Channel Strip


Jan 10, 2005
Best *cheap* one on the market? Looking through SweetWater's most recent catalog I'm going back and forth between Focusrite's VoiceMaster, TrakMaster, PreSonus' Eureka, and ART's Pro Channel. The main intent for this is to run vocals into it and then on to the 8Pre since plug-ins don't work in real-time with Cubase. Alongside these options I have been looking at a ReallyNicePreamp+ReallyNiceCompressor combo...although that would be more expensive than any of the units I'm looking at. But probably a LOT better, haha. Anyway...

Now, with the Focusrite stuff, I know they have a tendency to sound pretty sterile/thin, however we used a VoiceMaster at the studio I worked at and never really had a problem with the vocals having those characteristics. Dunno why. And with ART stuff...well it's fucking cheap, almost in Behringer's league. That's my only thought to ART stuff. And then there is the PreSonus Eureka. Not much to say about it from my end.

I know some of you guys are using ART stuff (CJWall if I remember correctlly?). Any words? Anybody using or has used the Focusrite or PreSonus ones? Anything cheaper but good quality that I'm missing? Or maybe I'm an idiot and there is a way to use plug-ins on the input sources in real-time in Cubase. Maybe?

i've never used anything from ART but recently picked up a Eureka and I really dig it.

The pre sounds good and it has alot of very useful options; variable impedance, a decent compressor for tracking vocals, hi-pass filter, and the metering is fairly decent.

BTW, you can use plug-ins realtime in Cubase, I do it all the time.

Just insert the plug-in on the input channel of whatever source you're tracking, and add plugs as usual.

You'll have to monitor through Cubase, but as long as your latencies are manageable it shouldn't be a problem.
Hmm, I'll have to snoop around the settings. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, I'm referring to using, for example, RComp on vocals while they are tracking them. As to hear their vox through the headphones, haha. So far it's been dry, un-processed vocals while recording, then as soon as I play them back everything kicks in.

Hmm, maybe it wasn't you Charlie....errrr I'm thinking it was Splat now...fuck I don't remember.

Hmm, I'll have to snoop around the settings. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, I'm referring to using, for example, RComp on vocals while they are tracking them. As to hear their vox through the headphones, haha. So far it's been dry, un-processed vocals while recording, then as soon as I play them back everything kicks in.

Uncheck "direct monitoring" and put the compressor on the channel that's being recorded - that way you won't be recording the effected signal but your vocalist will hear it in the cans.
So, as far as getting plug-ins to effect the input during tracking, however without recording the would I go about getting that to work?

Getting a channel strip for vocals is a good idea anyway. Most singers perform better monitoring with a bit of compression on their vocals. The compressor on the channel strip will also allow you to get a good vocal into your DAW without peaking. Vocalists always get excited and get louder than they expected they would be, or move closer to the mic without realizing it, etc. Having a comp on the way in catching the peaks helps for sure.

Of those you listed, the ART Pro Channel is the only one I would consider. If you get the ART, drop an NOS tube in there.
Try clicking on the monitor icon (little speaker) on track. By the looks of that screenshot you don't have that enabled.
Getting a channel strip for vocals is a good idea anyway. Most singers perform better monitoring with a bit of compression on their vocals. The compressor on the channel strip will also allow you to get a good vocal into your DAW without peaking. Vocalists always get excited and get louder than they expected they would be, or move closer to the mic without realizing it, etc. Having a comp on the way in catching the peaks helps for sure.

Of those you listed, the ART Pro Channel is the only one I would consider. If you get the ART, drop an NOS tube in there.


So, is there any adjustments to be made with the new tube? Just swap the tubes? It's that easy?!
@sparky - but see, I turn that on, and it doesn't affect the input at all...
