Charlie's words


Dec 16, 2002
Holy shit - I just heard What Doesn't Die on the Nuclear Blast site - and like others I'm amazed by it - it is fuckin unreal and I cannot wait to buy the full album.

Just wanted to back up Charlie - I know there must be many of us on the site who may've heard parts of WCFYA - and for the true fans - that's cool, because its a taste-test for what we're gonna be buying soon.

To the others like Charlie mentioned who download the album - fuck you. You wouldn't dare break into Scott or Charlie or Frank's house and take their stuff - no don't be a gutless prick and steal it off the net. They've worked too fuckin hard for you to purge it off the web.

There I've said my piece - Merry Xmas and enjoy the record when it comes out next year.
Nothing wrong with downloading it and purchasing a copy, my friend. The release date is April 1st for most of us, which, to overdramatize it is---unbearable. I'm ordering the Japanese copy so I'll have that to tide me over.

I've never "stolen" from Anthrax and I don't plan on starting.
Nah Dude I agree with you. If you download and then buy then cool, as I said.

It's these other fucks who ONLY download from the web and have no intention of buying that shit me off.

I think you miss the point. The only people that should determine how and when an album is accessible to you is the band that made it. No one has the right to take that album, rip it and put it online for others to download...regardless of their best intention to buy the album when it releases. I could give a crap about some record label, this is the BAND's right to decide. If they want you to be able to download it, they'll put some MP3s up for themselves. Do you think the band's best interests are served by you or anyone making it available on Kazaa or giving people access to it. Does everyone abide by your requirement that they promise to buy it when it comes out?

All musicians work their asses off to put music out there that fans will love. Charlie, Scott, Frankie, John and Rob have done the same. When you rip their music and put it online or email it to friends you are disrespecting their talents and efforts. I don't buy the argument that you can't wait until the official release. Look, they WANT you to have the album. They didn't pour their guts into their music to keep it to themselves.

I don't know how you define stealing, but the way I see it, you are in possession of something that you weren't meant to have and have broken the law, right or wrong, by downloading the the files. However, much worse to me is that by ripping the CD and sharing it, you are lessening the value of their efforts. Show some respect!

True fans love the music and respect the artist. True artists respect their fans.

That's the end of that.

For those of you who didnt read them - here are Charlies words ( again) - listen guys what he says is from the heart, and if we all like what this band does then please do as he asks!!

" I also want to take the time to ask our fans PLEASE NOT TO DOWNLOAD the new ANTHRAX record, it'll break my heart. You would be cheating yourself anyway, the inside booklet and the cover have some killer artwork and lyrics that you won't find anyplace but there. I think Metal is alive and well and this record is proof. We've worked very hard on this album, I think the music I've written is some of the best yet. I really think you're going to dig it."

Because I am fortunate enough to know the guys in the band I really do know what this means to all of them - so come on and give them the break that they deserve - lets not see any more offers of downloads etc - if you are lucky enough to have a cipy of the album or some tracks then just keep them to yourself - its only a few weeks until the real deal hits the shops!!

Please wait everyone!!!
im waiting i've heard super hero i've only ever downloaded one album and thats pure rock fury by clutch but i ordered it later that day but i do download the tracks that don't get on albums
when audiogalaxy was up there was loads of b-sides and live tracks

febuary will be here before you no it look how quick this year has gone
new king diamond album next year aswell 2003 is gonna be one hell of a year
Wow, Anthrax are worried about their bottom line. Wonder how many actual 'sales' will be lost because of the downloading? I hope the new one is not catchy power metal, thats reason enough for people to not go buy it after hearing it. If Anthrax wants to make money they should add more aggression to their music, or write 'goo goo dolls' ballads. Kids these days don't want to hear catchy power metal, and if Anthrax can't reach this younger audience then Anthrax will just be selling to us. No sales increase.
I agree, with most of you. . . I will download some songs, , ,just cause I cant take it !!!!! Its been 4years since new Anthrax was out !!!!! I just ordered my Japan copy myself . . .!!!!

mp3's should serve the purpose of giving you a taste of someone's music and to make you buy an original record and discard the mp3's afterwards...

