The Allure of the Earth 7" Vinyl - NOW SHIPPING!

Mine came in the mail yesterday as well. Haven't had a chance yet to give it a spin, but the art is beautiful. mentioned some time ago about an idea to put the first three albums on a vinyl box set. Does the success of this release mean that might eventually become a reality? :Saint:

THIS PLEASE! TAKE MY MONEY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mentioned some time ago about an idea to put the first three albums on a vinyl box set. Does the success of this release mean that might eventually become a reality?

Would love to, and we probably will eventually. These things just take time to do, correctly. It becomes a balance of available investment money to be divided between re-issuing the past when necessary and writing new music, when ready. WOODS OF YPRES really does follow an old set of plans that I conjured up years ago, when I first defined the vision for the career of the band for at least the first 10 years. Though so much has changed, continues to change and will change around us, my objectives concerning the number and type of WOODS albums I want to make in the future remain much the same. I still want to do more full albums (and not start to try to write 'singles' or anything), despite the trends of the current music market, etc... and we will. I don't mind roughing it for the next few years to allow the rest of the music to become a reality. It's more than worth it to me. The time is now! :kickass:

We intend on doing much, much more! There's no shortage of inspiration. There's brand new, post-Woods 4 stuff (and beyond) already ready to go! It's just time and money that needs to be arranged.
It's a cold, rainy, dreary day here in Moncton as I played the record. Dave you should have shipped these with razors as the cello version is truly haunting and depressing. Really a beautiful piece of music though.