Cheap 2x12 Dilemma...


New Metal Member
May 18, 2009
Hi, Im looking to buy a cheap 2x12 mainly for home use.

It will be used with an ENGL e530->Gmajor->Rocktron Velocity little rack and I play classic/speed/power metal.

I am between the Laney GS212IE

and the Harley Benton G212 Vintage

The laney comes with 8ohm celestion seventy/80s and the Benton with Celestion V30s.
I am thinking that the V30s are the obvious favourites, however I am kind of skeptical about the cab's overall Quality. The Laney seems better built as a cab, but seventy/80s don't seem to get much love..

Which one would you go for and why?
The Benton cab actually has gotten a fair amount of love on here, so I'd definitely go for that if I were you!