Cheers and Jeers!

  • To cool people to share our room with (Bobby and Nick). We ended up spending just a tiny bit more for the whole weekend than we would have spent just for the room if we hadn't split the room. Not only did it help us out, but they are cool and nice people too.
And I thank you for sharing with above said two cool people. :) It was nice meeting you guys this year and hopefully will get to spend more time talking in the future.

Glenn and his whole crew... words cannot describe what an amazing metal fest these guys put together!

Spending quality metal time with all my friends and all the people @ PP

Wyvern for flying out from Costa Rica again to enjoy the show with us :notworthy

Brent for taking care of the accomodations, you rule!

Savaron (booboo :heh:) and Kat for the ride back from the Marta and for being super cool

Jim for making it to Progpower for the first time! It seems like we are going to have a Maiden Fan crossover... a few of the peeps from the IM Forum are thinking of coming out to PPXI.

Kittybeast and Mloanna for going grocery shopping and being my partners in crime ;)

My friends Drew and Bill Hudson, for always being so cool and entertaining. Drew you are a furnace my friend! After sitting next to you I was not cold anymore :lol:

Yardleybates for NOT smacking my ass :) You sure got Kittybeast good though, ouch! :lol:

All the bands that participated!

Just a big cheer to everyone who was there... what a fest!


The drunk guy during the Brainstorm set... I was up front and had been waiting for a while for the set to start, this drunk guy who stunk to high heavens tried to stand next to me up front, he kept pushing into me and his sweaty arms kept touching me euwwwwwww , I almost beat the crap out of him, I might be a girl, but when I get mad... ohhhhh I get mad! Finally some nice guys saw what was happening and moved me to another part of the front... but then this idiot cut the cheese....I thought I would pass out! It was really dissapointing to deal with this idiot, as the PP crowd is always so curteous and always respect other people!

That is the only jeer I really have... oh and the Atlanta drivers, you drive worse than the people in Los Angeles!
So while an actual human "saving your seat" is FAR more reasonable than the pillow case/towel bullshit, if your friend is gone for more than 10-15 minutes (enough time for a bathroom/beer break), it's not their seat anymore, IMO.

Agreed, but I have to admit I was guilty of this once this year... totally meant to just run to the bar and bathroom and got shanghaied on the way back, so I was gone for probably 30 minutes while a friend saved my seat. Doh!
This year was back to the glory days of old. Minimal technical issues, the AC and smoking were well under control again, every band was at least great.

My only jeer were the people saving seats that no one ever even sat in.
- getting to see my ProgPower peeps again! MetalRose made me LOL a few times, especially with her impression of Bill Hudson. :D
- getting to finally meet MORE ProgPower forum folks! Zod was very drunk, but very merry when I finally met him late Friday night. XD It was also pretty nice chatting (allbeit briefly) with Nailz. And LunaTekke, who is adorably confused, sometimes. ;) If I forgot anyone, I'm so sorry! I'm still a bit exhausted.
- DSO. HOLY CRAP. I figured I'd enjoy their set, but I didn't know I'd enjoy it quite as much as I did. I would definitely see this band again if the opportunity arose!
- Met-Al's rendition of Queen of the Ryche, and his ensuing bromance with the singer from Enchant :lol:
- musicians making themselves accessible for photos and general chit-chat
- ProgMuse for telling me that it is perfectly acceptible to interrupt Jon Drenning in order to get an autograph. :lol:

- saving seats. Though to be fair, most of the time if I sat down in a saved seat, the person saving was okay with me sitting there until their concert buddy came back. Though at one point someone had tried to save their seats with their water bottles. My friends and I just moved them and sat down.
- nearby restraunts failing to last for more than a year. I was really hoping for a burger from Madison Grill again
- Getting an elbow to the side of my breast during Brainstorm's set. OW.
- Atlanta humidity.
- Being hassled by locals while walking back to the hotel on Friday night just because we were wearing corsets.
- Checkers for being so damn slow, and the panhandlers that hang around, harrassing people for money.
On Sunday during some free time I walked north up Peachtree St from the Super 8 and found a pleasantly wide range of restaurants from cafe places to full-sit-down places that I'll keep in mind for next year. It was a nice mix of familiar/comfortable chains and local places.
And LunaTekke, who is adorably confused, sometimes. ;)

Ha! Thanks for stepping in so diplomatically before the situation deteriorated from "confused" to "total moron". How could I not recognize someone after watching them do a 45-minute set? Sheesh! Guess my "homework" for next year needs to involve listening to CDs *and* memorizing everyone's photo. :rolleyes:


- nearby restraunts failing to last for more than a year. I was really hoping for a burger from Madison Grill again

The Starbucks next to the Residence was gone as well. And the year before that, Houlihan's shut down. Sign of the times, I guess. :erk:
Ha! Thanks for stepping in so diplomatically before the situation deteriorated from "confused" to "total moron". How could I not recognize someone after watching them do a 45-minute set? Sheesh! Guess my "homework" for next year needs to involve listening to CDs *and* memorizing everyone's photo. :rolleyes:

We've tried EVERY year, but we just can't manage to remember them all - we spend a lot of time saying - hey, I think that's a band guy - to each other.

