Cheers and Jeers

Let's do it backwards. Jeers:

-What's with Atlanta doing some sort of major construction project every time I go? :lol:
-The venue staff letting the men's room run out of soap and paper towels on a regular basis. This didn't used to be an issue.
-The sound for some of the bands. I was told (but forgot to ask anyone that could tell me for sure) that there was a house guy in use for the bands that didn't bring their own engineer. I understand the room's limitations, but the sound has definitely been better many other years - and it wasn't the environment, since both Sanctuary and Therion sounded fantastic.

(That's really not many jeers, is it?)

-The crew. I saw several things that could have been total disasters that the crew handled perfectly. The set changes had to be hell, but they all pulled it off. It seems like a stage-right mic stand ALWAYS gets caught be the damn curtain, though. :lol:
-Glenn, for going above and beyond despite me not needing him to do so. He knows why.
-All of the PPUSA peeps - Jim, Shaye, The Su, Bob, Zilla & Mindy, Coldie and Scott, Wayniac, Matt & Nancy, Ron & Meghan, Jenn, C-Lo and Jen, Leesh, NVD, Jaime, Big Daddy and Kerri, Larry, Stevie, Guy, and all the rest of you that I'm forgetting (being old sucks). You guys are the real reason to go.
-The Artmore staff for putting up with what's become an incredible gathering after the show, despite the drunken shenanigans.
Oh yeah, and if you have an injury that you're trying not to exacerbate, then maybe STANDING RIGHT AT THE FUCKING EDGE OF THE PIT isn't something you should be doing. You are a thrash fan; you know what goes on during a thrash show; and Glenn even gave you a heads-up that he was going to allow it. Take some fucking personal responsibility.

Wasn't jeering the actual pit as i naturally know what to do in a pit, it was the severely drunk guy in the pit who could barely stand and fell about 15 times within the first 4 songs who then in turn was interrupting the fun we were all trying to have down there who gets my jeer. Drunk people in a pit only cause trouble as seen in Sanctuary's pit the night before (I am sure Glenn can attest to speaking to one such intoxicated fellow).

also, never said i didn't have fun at the fest because i did for many of the reasons others stated so why keep repeating? like glenn, and yourself here, i spoke my mind and i am willing to accept the backlash. it's all part of messageboards and i understand that.
  • Evergrey...OMFG wow
  • The best sounding PP I've been to (in terms of mix)
  • Labyrinth for knocking it out of the park, far exceeding my expectations
  • Voyager for one of the most entertaining sets ever (never expected to hear Ghost Busters and Killing In the Name during the same medley)
  • All the other bands, I enjoyed all but one (and that one did a great job, just not my thing so I'm not going to call them out)
  • The many friendly people my wife and I got to chat with
  • Glenn, Jen, and all the crew for making it worth the time and money to fly 3000 miles to come to this fest for three years in a row


  • Bright white lights pointed directly at the audience (lots of shows do this, it's annoying at all of them)
You werent actually constructive - you were pointing out the obvious. Had you ASKED if we considered those things, I'd have not had to be defensive. "Preventive measures" (from your first post) have been taken.
Bascially - as it is, with 24 hrs in a day, with time limits on how late people want to stay (and physically can hold up), how early we can get a jet lagged European headliner to show up and still have them functioning for a show late that night - (this IS about the music and the show, right??), etc.. this is how it will be.

my apologies for not putting my concerns in the form of a question, but would you have been any less insulted if i did that, really? from the responses i doubt it. and my intent was not to be insulting but to point out something people were talking about all fest long and disgruntled by. if i have to be the bad guy, i will take it, but i wanted to voice it and i tried to do it nicely. not sure how tones can be determined on a message board, but obviously it's getting heated and there is no need to fuel a building fire. i am sure we can agree on that.
Cheers: Glenn, Jen, and Crew: +1 to all positive comments above.

Glenn - allowing sponsorship of bands. My second year as a sponsor and all I can say is it was worth every penny. Looking forward to PPXIII as a sponsor.

Voyager - hands down the #1 reason this was the best PP of the 8 I have attended both for their amazing performance and for the many hours we spent together Friday and Saturday (2 meals and lots of good conversations). What a cool bunch of people they are.:cool:

Blulou - talking me into the Artmore for PPXI, XII and into the future (the price was an issue for me for XI after paying for sponsorship) and for calling me an idiot for considering leaving after a couple songs for Therion's set :zombie: - the last time they were at PP - it was a good show - but not great and I was running out of steam. 30 seconds into their set I realized it was idiotic to even consider leaving - saw the whole set - no need for caffeine or red bull - the show energized me - WOW.

