Chain Microphone Stand


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I don't care if anyone thinks it's gay...

My singer has a mic stand that he has adorned with various stupid things, part of which is some chain strapped to it with hose clamps. We hate this thing because he likes to shake his mic stand onstage in rhythm with the music (ok, fine) but with the chains on it, they always make a bunch of racket that makes us go out of time on occasion (not fine!).

I was thinking about having a silly chain mic stand made for him ala Zakk Wylde. He's not the only one to have ever used such a thing, so I'd imagine it couldn't be too hard to find someone that does it. I googled and all that, one guy who makes em has decided to stop making them because not enough people were ordering them.

OR has anyone made/had one made of their own and can give tips on how they had it constructed and all that?
Not even... take the end bit of an old micstand and weld that to the top (or wrap some chains around it then weld) and then for the base, wrap the chain in a circle and weld those together. Doesn't need to be height adjustable - it's for one dude!
Cheap wire fed mig welder will do the trick, so long as the chain you want to use isn't stainless steel.
i know a place where to get them but they're pretty expensive :cry:, just type in on google the rebel trading company
I know it's old and shit, but I don't care... it's also slightly off topic, but w/e...

When I was my old band in GA one of the bands we toured with had a mic stand made out of a laquered bull penis... I shit you not....

Fucking weird...