The entire Old School forum people at PPX, specially those who made a "family" on the house of the haunted hill :D

The mean bunch of MM: you know who you are people, :kickass:

The old acquaintances from PPVII: love to have seen you again.

Urban and Shaye: what can I say, you're the spirit of PP. Can't imagine the event without you.

Ann Marie: wonderful job on the poster, thanks for the kindness and good vibe I'll be PM you ;)

Sergio (viva Catalunya!), Stephanie, the horror-porn girl (sorry can't recall your name :blush: ), the lady who took the pics of the Iron Maiden gang, Whitney the bartender for saving my life after Sabaton with a wonderful pinneapple juice, plus anyone else I met and forgot to mention.

All the vendors, thanks for the great stuff.

Cage, Primal Fear and Sabaton for being more metal than metal. Cage and Sabaton specially for signatures, pics and good vibes.

The security team for being always cool and professional.

Atlanta public transportation and people in general, love that city!

And last but not least, the PP official relic:

Hooks in you, hooks in me, hooks in the ceiling
For that well hung feeling
No big deal, no big sin, strung up on love I
Got the hooks screwed in

Iron Maiden 1990​


The camera issue (sorry needed to said it)

Saved seats: I hadn't had a personal problem either way with it, but I can testify that some seats were "saved" for more than two bands in a row when somebody could have used them, let's be more friendly next time, shall we?

Not be able to find Cage "Darker Than Black" :erk:, I need to got for my collection. Also neither was Andre Matos new album, nor Count Raven, nor Kiko Loureiro, nor Chainsaw, nor Yngwie Malmsteen, nor Judas Priest (I don't want to ay a lot for that concert), despite all these albums have been already released.
And last but not least, the PP official relic:

<snip> lmao!

Okay, my cheers:
- to being mentioned by name several times in this thread and not (yet) as a jeer! :blush:
- to AMBR for the awesome poster (and for rocking just in general)
- to singing along with classic Queensrÿche with all my buddies, especially the count 'em! *7* women!
- to everyone who let us borrow your room to change clothes, stash stuff, put on makeup, and nap :) (Britt, Pat, Brian, Jen, Su & Tracie--this would be you!)
- to my husband (well, most everyone but especially him) for putting up with my rambunctious ass
- to everyone I met for the first time this year
- to everyone I met for not the first time this year :lol:
- to all the bands, because most of you are wicked cool, and it's always so much fun to see other people enjoy themselves too, even if it's not my cup o' joe
- and especially to the poor Swedes from Sabaton and DSO who pretended like my attempts at Swedish were funny!
- to the entire crew as always for putting 100% into it
- to not having had so much as a headache once this year
- to Jen M, Jen H, Su, Tracie, and Tommy for helping me with my drama Friday night
- and of course to Glenn for having had the courage and dedication to start doing this, and to keep doing it year after year :kickass:
- to not having to go back to work today or even this week

And jeers:
- to not having a job *to* go back to :waah:
- to the couple of people who just have to be unfriendly assholes every year... seriously, when someone walks past you on the street, nods and smiles, a sneer is NOT called for even if you don't know them :Smug:
- to them not having a runner for the pizza at Vinyl
- to those (probably the same aforementioned unfriendly assholes) who have serious hygiene and/or stomach issues and seem oblivious
- to myself for letting time get away from me and not being able to say goodbye to everyone
- to only being able to do this once a year

There are more, but many, many more cheer-worthy things than jeer-worthy things, as is always the case.

I'll be brief (for once in my life)...


- To Glenn, the amazing crew, the fantastic bands and all my dear friends for making this the Best PP Ever. I love you all!!
- Finding out Nocturnal f'ing Rites is playing next year! I think I actually squealed... :notworthy


- Forgetting more than once that I had a camera with many photo ops I missed. Doh!
- Having to wait a whole year to do this again. I miss everyone already!

To Glenn - You run the best Progressive/Power Metal Festival in North America!!!
The Crew - Great job as always!! The sets were pretty much on time this year and the overall sound was pretty good...
The ProgPower Fans - Thanks for all the cool comments on my shirts Savatage (Criss Oliva shirt with guitar/rose on front) and Dream Theater (Metropolis 2000 tour shirt from the Roseland Ballroom DVD concert) Like everyone says, the ProgPower fans are on big happy family.
Metal Rose (+ others) for autographing my arms... You guys rule!!!