My many new friends and my new/old friends - I have seen many of you over the years and have even briefly talked to you. But, this year I got to know your names, got pictures, and you are also a reason this was my best PP yet.

Artmore - +1 to above.

Vanden Plas and Andy - While overall Vanden Plas's music is not my favorite, their set was amazing, Andy's performance was so unique and enjoyable - and he is a really nice guy!

This PP was near perfection for me. The only Jeers I had (and minor at that):

The sidewalk (at least it 'should' be done next year).

The mosh pit and some of the extreme participants. I was not on the floor so I was not directly impacted but I have been and it can detract from those who are there to see the band and not spend their time trying to keep from getting hit.
-The venue staff letting the men's room run out of soap and paper towels on a regular basis. This didn't used to be an issue.

It was the first year that I can remember where we didn't have restroom attendants.

Though this year I didn't feel obligated to chip in a buck or two each time I took a tinkle, they did run of soap and the paper towels were piling up pretty quickly. So in retrospect, maybe the attendants were a good thing!
my apologies for not putting my concerns in the form of a question, but would you have been any less insulted if i did that, really? from the responses i doubt it. and my intent was not to be insulting but to point out something people were talking about all fest long and disgruntled by. if i have to be the bad guy, i will take it, but i wanted to voice it and i tried to do it nicely. not sure how tones can be determined on a message board, but obviously it's getting heated and there is no need to fuel a building fire. i am sure we can agree on that.

Actually - yes - I'd have been less insulted. The way you worded it, you assumed that we were oblivious.. at least that's how it reads. It has nothing to do with "tone".
Hell - i know there were 2-3 dozen things I didnt like how they went down behind the curtain on changeovers - that if I had done the task myself, would have been done differently... but you can't control everything, and what i saw and didnt like had no effect on schedule, and the end result when it was show time was the same as how it'd have looked had I done it. My way was just faster and a bit more efficient. To me efficiency is important. But I'll say what i have to say to the affected party(s).

As i have stated - if someone has a suggestion that will improve the festival, changeovers, etc, I am all ears. And any legit criticisms of our crew i will take like a man. And then I may tell you the flip side of a story that you didn't know to explain why whatever happened happened if there is one.. or just tell you straight out it was a fk-up. I'm not saying we should be immune from criticism as long as it's legit. Like if I gave a guy the wrong tuned guitar during a changeover - that'd be ALLL on me, and people could bust and flame away all they . But those type of things are RARE with our crew.

I agree - they are long days... i guess it's up to what people want to/can tolerate as far pace and endurance. Hell - the non-Glenn house sound guys, security and the camera crew manage... seems like being in the seats sitting on your ass, or being on your feet for a fews sets should not be all that hard.. sorry if that sounds harsh - but no sympathy here...

And yep - I've basically stated my piece and wont be adding any fuel....
my apologies for not putting my concerns in the form of a question, but would you have been any less insulted if i did that, really? from the responses i doubt it. and my intent was not to be insulting but to point out something people were talking about all fest long and disgruntled by. if i have to be the bad guy, i will take it, but i wanted to voice it and i tried to do it nicely. not sure how tones can be determined on a message board, but obviously it's getting heated and there is no need to fuel a building fire. i am sure we can agree on that.

Just my experience alone working the stage for the Texas Madfest in 2003 says you have NO IDEA how difficult a job it is to run a festival, and you should keep your thoughts to yourself. I cannot possibly imagine how many times more difficult it must be to get the ProgPower stage working as they do. The problems delays and crazy random shit that happened in Texas were ridiculous, and that show was STILL an awesome success with bands and fans alike enjoying the shit outta that festival. Just ask Rusty Cooley about technical problems.

The clueless, inexperienced and uninformed should recognize when they should just keep their mouths shut.



This is not at all at you and more at people I actually heard COMPLAINING about the rumor of the possibility of a Tuesday extension in line at the Artmore on Saturday morning, and your comment kind of plays into that (in a round about way.. this kind of has nothing to do with the crew): No one is fucking forcing people to be here for this or see every single band. Come in when you can, see who you want, and go catch a nap when you need to.

I think the complaint was that even a couple of years ago, people were getting in early to settle in and gear up and catch up with those they hadn't seen in a while.

While I agree no one is forcing them to go to the shows, it's kind of hard to not go either. There is pressure for the shows to sell out or sell well. And there is the mentality of, "Well I'm going to be there anyway..."

I think it's kind of cyclical.

I'm not complaining, just making an observation, while I want the shows to do well, I've only been to one or two pre shows.


Good point, most of the reason we are tired is because we do it to ourselves. The only complaint I have mirrors Kasaours, because there are so many bands the show starts earlier than before. We all stay up late because it's hard to catch up with people during the fest - so we end up staying up later- not getting enough sleep. But it is what it is, I don't have to be there right at noon. It's about choices. As Timm Gun would say, "Make it work."