downloading the whole album ? never would I do it because not paying for someone else's piece of work is stealing. yes, I do have a cd-burner but it serves me mostly for making music compilations so I don't have to listen to filler stuff or for storing files - burning an entire album, never have I done or will because it's simply wrong... And to all those fucks who put entire albums of bands to share on Kazaa/Morpheus/Audiogalaxy, may the phrase "We've come for you all" be something that the cops say to you very soon.
As I have said in the past, I want Anthrax to continue to make kickass music many years to come, so I really hope that if this new album is as good as the guys claim it to be, people will by the new album like crazy and keep them employed. On the other hand there have been many bands that have promised thier fans "this is the best/heaviest record we have ever done" just to hype the album more than it is really worth when in all actuallity there are a couple of good tracks and the rest is just uncreative filler. People can end up getting burned and lets face it, $15-20 a CD is overkill to begin with being that it only costs a dollar at the most to create a single CD! Also, once you have opened a CD you can't return it so the customer gets royally screwed! As far as being able to listen to the CD at listening stations and such before you buy it, how many of you want to bet that there will be no listening stations set up for the new Anthrax record? Also, I really doubt radio will even touch the new album (no offense to the guys but radio sucks and plays watered down pop rock music and they stray from playing heavy metal alot of the time). Sure, you could go to a type of website to listen, but how many people access the internet? There wouldn't be as much exposure there either. I am sorry, I have to somehow hear this new album when it comes out before I buy. I can't afford to lose $20 dollars on an album that could be full of filler. I got burned when I bought Load by Metallica thinking it was going to be a heavy metal album. Boy was I dissapointed, and I felt like an ass for taking a risk like that. I refuse to buy an album before I know what the music sounds like.
Charlie has to stop this girly talk, didn't do Offspring any harm that the song "pretty fly...."was downloaded a million times, theire record sales went sky high. Every member on this board will spend all theire money on the new release, no matter how many downloads they've made. Look at it this way Chief, some people will download the cd, they think it fuckin kicks ass and they go to see the LIVE show!!!How's that for promotion!!!

BTW Charlie's not a girl!!He's the drumoctopussy from HELL!!!!
Stickmaster/Mixmaster no one can do it better!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do download music, but its mostly from bands I love (Like Megadeth and Anthrax) yet have gotten around to buy a certain CD and will eventually buy that CD, So I download to get my "quick fix" of them...

That was one big run-on sentence :lol:
i dont see any harm in downloading.i have sent songs to friends i have met on the net and have been trying to spread the word,there cant be any harm in that,if they dig the anthrax i have sent them u are looking at many more albums being sold.

the net should be used as a tool to advertise and get maximum exposure!!!

i have spent thousands over the years supporting anthrax all tapes most records all cds including jap releases singles etc.

and to think if a mate hadnt copied me state of euphoria many years ago i probably wouldnt even know who the fuck anthrax were,they have said themselves most people have forgotten about them,i really think record companies should allow bands to put a few new songs on the net just to keep the hype there.

i am fairly new to the net, but i have enjoyed dl new bands music and trying before i buy,nothing worse than buying an album and there is only 2 good songs and all the rest suck,aaaaaaa fuck i need a beer after that lol.
I haven't heard one song off new cd, never heard their 9/11 song, nor was able to see them yet performing new material and come April 1, I will be going to store or ordering online from the end records or whomever has it available and listening to it for the first time.
looks like Sir Charles is on the wrong side of the stick with this one. It doesn't matter download yes or no we are all in it for the Trax and we all want this album to be a big succes and see them tour around the world for at least the next 5 years!!!!!!!!!and bring out more music in the future, without all the label problems.MOSH IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since a certain member of thid board is giving me a promo. I have no reason to down load. However I intend to buy the new album the day it comes out. The problem with dowmn loading will not be here, most of us are loyal fans. THe problem will be other folks down loading and not paying for it. I think in order to attract more fans, special features should be on the album that are more difficult to down load.
charlie's talking about the actual album not the promo. So make sure you guys aren't agianst spreading the promo. Thats what it's for. otherwise people can't hear it. I know stealing from someone is wrong. but it's like a trailer for a movie. take death to smoochie for example. I know it's a devito movie so I would see it whether I had not seen the trailer or not. But there are those who either haven't liked Devito movies or never seen one so for them they need to see the preview to decide whether or not they want to see it. with the new Anthrax, they have the promo that they released. If people who have never heard it don't hear it there will be no chgance that they would even concider it.