People sneaking in digital cameras...
Having to stand around in garbage on the floor. Does anyone know how to throw their own stuff away?
Not having much of a food selection this year.
Midtown resturants hours lacking.
-GLENN, SHANE, CREW- holy hellfire what a year!! THANK YOU!
-NOCTURNAL RITES:rock: next year!!
-Centerstage staff and security- mmm mm good smellin' twins make us safe each year!
-UMOS Crew- my peeps thanks for making the house a home! looks like we got one more to add, welcome aboard kidmaiden (Jim) no longer a PP virgin!!
-:notworthy PRIMAL FEAR for making me metal thrashing mad!!!
-Arne for letting me go batshit crazy in the soundboard area during PF!! big hugs
-BRAINSTORM for a kickass set and of course THE SCORPS on INTRO!!
-SABATON- Thanks much Par for the plec, it went to your most humble, bald and shy costa rican fan Wyvern!!
-Andy B. Franck for the news update on Symphorce:rock::rock::rock:
-Dave @ Exploding Neds for such a great deal and of course always knowing what I like and selecting things for me!! Big hugs!!
-Kelly Sundown Carpenter for being an outstanding, intelligent and hella funny man!! xoxo
-Bill H. so proud of you man!! keep up the great work, luv you!! xoxo
-Drew and John so many good hugs! xoxo
-Kat and Ron for the awesome Scorpions Lovedrive Mirror
-Rolando for the most amazing Costa Rican coffee!! next year bring more!:heh:
-Urban,Shaye, Paula and Shannon for always making me feel, well it's more like always feeling me
- to all the men who didn't complain when I pinched your nipples:Saint:
-all my PP friends old and new it's always a pleasure, see you next year!!


-Damn corner crosswalk of Death at 15th street. Fu**ers would barely stop walking Eric across the street.
-Large men who sit one seat between them and will only give the seat to a girl...come on guys where's the bromance?!?!
-Torsten for not coming to party with us!!! best of all on the Mexico metal fest and upcoming tour with PF!!

The entire Old School forum people at PPX, specially those who made a "family" on the house of the haunted hill :D

The mean bunch of MM: you know who you are people, :kickass:

The old acquaintances from PPVII: love to have seen you again.

Urban and Shaye: what can I say, you're the spirit of PP. Can't imagine the event without you.

Ann Marie: wonderful job on the poster, thanks for the kindness and good vibe I'll be PM you ;)

Sergio (viva Catalunya!), Stephanie, the horror-porn girl (sorry can't recall your name :blush: ), the lady who took the pics of the Iron Maiden gang, Whitney the bartender for saving my life after Sabaton with a wonderful pinneapple juice, plus anyone else I met and forgot to mention.

All the vendors, thanks for the great stuff.

Cage, Primal Fear and Sabaton for being more metal than metal. Cage and Sabaton specially for signatures, pics and good vibes.

The security team for being always cool and professional.

Atlanta public transportation and people in general, love that city!

And last but not least, the PP official relic:

Hooks in you, hooks in me, hooks in the ceiling
For that well hung feeling
No big deal, no big sin, strung up on love I
Got the hooks screwed in

Iron Maiden 1990​


The camera issue (sorry needed to said it)

Saved seats: I hadn't had a personal problem either way with it, but I can testify that some seats were "saved" for more than two bands in a row when somebody could have used them, let's be more friendly next time, shall we?

Not be able to find Cage "Darker Than Black" :erk:, I need to got for my collection. Also neither was Andre Matos new album, nor Count Raven, nor Kiko Loureiro, nor Chainsaw, nor Yngwie Malmsteen, nor Judas Priest (I don't want to ay a lot for that concert), despite all these albums have been already released.

I felt terrible about having sold out "Darker than Black" (at the Sentinel Steel booth), when you came back for it. I almost offered to ship you my copy to Costa Rica :lol:.

This was my 10th ProgPower, and as usual I had a great time.


  • Glenn H. and the crew for putting on a great show. :kickass:
  • The Center Stage venue that is so much a part of the success of the festival.
  • The fans who are old timers and new attendees. What a bunch of lovable characters you are!
  • Atlanta, a sexy city.
  • The Residence Inn for taking good care of me as a Platinum member.
  • Fates Warning, Crimson Glory, and Enchant for their godlike sets. :notworthy
  • Brainstorm, Circus Maximus, and Pagan&#8217;s Mind for being consistently excellent. :rock:
  • DSO for being unexpectedly awesome.


  • Royal Hunt's overly royal keyboards that were way too prominent in the mix.
  • The festival going so fast it makes your head spin. :goggly:
  • Getting only 1 or 2 hours sleep per day. :zombie:
  • The restaurants and convenience stores being closed early.
  • Bathroom attendants (nice people, but hey, I can wipe my own ass and wash my own hands).
  • Drivers who seem like they want any reason to run you over.
