change in tastes


Master Exploder
Lately I have been listening to alot of stuff I used to play all the time, and haven't listened to in ages (months/years). It is weird how your tastes change and you don't even notice until you look back. I still generally like all the stuff I once did, but it just doesn't seem as good as it used too...I dunno.

I have just chucked on Slayer for the first time in a long time, but I am enjoying them. :D

Anyone have any bands they used to really love, but now could do without? The main one I can think of for me would be Machine Head. I used to worship their first two albums, and then when they started to go off the rails I just stopped playing the older stuff, and don't really get into it anymore. It still rocks, but just lost its edge. I dunno, I will shut up now, hehe. :)
I used to listen to Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and Poison a lot. I still do though, so that doesnt count :D

I did own a New Kids On The Block cassette though, im not into them now though, after they released Step By Step I thought they were a bunch of sellouts :D
As sad as it is for me to say this, I havn't listened to Dio for over a year. :cry:
I used to love so many bands that now,i pawned the cd's for the sole reason that once i give up on a band,i can never go back,some sorta weird mental thing.
I used to love Def Leppard, Gunners and Bon Jovi when I was 8. I still do :D

Old Metallica doesn't impress me as much as it used to, maybe coz James' voice now reminds me of the new stuff.
My tastes changed mid-1990s. I started getting into SoCal pop-punk and black metal at the same time, cos I'd gotten bored with death metal at the time. It helped me give a few of those death metal and traditional metal bands a bit of a rest. I like 'em all again now.
I'd love it if James and Lars browsed all these discussion boards, then they might see just what people think of them at the moment.

And they'd see that nearly everyone seems to say "I used to listen to Metallica heaps but not anymore" and realise that they've fucked up.
Yeah, I know what you mean Troops, but they have totally lost the hunger you need to make truly great albums, they are just coasting into retirement now sadly :(
Even if you didnt like Slayers new one, at least they still have that aggression factor to them that makes their music so great, Metallica dont have it at all anymore :cry:
They are probably browsing Korn message boards where people are saying "Metallica fuckin rock,I love their 1st cd but,The black album,thats the heaviest"

and then thinking,hey,were on to something here.