Cheers and Jeers

Flashes at concerts are only good for one thing: illuminating the backs of other people's heads. Annoys the musicians, too, especially if you're up close. Good on you for figuring out how to tweak the settings - the cheaper cameras don't have manual settings, but I specifically bought one that did for that reason.

(No cheers or jeers from me; I had a great time, and I was neither sick nor injured like three out of the last four PPs - I call that a win!)
Flashes at concerts are only good for one thing: illuminating the backs of other people's heads. Annoys the musicians, too, especially if you're up close. Good on you for figuring out how to tweak the settings - the cheaper cameras don't have manual settings, but I specifically bought one that did for that reason.

(No cheers or jeers from me; I had a great time, and I was neither sick nor injured like three out of the last four PPs - I call that a win!)

Basicly this as far as learning manual
Of course I learned because I do photography as a part time thing and a hobby and I learned real quickly shooting on auto with a DSLR defeats the purpose of having one(not to mention the pop up flash is useless except for casual/screw around pics )

basicly the key is to pump the ISO up as high as you need or go(I was at 3200)and hope you don't get too much noise...shoot in RAW(Which I despise because of the extra large file size)to bump up exposure if needed and use the noise reduction...

I'm hoping the 7D ll Coming out has the low light specs I'm hearing rumored(to be close to the 5D lll)because besided concert photography there are some really neat things I want to shoot at night as well
I also want to add another Cheer.

I don't recall seeing a single pillow case or sheet draped over any seat all weekend. Maybe Glenn's message about that actually managed to get through to everyone!

There still was a little bit of this going on. Not with a pillow case or a sheet, but...

I sat down for Heaven's Cry. Found a pretty good seat just a few rows up...perfect to view the whole stage and still be nice and close. A friend sat beside me, but a seat away. Before the band was done, this big dude tells me it's his seat. I didn't know this. He had some merch underneath, which I handed him. He then made a point to plop down between my friend and I and take both armrests. Remember, it's his seat, right? Eventually his wife joined him and they demanded that I relinquish their seats. Heaven's Cry was basically over, and I didn't really feel like starting shit, so I just got up and let them sit there.

I still found it annoying. I feel like your seat is like your spot on the can save it to go to the restroom or something quick like that...but if you plan on missing a whole band's set to go do something else, then that's not your spot any more.

I have more rail experience than seat experience, anyway. If I want a spot on the rail for a certain band, I'll either take my chances or work out a deal with someone near me (you get rail for Xandria/Ashes, I get it for Soilwork, etc.). But seat saving is just dumb.
I sat down for Heaven's Cry. Found a pretty good seat just a few rows up...perfect to view the whole stage and still be nice and close. A friend sat beside me, but a seat away. Before the band was done, this big dude tells me it's his seat. I didn't know this. He had some merch underneath, which I handed him. He then made a point to plop down between my friend and I and take both armrests. Remember, it's his seat, right? Eventually his wife joined him and they demanded that I relinquish their seats. Heaven's Cry was basically over, and I didn't really feel like starting shit, so I just got up and let them sit there.

What a douche canoe.

* The Main Cheer is for Glenn and his team for making this festival happen. It is so clichéd to say that it is more than just a music festival. That phrase is overused, so I won’t say it. However, PP is so much more than just a music festival. I know that all good things end, but I’m hoping that you can keep this going as long as possible. My gold badge check will be on the way as soon as you give the word.

* The PP Crew – The show was pretty much on time all weekend. Nice going.

* Jen the Social Media Queen – I know you do much more for the fest than just tweets, but having those throughout the show are so appreciated. Everything from “management decision – no more drum riser lights” to the pics and video clips. It gives the show yet another level of professionalism while reinforcing the close-knit atmosphere.

* The earlier concert ending on Saturday – Please keep this schedule for the future. Loved ending the show before 1 am and having more time to see people before an early Sunday plane flight. I think other people loved it as well. Saturday night was probably the most crowded I’ve seen the Courtyard in a decade.

* The Artmore – I was worried that they would kill any after party in the Courtyard, but other than very unobtrusive security guards, all was well (Note that I left relatively early, so it could have degenerated later that night/morning, but I sure hope not).

