Charlie Benante update on Worship Music

I think they should change the name to 'Worship Metal' or something totally different, because when you do a 'Worship Music' search on the web all this religious music stuff pops up.

That band staind made an album called "Dysfunction" I think Anthrax should use the same name for this new album. Maybe just call it Anthrax - "Dysfunctional"
I never knew Ben Elton had been in Anthrax. Come to think of it, he does look a bit like Charlie so that explains why he did actually record Worship Music with them and take a big shit on bass player Frank Bello's naked back.

there's also the version that Frank shit-faced shat on Donnie's back for revenge. Anthrax change your name to THE BACKSHIT BOYS and release some new music finally. album title: Who shatted? release date: next life
Who told you that? Just curious. I'm in contact with a guy who's told me he's "working on leaking it" but I doubt it would be that easy.

Charlie, Rob, Frank...those are the three I talked to in Columbus and they all pretty much echoed the sentiment that they don't even like to mention Dan Nelson...they want to basically put the guy behind them and give him no extra publicity whatsoever.
Charlie, Rob, Frank...those are the three I talked to in Columbus and they all pretty much echoed the sentiment that they don't even like to mention Dan Nelson...they want to basically put the guy behind them and give him no extra publicity whatsoever.

Interesting. I've noted on Dan's facebook page that he's still "friends" on there with Charlie and Rob, but Scott has been removed.
They should fire Caggiano for suggesting/recommending Shitbreak Nelson in the first place. Bring back Spitz. Spitz's solo work on Alive 2 is nothing short of amazing. Great tone, feel and it just pairs well with Joeys vocals.

Ian revealed that three songs are finished, 'I'm Alive,' 'Earth on Hell' and 'Fight 'Em Till You Can't' -- which the band has played live numerous times and is actually a Nelson-era song. The outed frontman called the band "thieves" via Twitter and Facebook back in October for misuse of his lyrics and melody, claiming the version recorded for 'Worship Music' was more metal.
Earth On Hell is a Nelson era song too.

I always thought that name would also be a cool title for the record when it eventually sees the light of day. Worship Music was ok, but it's been around a little too long now and hasn't been released as we all know and hate.... Earth on Hell has a cool ring to me.