Cello cover of "Allure of the Earth"


Boom King
Aug 24, 2006
Hellbourne, Australia
Sebastian Simpson and Chris Doig play "Allure of the Earth" on cello!

I'm a good friend of Seb, and he's one of the best young cellists in Australia. We used to do Apocalyptica covers with a couple of other guys a while ago, but when I heard about this tribute album, I decided that Allure of the Earth was going to be a perfect song for an all cello cover.

Seb plays all of the backing parts (which are REALLY hard!!) and I play the vocal melody. Even though he's a million times better than me on cello, I know the song a lot better than he does (I sing it EVERYWHERE!) so I did the vocal melody line.

Feedback is welcome.

:worship: That's just sick.......the cellos convey the feeling of the song brilliantly. You could drown in the sorrow of those strings..... Just really, really damned beautiful. I don't know what else to say :worship:
Honestly man, perfect. Awesome tuning and everything, really well planned out clearly. As good as I could imagine it really.
This is TERRIBLE! How DARE you desecrate this music like this?

Naw, great job, the atmosphere of this thread was just FAR too positive for a bit :p
This is TERRIBLE! How DARE you desecrate this music like this?

I have to admit that I think Chris and Sebastien's version is BETTER than the original!!! :worship: I absolutely love what you guys did! + Your attention to detail is dead-on! :kickass:

This MUST be heard!

DG - \w/

PS - someone make sure this gets played at my funeral when they lower my casket into the ground (HEAVIEST MOMENT EVER!!!). :heh:
How strange! I hope it works tomorrow. Otherwise I'll re-upload it somewhere.

I have to admit that I think Chris and Sebastien's version is BETTER than the original!!! :worship: I absolutely love what you guys did! + Your attention to detail is dead-on! :kickass:

This MUST be heard!

DG - w/

PS - someone make sure this gets played at my funeral when they lower my casket into the ground (HEAVIEST MOMENT EVER!!!). :heh:

Most humongous compliment ever. I'm humbled!
That was excellant - it's one of those pieces that I can completely imagine in some soundtrack as main theme. Great work.
yes i would love for someone to upload it elsewhere or perhaps email me the tune fuge @ gatesofwinter.com

thank you! i am anxious to hear this!!