I'm not about kissing ass, but I'm here to give proper respect: The thing is, over all ProgPower is a well fucking run festival. I'm sure each and everyone of us could find something we'd want to change about it. However when it comes down to it, how many of us could pull this off year after year the way Glenn does?

I think the complaint was that even a couple of years ago, people were getting in early to settle in and gear up and catch up with those they hadn't seen in a while.

While I agree no one is forcing them to go to the shows, it's kind of hard to not go either. There is pressure for the shows to sell out or sell well. And there is the mentality of, "Well I'm going to be there anyway..."

I think it's kind of cyclical.

I'm not complaining, just making an observation, while I want the shows to do well, I've only been to one or two pre shows.


Good point, most of the reason we are tired is because we do it to ourselves. The only complaint I have mirrors Kasaours, because there are so many bands the show starts earlier than before. We all stay up late because it's hard to catch up with people during the fest - so we end up staying up later- not getting enough sleep. But it is what it is, I don't have to be there right at noon. It's about choices. As Timm Gun would say, "Make it work."

I'm not about kissing ass, but I'm here to give proper respect: The thing is, over all ProgPower is a well fucking run festival. I'm sure each and everyone of us could find something we'd want to change about it. However when it comes down to it, how many of us could pull this off year after year the way Glenn does?


Wow what an awesome weekend!
-For allowing this kind of fest to happen
-Seeing Vanden Plas and Evergrey Thursday night
-All the bands being very personable. My gf tried speaking German to the Vanden Plans guys and they loved it! She got a personalized signature for that!
-Incredible performances from all the bands, killer
-Seeing Sanctuary play live, never thought that I would ever see that
-The Merch tables, got lots of great cd and a few shirts
-Meeting Steve "Doc" Wacholz. A true true highlight for me
-Getting my While Heaven Wept vinyl signed
-My gf for rocking out with me and getting into this music!

-No while heaven wept merch :(

  • Glenn, Jen & the crew: What you guys pull off every year is incredible. Major respect to all of you guys who put your blood, sweat and tears into making this a special event for everyone. Your hard work does not go unnoticed, ever. Thank you for what you do.
  • The staff at Center Stage: I have never been treated so well and with so much respect at a concert. That made it for a smooth couple of days.
  • Backstage/VIP access. Thank you, Glenn.
  • The bands performing: Is it me, or nobody sucked this year? Excellent sets by everyone.
  • The Voyager crew (Daniel, Alex, Simone, Scott, Ash, and Halinka): For being the best band I’ve ever worked with. By the way, where is my vegemite? :lol:
  • Finally meeting the Leprous guys after working with them for almost a year. You boys will go far.
  • Meeting Ihsahn. Watching Ihsahn.
  • Creation’s End finally getting the setup and crowd they deserve.
  • My roomates (and consequently people I hung out the most with) Pat, Guile and Miguel. This was one of the funniest ProgPowers and it’s mainly because of you.
  • The new Italian place a block away from the venue/Artmore. The food was amazing.
  • Meeting awesome people from the forum , you guys are awesome! (Bamafan, Justin Gaines, jem777az, ApolloFC, Simon, Joel, Matt Tribunal, KingsGene, etc! Too many to remember now, if I forgot you, please insert name/nickname here __________________).
  • My friends that I get to see at ProgPower once a year and make the trip worth it (although some I see more often). Again, way too many to cite but you know very well who you are. Thanks for making this yet another amazing trip.
  • Free water at Center Stage. You have no idea the difference this makes when you’re feeling under the weather.
  • Tom & Rain from While Heaven Wept, Chitty from Red Circuit, Rob & Olaf from Labyrinth, Terence from Eldritch.


  • Getting a cold at ProgPower. Looks like the bug still lurks around.
  • Super 8. So you give away my room and think everything is fine? Good to know. Never again. Back to the Residence Inn next year.
  • M.E. sound check early morning on Friday. 10 a.m., really? We already have long hours of shows at the festival (not complaining at all). However, we also appreciate quieter socializing time. I hope this is the first and last time there’s a show at the Artmore’s courtyard.
  • The drunk New Jersey dude at the Artmore afterparties on Thursday and Friday, behaving like a rowdy dumbass. You’re a douche.
  • The “Holy Shit” chant during Ihsahn. That was dumb.
  • Not buying the Labyrinth shirt I wanted right away and finding out it was sold out afterwards.
  • Video announcement issues.
  • General Zod, Drew and Rich not being there.
  • Bootleggers. You're cool, and you can get away with filming a quick clip of the bands at ProgPower. Fuck you.

