cheaper reamping - just a thought...


New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2007
hi there!

i am looking for a cheaper way to do reamping at home (combined with impulse responses).
sad but true, my recording interface has only 270k inputs, so i am going to buy a DI box (thinking of a palmer pan-02 with 1M) or maybe a tube preamp (ART tube MP project with 1M, not sure about the usability for reamping though...).

so the input is the one thing... back to the amp there is the other - the radial x-amp has a kind of special way of transformation: from 600 ohms to 10k, unlike normal passive DIs with 600 to about 60k (seen in reverse).
my guess is that this may be part of the problem why this special reamping boxes are needed for good results.
so what about taking a good, normal DI like a palmer pan-01 with 68k and adding resistors to get closer to 10-20k?

sorry if i am completely wrong, but maybe there is a possibility i am right? :notworthy

and again, please excuse my english writing (i am from austria).

dude if your looking to reamp with impulses get a direct box and revalver mkII guitar simulator plugin. Then you just record a clean guitar track from direct box and then slap on revalver mkII with a nice impulse and bam thats your cheap way to reamp.. I do this with bands and if i can't get a good tone recording i can def get one with revalver when i bring home to mix!!

But in all honesty its just as expensive to just buy a reamp and direct box:goggly:
i would like to use my mesa rectifier because it is such a nice sounding amp... :)
anyway, after my trip to tenerife i am gonna do some testing with my current equipment. maybe i am in luck and get tones like they are posted in this forum... :)