1. Glenn, Jen. I love you both tremendously, and though I didn't run into Glenn this year, I am passing along my love for you man. I got to see you fabulous wife, so at least I was able to enrich her life a little
2. Milton. I know what this man went through over the past year for this whole thing, and I could not be prouder of what you accomplished.
3. The rest of the crew. I know most of you personally, and that really makes me feel more like I'm part of this big crazy family making machine than a fan who has yet to make that transition. We all give you props on running the show but none of you get the props for putting on a smile and being celebs all weekend. I see it every year, and you guys have your own fans, as much or more than any band here, and you're just as phenomenal. I love you all.
4. Orden Ogan (Or Octopus Orgy!) - The only band I really was excited about from the announcement last year. I'm sorry everyone, there ain't no metal like German Power Metal. Best Set Award imo.
5. Manda, Kris, Greg. You guys are my crew. This fest would be nothing without you for me.
6. Matt Moliti. Are you him?
7. Truely Great Cupcakes. I think one of my favorite parts of Progpower these past few years is sharing with everyone, and these cupcakes RUUUULE.
8. Shout outs to those I love: Su, Matt, Alicia, David, Lars, Tess, Claus, Cam, Brian, Meg, Jamie, Urban, Phish, Paul, Steve, Dave, Justin, Anne Marie, All the Patricks.. fuckin... fuck you know who you are. I love you. A lot of you seem to know me, and I am fucking awful with names and faces, so if it took me a minute to remember your face, I'm sorry!
9. Speaking of which... people like, wanted to meet ME. Like, specifically. What the fuck. LOL.
10. Every year I've come to this fest as an out gay man I have been shown nothing but the most gracious indifference from absolutely everyone I've interacted with, and it's absolutely something that fills me with a tremendous pride. This year, I've found out that not only am I not the only one (though still the original so, hell yes!), there are now several. That you all make me feel so comfortable speaks tremendous volumes to the character of the company we keep here. This will always be my biggest cheer - to the crowd.
Special Mention: Friday night's silliness: You do't ever want to see a human wall of angry manflesh holding back a chaotic storm of blood boiled goddesses facing outward from the courtyard looking at you, alone, one man holding back the shitstorm that's about to befall you. The devotion we have to our own is's seriously mindblowing. I couldn't help smiling while looking back into the courtyard and seeing at least 10 of you on the steps, arms folded, glaring like the guardians to Valhalla, unwilling to part for the unworthy.
Special Mention: Bill Hudson. That guy has come such a long, long way from when I saw him in 2008. I could not be more happy for him.
Having no PTO, so I ended up working this weekend during Leprous, and almost got dragged out of OO's set too.
The VIP lanyards this year. The one I found in the Courtyard at 6am on Saturday morning clearly fell off someone because of the tiny piece of velcro. The Lanyards themselves were really nice but that particular seems like a bit of a design flaw. Whoever lost it, I hope you didn't catch too much flak when you went to get it back!
Everything else that I could put in this section is a personal gripe and would feel like airing dirty laundry. All though I do wish I had one more box of cupcakes to share.