There might be edits to this post as I remember things. :)
Just my experience alone working the stage for the Texas Madfest in 2003 says you have NO IDEA how difficult a job it is to run a festival, and you should keep your thoughts to yourself. I cannot possibly imagine how many times more difficult it must be to get the ProgPower stage working as they do. The problems delays and crazy random shit that happened in Texas were ridiculous, and that show was STILL an awesome success with bands and fans alike enjoying the shit outta that festival. Just ask Rusty Cooley about technical problems.

The clueless, inexperienced and uninformed should recognize when they should just keep their mouths shut.




I won't keep it to myself, nor will i just shut my mouth. that's not me. also you shouldn't judge what i know and have done in my lifetime of running my record label since 1999. I have done festivals, sure none with the size of ProgPower, but i have done festivals none the less. So clueless and inexperienced i am not, but uninformed is a given since i am not part of PP stage crew and staff and not privy to the happenings i only have my first hand experience and those around me in the crowd who voiced same concerns.

i enjoy PP every year i come and spend my money on tickets, gas, hotels, etc and each year there is good and bad things that happen. if we don't want jeers then we should change the thread to simply Cheers, no? i have plenty of cheers too.

again, it seems the tone of my comments were misconstrued but there is no reversing it now.

*Glenn & Jen. For a lot of things.
*The Crew for all their hard work.
*The Artmore. For everything they do, and put up with.
*My Friends. You guys are the best ever! Thank you for taking such good care of me.
*Dave and Dave. Thank you!
*My fellow PP goers for being understanding while I tried to get up and down the stairs, etc. Thank you for being patient and courteous.
*Vanden Plas. Seeing them again brought tears to my eyes.
*My sprained neck. Thank you Forbidden.
*For this being one of the best years ever for me. Being unable (more like unwilling) to walk much, I grabbed a seat and stayed put all weekend. I got to see all the bands, and I feel more rested than I've ever felt after it was all over.
*The cooler weather. That was an awesome bonus!


*Having to traverse the missing sidewalks. Aircasts were not made for off road use.
*Lack of band merchandise.
1. The weather was amazing! Every day. All day. Perfect weather.
2. Ihsahn, for making the festival worth your time all by himself.
3. Evergrey. Loved their set, loved their sound. The sound quality throughout the whole festival was probably the best I've seen it during the years I've been going (except for: see jeer 1).
4. Therion; such a huge catalog, but it seemed as if they played my dream setlist.
5. Food. DaVinci was a huge plus this year. Along with the good weather, it was nice walking to the Vortex and surrounding restaurants.

1. The Vanden Plas singer needs to spend less energy running around the stage and more focus on a constant vocal volume. Half the time I couldn't hear him, half the time I was wishing for earplugs. I was highly disappointed.
2. None of the vendors having the new Ghost Brigade album (unless I was blind).

Final thoughts:
Going into this year's festival, I thought it had the weakest overall lineup of the years I've been going. However, I enjoyed this festival more than the previous years. The whole experience just ran a lot more smoothly and was of higher quality. It definitely goes to show that there's more to an amazing festival than which bands are booked and which bands aren't.
-The music. I don't know the last time I've enjoyed this many bands at PPUSA.
-Nanners. Because he sums up the fun that is PPUSA. Winding up passed out in the halls of the hotel with your pants down around your ankles. That is an epic win.
-Jenn and Glenn. I can't imagine the work that goes into doing this.
-The weather. Can we have that again next year? I didn't need a shower after walking two blocks this year.
-Grits. It's taken me 9 years of coming to this thing but I've FINALLY developed a taste for grits!
-Friends. Seeing people who I only get to see once a year. Love my PPUSA family.

-Friends. Seeing people who I only get to see once a year. I wish it was more than once. :(
-Sidewalk. That damn sidewalk construction.
-Gladys Knight. STILL haven't gotten to Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles!
Of course the fest was great, Glenn knows what he's doing thats why I've been to all of them.

Just some random thoughts:

Setup times, it is what it is. It never going to be 15 min between bands, but they're doing what needs to be done make sure that the band is sounding good and thats more important that seeing a show where someone is complete lost in the mix.

Sidewalks, meh no biggie living in Chicago you have 2 seasons Construction and Winter. At least it wasnt all wet and we were walking through mud.

No bathroom attendants, actually I liked this however the venue might want to have a staffer just pass through mid point in the night and empty the garbage or invest in some air dryers.

Earplugs provided when you walked in. This is possibly the best thing I've ever seen at any show usually you have to go to the bar and buy them, many younger folk dont know this. I had my etymotics but my buds forgot their plugs and this saved them.