza is good, Mondays are not.
Gah, I don't agree that Behexen sound one-dimensional or is similar to Dark Funeral at all. True, it may sound like pure noise at the first couple of listens, but there ARE tempo changes etc, "Watchers Of My Black Temple" and "Black Metal Baptism" having some very emotional, cold mid-paced intros, and there are also these "hidden melodies" that I find very interesting. Still, thanks for posting your review. =)
oldy but LOLZ-y

Nokturnal MortEm - The Taste of Victory
well okay, i'm starting to see what people like in these dudes. while i didn't find the whole thing brilliant, an hour or two later i'm stilling humming a few bits in my head so there you go. the title track is AMAZING though. if they have more material like that, i want it.

Mark Lanegan - Bubblegum
well there's an odd one. i've noticed that Lanegan albums get better with repeated listens, so the fact that i loved a track or two (especially #2 with PJ Harvey WOW), means i should pick this up and enjoy the crap out of it.

also i found a CD-R that simply says "LOLZ Joo ARE GHEY!!!I!One!" and... well i think it's probably from Russell. :tickled: i'll spin that one later.