Cheap room treatment for vox recording


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
hi guys just need advice about treating my room with a cheapiset way - for vocal recordings...

i got usual room here with a wood floor... any ideas? im a newbie in treatments - so dont have any ideas...
This may be a really dumb idea, but I have quite a large wooden wardrobe, I'm tempted to either sing 'into it', or....haha, I'm laughing as I'm writing this.....unload the clothes and close myself in with the mic. I'd like to hear some proper suggestions on this topic though.
You can actually order Fleshlights by the case. A few cases will be enough to help diffuse and absorb unwanted sounds. They're easy to setup and can even be removed easily.

PROTIP: There are many different colors, so be sure to choose ones that compliment your studio for a clean, professional look.
so its 5 planes in total?

something like that?
/ \
| |

is ot possible to use 4 or 3 planes? for the place economy:
something like that / \
This may be a really dumb idea, but I have quite a large wooden wardrobe, I'm tempted to either sing 'into it', or....haha, I'm laughing as I'm writing this.....unload the clothes and close myself in with the mic. I'd like to hear some proper suggestions on this topic though.

Not that bad of an idea, but you don't need to take the clothes out, it would work better putting the mic in there with the clothes behind it, and sing into it. hang some thick blankets from the open doors to get rid of reflections from that.

closing yourself in a wooden box to record vocals doesn't work very well....unless its a coffin....then that's true black metal...but you can't use a have to scream loud enough to get your words embedded in the tape. :headbang:

fistula said:
you mean - just to make some bass traps?
like here?

Yeah a couple of them around the singer in a semi circle with a carpet below should work really well. are some examples of store bought products for this, but the panels I built would work as well with the proper mounting. I hang mine from mic stands.
just got problems with isolation material - i live in Russia - searched throughout the internet - cant find the material that you've used in your example...
I know, it can be really difficult finding a good substitute, since everyone talks about OC and similar US-only products. After searching long and hard I found that for example Isover's Isotec KVL, which is available here, should be good enough for acoustic panels. It's about 90e per a pack of six 2" 120x120cm panels.
Not very professional, but I've had perfectly good results from hanging a sleeping bag behind the mic, as long as the singers back isn't up against the wall it should be ok.
Try some of the links here:

I'm using OFI because it's local and cheaper than OC

after looking through the info on there, i think i might check out some of the johns-manville rigid boards...not only does my work sell JM products(which means i get an employee discount), but if worst comes to worst, they have their factory and some offices like 1/2 a mile from my place...i'm sure there's some way i can get it that will end up being cheaper than having to order 703 panels.
wow man thanks for link - didnt saw this thread - me think that is the better solution - than big bass traps))