CD-R writeup thread

*Listening now*

"A Bolt of Blazing Gold"...interesting Chris Isaak'ish intro...yeah, it's not typical melo-death per se...hmmm, I'm undecided to be honest....I'll give it another spin later.
I really liked the basswork on The Gallery, that dude is very good.

This song is pretty cool, the vocals are much better. Bass is definitely cool here as well. Female vocals are nice.
Adrian said:
This song is pretty cool, the vocals are much better. Bass is definitely cool here as well. Female vocals are nice.
haha, does NAD know that Friden sang on Skydancer?
Agalloch / Vintersorg / Erik's Ambient Extravaganza - mega fun 3-way happy split

From Which of This Oak (Agalloch)
This is pretty competent for a demo, and will serve as fun listening when I can't get enough Agalloch. Like most demos of bands that became great, it's cool to see where they started from, but not really meant for for daily listening. This Old Cabin is pretty sweet though. What sticks out to me are the drums, which while played competently, they sort of vary in tempo quite a bit. Not sure if the masters were a little screwy or if Haughm is just not the best drummer in the world. :p

some EP? (Vintersorg)
This is okay I guess. The guitars and keyboards are cool, but the drums sound stiff (I think it's a drum machine) and the clean vocals are annoying. Growls are decent. If Vintersorg's other albums are more refined I would probably like them, as the riffs and leads are pretty cool.

Erik, please visit the Pink Floyd thread and buy any one of the albums talked about the most. Seriously. Or at least download the song Echoes from the album Meddle. By the way, this is very cool and probably sounds great really loud through huge speakers. :cool:
Actually I really liked the ambient stuff, that along with This Old Cabin makes this CD-R an:


I could easily see myself falling asleep to the ambient thingy, but at the same the droning bits almost beg for volume. Lull people to sleep at 140dB!
Haha, yep. Around the 3:30 mark for about a minute or so. I got pissed off but since it didn't last long I didn't start crying or killing things.
Desert Sessions - various volumes of Josh Homme (Kyuss/QOTSA) and friends

These are not very good, but I don't think they are really supposed to be. I hear a lot of weird ideas happening on these mostly demo-quality recordings, but what is fun is hearing bits and pieces that later became Queens of the Stone Age songs. If I found these used for cheap I'd pick them up just since I'm a huge Homme fanboy, but they aren't really worth it to a casual fan (especially since they appear to be quite expensive).
Summoning - Stronghold

I must've missed the boat on this one because it seems everyone knows them, and I just barely heard their name. Holy balls are they good. The beautiful synths and overall extremely melodic music plays behind layered screamed vocals that are simply evil. The combination shouldn't work, but it does. On second listen this is already growing by leaps and bounds, I look forward to countless listens of a proper copy of this. The drum instrumental bits remind me of the Cat People soundtrack, one of my all time favorite albums.

By the way I now have 84 CD-Rs. :hypno: If I'm ever in the mood for new music I'll just consult this pile here and shop accordingly.
One Inch Man said:
Desert Sessions - various volumes of Josh Homme (Kyuss/QOTSA) and friends

These are not very good, but I don't think they are really supposed to be. I hear a lot of weird ideas happening on these mostly demo-quality recordings, but what is fun is hearing bits and pieces that later became Queens of the Stone Age songs. If I found these used for cheap I'd pick them up just since I'm a huge Homme fanboy, but they aren't really worth it to a casual fan (especially since they appear to be quite expensive).
I like the most recent album, especially the stuff w/ PJ Harvey.
I like PJ Harvey okay, but I remember being annoyed with her vocals on the DS, oh well.

Arsis - Celebration of Guilt

Melodeth with lots of speed and Cannibal Corpse-ish frills. I probably won't make it past the 5th track, but NOT due to irritation like normal releases of this ilk. I'm just tired of the genre is all. Unmoored needs to release their next album and save melodeth goddammit.
Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice

Hearing about this I thought blah. Seeing that it's frickin' 78 minutes I thought blah. Listening to it I thought... damn, it's pretty good. I haven't listened to all of it yet because it will require a lot of attention, I like the creepy but not scary vibe it has. Seems to lack a little focus so far, but this will probably become a boon on repeated listens because my biggest complaint about a lot of black metal albums is the lack of variety. Good stuff that I look forward to exploring further.
I'm trying to finish up my top 10, so far I have 8 solid entries. :D

Then I'm on to the 20 promos that need to be reviewed in less than two weeks. :hypno:
One Inch Man said:
By the way I now have 84 CD-Rs. :hypno: If I'm ever in the mood for new music I'll just consult this pile here and shop accordingly.
How many of these CDs have you got left to go through? Man, 84 in one big dump - way too much. Anyway, I'm kind of interested to hear your thoughts finally on Meads of fucking Asphodel!!
A lot, I looked at them for the first time in weeks the other night! :erk:

Yeah Meads of Asphodel reminded me a lot of Judas Priest, Norah Jones, and Elvis Costello. Especially that part where they do that thing with the music, and I think they used instruments even. i haven't listened yet i'm a dirty dirty niggerjewchrist
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyeeeeelllllll.... ASPHODEL!