* The All You Can Eat Courtyard After Party Buffet on Saturday – Holy crap. I never so much food. Cupcakes, cherries, gummi bears, drinks – it was like a drunken metal Olde Country Buffet.

* Vinyl smoke free – LOVED being able to breathe in there. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

* The Earlier video announcement – Great to do it between sets. The Shadow Gallery show late Friday was awesome, but it was hard enough to stay focused through their set because it was so damn late, and we had been watching 11 hours of music already. It was nice to have already had the video (and what a great lineup it is in 2014). Please keep doing that earlier on Fri next year (see how I slipped that in? Because, if you do a video, it means that there will be a PP XVI)

* Wolverine Gold Badge Show – I’ve said it so many times: I like seeing bands, but at PP I want to see more than just one more stop on a tour. These Sat shows are the perfect example of something special that I can’t get anywhere else. Great job. I generally don’t use the word “beautiful”, and certainly not at a metal show, but damn, that was beautiful.

* Already mentioned, but Vespucci's and Sausalito’s really go out of their way to cater to the show. Sure, they likely make a ton of money off of us, but it’s great to see vendors really appreciate us.

* ‘Streets’ next year.
As Zod said to me Sat night:
Zod: “You have a bounce in your step. I imagine you’ve barely been able to keep from touching yourself since Streets was announced.”
Me: “Who said I was able to keep from touching myself over that.”

I’ve been to PP the last 12 years, held a Gold Badge for the last 10, and I wouldn’t miss it no matter the lineup, but this one headliner makes PP XV by far my most anticipated show of them all. This will be a religious experience for me, and that’s saying something since I’m an atheist. Savatage (well, really Oliva in his JOP incarnation) is something special, and to me, ‘Streets’ is as far beyond mere music as PP is beyond a music fest.


* Center Stage for running out of beer - They were out of Yuengling by the end of the first night. By mid-Saturday, it was mostly PBR and Bud. I wasn’t even drinking, but enough of my friends were, and I feel terrible for anyone that wants a beer and has to wind up with Bud.

* Thurs Night Lights (Drum Riser Lights) – Blinding. Luckily, CIIC didn’t use them often, and we moved to the seats (and then out the door soon after) once Rhapsody came on.

* Very Slight jeer to John Bush for not understanding the festival. Armored Saint were really fun to watch, and Bush was energetic for any age, and especially when you consider that he’s in his 50’s. However, it’s a peeve of mine when bands don’t realize that they’re playing a niche festival. The small jab at the crew for the technical issues was mentioned, but he also kept saying things like: “It’s been so long since we played Atlanta, thanks for the Southern Hospitality.” He thought he was playing a venue, not a country and world-wide festival. It isn’t a big deal, but I love it when bands understand what PP is all about (see Sabaton, Circus Maximus, Evergrey, Symphony X, and all of the bands that make special video intros just for the fest).

Best Sets of the Weekend (in descending order):

5) Circle II Circle – What a fun show. Zak Stevens had more range and inflection on the Wake of Magellan stuff than on any of the CIIC songs I’ve seen him play. Also, three cheers for the Maiden cover, and the awesome Eddie impersonation from the drummer.

4) Wolverine Acoustic - Already mentioned above. Wow, what a voice.

3) Ashes of Ares – Hardly anyone knew the music, but Barlow is Barlow, and he was dead on. Pure power, and it didn’t matter that people didn’t know the songs. AoA kicked ass.

2) Sabaton – Are they the most talented band in the world? Nope. Do they plan straight ahead metal? Yep. Are they headliner class? Oh, damn yes. Full of energy, and completely involving the audience, Joakim even got away unscathed with a number of audience insults. Complete interactive show, down to choosing the set list. What a fun set.

1) Myrath – When headliners are great, it’s expected. That’s why they’re headliners. When a Tunisian band in the #2 slot grabs the audience in their collective palms and keeps them there for an hour, it becomes amazing. They looked young, but the songs were tight, the had an energy level showing that they were thrilled to be there without looking like exuberant puppy dogs, and they knew how to play to an audience. As Glenn/Jen tweeted during the show, they had a standing ovation and the set wasn’t even over yet. Stunningly unexpectedly great performance. They hit the Edguy (first show) and Tad Morose level of surprise hit band for the weekend.

