CD-R writeup thread

JayKeeley said:
Now playing...Ufomammut "Snailking"...2 minutes into Blotch. Someone pass me a fucking bong....
The man has a fucking point. This shit RULES. It sounds like my apartment is caving in on me!

"Well you're dead now, so SHUT UP!" hahahaha great sample.

Seriously this is pretty fucking good. Some of the heaviest shit I've ever heard, has a great groove, and the sparsely used vocals KICK ASS.
Fear Factory - Concrete
I suppose there is a reason I only listened to half of this, one time, a year ago. Pretty much a cheap Scum-era Napalm Death with very occasional great clean vocals. Blah.
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
Second time listening now, not sure what to make of this. I think I can appreciate it on an old style death metal level, but I highly doubt it I'll enjoy it regularly. The riffs are pretty damn cool, but the recording is awful and this really does sound 10 years old (or more). Then again I have been slightly headbanging this entire time... hmm.

EDIT: The more I listen the more I like, I just wish the bass was a little more audible, it's doing some cool stuff way in the background. The brief wind sections (oboe? bassoon? I can't tell) are pretty cool too.
Heh, the snare drum gayness is only rivalled by St. Anger. Do listen to the last 2 bonus tracks, though, they're some of the best stuff Eucharist's done in my opinion, and have very sane production values.
The thing about Velvet Creation is that it's all in the riffs playing alongside Erlandsson's drumming.

If Rust in Peace was the new testament of riffs, A Velvet Creation was like the old testament.

OK, that's not entirely true, but I liked the analogy, heh. I mean, it's one of those things I guess where you recognize the genius in Eucharist when you realize that this shit is older than Opeth, but nobody ever talks about them as much.
JayKeeley said:
I mean, it's one of those things I guess where you recognize the genius in Eucharist when you realize that this shit is older than Opeth, but nobody ever talks about them as much.
I feel sorta like this when listening to Tiamat "The Astral Sleep" which mixes a lot of acoustics, synths, heavy metal melodicism and death metal stuff to great effect... and I think "heh, Tiamat did this in 1991 and yet people act like Opeth invented the heavy/mellow mixture..."
Do people really think Opeth is the first to do that harsh/serene stuff with metal? That's funny.

I breezed through those Eucharist bonus tracks and enjoyed the production, but I'll listen to them separately later because I didn't want to kill the flow of the album. It started to really warm up to me toward the end, good stuff.

BSW: That Snailking album is fucking tits man, I'm almost certain that will end up in my top 10 this year.
NAD said:
Do people really think Opeth is the first to do that harsh/serene stuff with metal? That's funny.

Opeth's massive popularity is pretty recent. It's not like they were this big when they released Morningrise. The people who got into Opeth back in the day may have naturally evolved towards them from listening to previous underground metal acts.

People who got into Opeth really late probably came in from a more generic background. I bet a lot of young kids who have recently jumped on to the Opeth bandwagon probably came in from a Marilyn Manson / Ozzfest / Mallcore / MTV type background.

Note also that Opeth seem to be really popular amongst students and the mallcore crowd. Hardly a demographic that would recognize the existence of Eucharist or Tiamat albums from the early 90s, let alone 70's prog acts like Camel or Jethro Tull.

Shit, even Carcass used acoustic guitars many years ago. :tickled:

You know what I've seen are a lot of people that don't even listen to death metal getting into them, several of my friends included. I've seen the "yeah I don't like the vocals but I got used to them" many times.
A few revisions: Orodruin is kinda average to me now, A Velvet Creation is a fucking wonderful album, and Snailking is poised to be the #1 album this year if I can get my head around each of the 27 minutes of the closing track.
NAD said:
A few revisions: Orodruin is kinda average to me now, A Velvet Creation is a fucking wonderful album, and Snailking is poised to be the #1 album this year if I can get my head around each of the 27 minutes of the closing track.
That's cool. Out of interest, what was the turning point in Eucharist?
The turning point was when it started kicking ass. :p

Volume did wonders to that album, and honestly I think it was the bonus tracks that finally sold me, as soon as they were over I hit play again and realized nearly every riff was just incredible.
Warhorse - whatever BSW-branded CD-R is spinning
This is cool man, back to basics HERE'S SOME MASSIVE RIFFS LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. I don't know if this stuff will be memorable in the morning, but it sure is grooving my ass off now.

Oh yeah and one of the jewel cases you sent me just became home for my Yob promo, first Y band in my collection. :D
Acid King - whatever album BSW burned me
Only on the first track so these are initial thoughts, but this is good shit! Sounds like this actually recorded in the 70's (except it's a bit too heavy for anything much more than a decade old I'm guessing), I have no idea how old this is though. Old fashioned stoner with a Perry Farrell-like dude on vocals. How could you go wrong with that?

EDIT: Looky there, San Francisco natives. Shoulda known they'd kick my ass. :loco:

EDITIDITIDS: Coming in toward the end. Fuck yeah, this is gooooooood shit. I want to get high and spin it again, but I plann on getting some reading done tonight so it'll have to wait. No I don't have a problem reading while stoned/drunk but it's no coincidence those passages are a complete blank to me the next day. :D