cheap travel


Feb 8, 2003
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er... sorry i need help with an assignment. now that you know what this thread is about, you can hit backspace :p

can you guys think of things a person might do to 'experience' travel without actually travelling (because he's too cheap)?

i need feedback urgently, should have posted earlier but i didn't want to spam. now i have no choice ;)

thanks in advance.
i think you should be a little more specific and point out whether you're talking about/have taken heavy drugs or not. :p

i'm not sure what kind of answer you need. simulations of travelling can be found in science fairs or some museums. it also depends if you focus on the journey side of travel or on the visiting sites aspect.

today everyone wants to be in a freezer, i reckon you have a point. i also think that you could try driving around in your home country; it's cheap, or at least cheaper than going abroad, and most people tend to overlook the beauties of their own land because they want to go elsewhere. i am sure that there is some historical site or natural park or exceptional beach or nice mountain somewhere close to where you live; pack your bags and go there, for a day-trip if you don't want to spend any money.
rahvin said:
i think you should be a little more specific and point out whether you're talking about/have taken heavy drugs or not. :p

har :p

alright, i'll try to explain. it's an ad campaign for budget travel. something that translates well into print media will be great, although i'm open to any suggestion.

yes, i know it's my assignment but i've reached a sort of dead end in my train of thought for now. maybe someone has a different point of view that has never crossed my mind.
so the surrogate for expensive travel ought to appear in a positive light, right? hmmm...

maybe you could try making references to traditionally cheap things, only revisited as "travelling" experiences - even if they are not. for instance, if fast food were something you could use (and i can imagine how they're not, but it's the first thing that comes to my mind) you might want to show people grabbing a bag of exotic products in a foreign-looking, fast-food-like shop. then again, i'm as ad-creative as a very sad mongoose, so you can ignore my suggestions. :)

lol, a sad mongoose? nah! all ideas are good. even if you (a general 'you') think it isn't, something brilliant could come out of it.

thanks for the suggestion, rahvin. i'll try to work on that.
Caelestia said:

er... sorry i need help with an assignment. now that you know what this thread is about, you can hit backspace :p

can you guys think of things a person might do to 'experience' travel without actually travelling (because he's too cheap)?

i need feedback urgently, should have posted earlier but i didn't want to spam. now i have no choice ;)

thanks in advance.
don't know, perhaps daydreaming?

nothing better comes to my mind right now sowwy :erk:

hope it's not too late, if it's not please try to explain a bit more in case we can help, if it's too late please tell us what happened in the end. :)
Caelestia said:
har :p

alright, i'll try to explain. it's an ad campaign for budget travel. something that translates well into print media will be great, although i'm open to any suggestion.

yes, i know it's my assignment but i've reached a sort of dead end in my train of thought for now. maybe someone has a different point of view that has never crossed my mind.

My grandparents used to travel 13 miles from their house to a campground for vacation. That can't be too expensive, lol.
Lethe78 said:
My grandparents used to travel 13 miles from their house to a campground for vacation. That can't be too expensive, lol.

not if you drive us all the way to your parents' house first. we'll manage the last 13 miles on our own, thank you. :p
