Channel Strip


So, is there any adjustments to be made with the new tube? Just swap the tubes? It's that easy?!

No adjustments. This is really only worth it if you're going to use a good NOS tube. The JAN 6072 triple mica is a good tube for this application. If you can find a 5-star GE 6072, that would be even better.
I turn that on, and it doesn't affect the input at all...

It's not supposed to. It's only for monitoring purposes and that's what you wanted right? Post a screenshot of your mix window with the input channel (open at far left) and the other channels and we'll get you rolling.
Right, I just want the vocalist to hear his voice being compressed when he is performing, but still record the raw un-processed audio.


That's what I thought. However, there is no change at all in the headphones. Also, I'm not sure if this is correct (remember from ProTools days), shouldn't I see the meters on RComp jumping while tracking? Or no?

Bizarre....for all intensive purposes it should be working. I track using this method.

Maybe check the routing on the headphones? If they're connected to a separate output on your soundcard you can try routing a send from the master bus to the headphone output and see if that makes a difference in monitoring the inserts.
Bizarre....for all intensive purposes it should be working. I track using this method.

Maybe check the routing on the headphones? If they're connected to a separate output on your soundcard you can try routing a send from the master bus to the headphone output and see if that makes a difference in monitoring the inserts.

That's pretty much eliminated I think. Since the meters in RComp isn't moving during tracking, which they should.

But, I think you can set the monitoring mode to pre and post. And judging from this it's set to pre.
Hah - I just tried to grab the RComp on your screenshot and move it! :hypno:

A 2.5:1 ratio is probably not gonna be real audible in the cans while tracking. Put a delay or something on there instead for testing purposes...

Are you sure that "direct monitoring" is unchecked?
I applied a delay plug-in to the track, and went through a series of trials.

I changed the "Auto Monitoring" setting between all four options, and on each one I tested it with and without the little monitor icon lit up on the channel. Nothing happened. Sounded the same. :(

WEEEEEE I unchecked "Direct Monitoring" in the "Device Setup" menu for my 8Pre. Now I can hear the RComp working. Yay. Thanks guys.
