Chameleon Labs 7720 and FP 10 HELP


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Hey fellas I have a problem im hoping someone can help me resolve. Im mixing a couple projects at the moment, and im having issues with running my CL 7720 as an external FX insert in nuendo. The problem is, On the 2 bus, when the CL is inserted the L & R channel level varies, ex left side is louder than the right constantly.

How I have the external FX routed in nuendo - Send = output 5-6 on the FP 10. Input 1-2 on the CL, Output 1-2 CL, Then into input 8-9 on the FP10

I have tested all my cables and such, cant figure this shit out for the life of me, any help would be greatly appreciated :worship:
Are you plugin it through the mic inputs in the front? I'm not sure how the FP works but it seems like 1 to 8 would be the front inputs of the FP10 and your saying your plugged into the 8 and 9.

I have a 7720 as well and a JDK R22 which can also be stereo linked and i don't have that problem. Only thing i can think of is you might be plugged into one of the inputs that has a preamp that cannot be bypassed. My LS56 works similar way, the leveling amp cannot be bypassed even if you use the line inputs in the back. The thing that sucks is 0 is not the unity gain but -15db i believe so you have to manually balance 2 channels if you want to use it with stereo hardware. This is really not ideal so i got an ADI-8 and solved that problem.

Just try switching the cables around and see if the higher level changes sides. That should tell you one of your channels has more gain than the other. If that doesn't work then you may have a defective unit.
Thanks for the reply man.

Yeah 8-9 was a typo, they are actually in 7-8. I believe you are right now that i looked at the presonus manual all the way down on the FP10 preamp is -15db, so would misway be 0db?
This is from the Presonus manual...could this be my issue?

Line Inputs/Preamp Outputs. The FIREPOD features ¼” TRS balanced Send and Return jacks on
Channels 1 and 2. These jacks are labeled as Preamp Output (SEND) and Line Input (Return). These
connectors will accept either balanced (TRS – Tip Ring Sleeve) ¼” cables or unbalanced TS (Tip Sleeve)
¼” cables. These connectors allow the use of external processors such as reverbs, de-essers, limiters,
EQ’s, etc. Simply connect the Preamp Output jack, balanced or unbalanced to the input of the external
processor. Then connect the FIREPOD’s Line Input jack to the output of the external processor. The signal
is now routed out of the FIREPOD, into the external processor, then back into the FIREPOD. The final,
processed signal will be available to record now. The Line Input can also be used as a standard line level
input for devices that do not require pre-amplification (such as a CD player, drum machine, sampler and
If your gonna use it that way you could run a mono sine wave through the CL7720 and manually balance both channels using the pots. I would suggest getting an AD/DA converter though if you intend on using hardware. Such a setup is not really not ideal and you can easily find some decent converters for relatively cheap on ebay if your patient enough and snatch a deal at the right moment. I grabbed my ADI-8 for £375 by doing a best offer. My monitoring and recordings have improved, although only slightly but still an appreciable difference and i don't have to mess around with the levels trying to "calibrate" channels when using outboard gear.
If your gonna use it that way you could run a mono sine wave through the CL7720 and manually balance both channels using the pots.

Yesterday i ran a mono test tone like you suggested, and balanced each channel, then moved back to my mix and exported it with the CL as an insert on the master buss, then i ran the loudness analysis on the mix using wavelab....and the right channel was still mismatched with a 2 db difference...:mad: sucks to have such an expensive paperweight.
thanks for the suggestions so far man, its appreciated
Have you checked your mix to make sure the difference isn't there? If a mono source shows even on the meters but then it doesn't once you pass your mix through it without changing anything my guess would be that the problem is in the mix.
Here are a couple screenshots. I had sine wave running as a track. Keep in mind these screens are not with me balancing manually

VST External FX routing window

Master buss with the CL 7720 as an insert bypassed

Master buss with the CL 7720 engaged