A Thought for Next Year
* Two bands did Iron Maiden covers, and they went over extremely well. An IM cover band on a Wed night would probably be a hell of a lot of fun.

A Final Word
* I don’t like to throw out too many personal references, but each year my circle of friends at this fest grows. Thanks to those of you that put up with me and make this so much more of an experience than an event.

Steve in Philly
To Stephanie Rosenblatt and Heather Musgrave for being PPUSA hardcore and running with me on Friday morning

Shoot I know I should have looked into if there was anyone else running on Friday or Sat morning - I have always done that the past couple of years and would be cool to do some miles with some fellow PP-ers
I saw a few seats being saved with towels behind the soundboard and to the left (if one was standing on the stage), but overall, they were being saved by warm bodies.

* Like others, I found the comment from John Bush about not having his own crew to be annoying. It also didn’t seem like any of the other band members were really engaged with the audience. Haven’t seen them live before, so maybe that’s the status quo. I’d be interested to know how they handled the signing session.

John wasnt at soundcheck, so he didn't see how the band was treated. They loved us

They probably weren't as engaged as normal because they were on loaner gear .. then when the technical issues popped up - it was a challenge for them (but still fun, as they have told me).

They and their managers were very cool about it. The technical glitch is being reviewed and issue will be fixed
I think you have to also consider the fact that he was ad-libbing during an unplanned situation in front of nearly a thousand people. I can cut the guy some slack. I would have mumbled incoherently, turned beet red and ran off stage crying.
I think you have to also consider the fact that he was ad-libbing during an unplanned situation in front of nearly a thousand people. I can cut the guy some slack. I would have mumbled incoherently, turned beet red and ran off stage crying.

^ this, if you have never been on a stage when stuff starts breaking down and you are the one holding the microphone, well, it's awkward.

During the signing session they were all smiles and very talkative and thankful that they were there.
* Very Slight jeer to John Bush for not understanding the festival. Armored Saint were really fun to watch, and Bush was energetic for any age, and especially when you consider that he’s in his 50’s. However, it’s a peeve of mine when bands don’t realize that they’re playing a niche festival. The small jab at the crew for the technical issues was mentioned, but he also kept saying things like: “It’s been so long since we played Atlanta, thanks for the Southern Hospitality.” He thought he was playing a venue, not a country and world-wide festival. It isn’t a big deal, but I love it when bands understand what PP is all about (see Sabaton, Circus Maximus, Evergrey, Symphony X, and all of the bands that make special video intros just for the fest).

You are judging someone who has never played PP before while listing off all bands that have now been to PP more than once, some THREE times or more. It's a bit different.

Also, no offense to the fest or attendees but not all bands do "research" on gigs they are playing. They have lives outside the festival and they have one job to do when they get to their gig and that is to rock our faces off. Which they did and did quite well. To know nothing about a festival the first time you are playing it is pretty easy thing to do.
2 more cheers
1.The cupcakes....I had 12 doses of heaven in my mouth with my yellow /w chocolate buttercream cubcakes

And Amber loves her gluten free ones

2.While it seems that moshing is now somewhat tolerated
prog power is STILL Twerking free since Feb of 2001..

I have no specific Cheers or Jeers but man, I don't know what it was about this year but I think I had more fun this year than I did any other year. It was incredible. I didn't think anything could outdo the first one I was at (PPIV) but this one did it. Can't wait for the next one.
Cheers: First and foremost, a HUGE CHEER to Glenn and Jen for being so awesome!
Massive CHEERS to the entire PPUSA Crew! So proud to be part of the team!
To all of the bands, but especially Myrath for the travel nightmares they had to endure only to lay waste to the stage with the best performance of the weekend!
Milton and PelleK for telling me the meaning behind the game "Limp Biscuit" (or maybe this should be a jeer! hahaha!)
The staff and security at The Artmore, they went out of their way to be super cool and inviting, made my stay so much more relaxing
To Stephanie Rosenblatt and Heather Musgrave for being PPUSA hardcore and running with me on Friday morning
My awesome roomies, Su, Christina, and Jaime
getting to chat with Renegade about his could see his eyes filled with tears from all the love he was receiving from the PPUSA family
To all my friends, my metal family: I LOVE YOU ALL!

Jeers: I only have two, one of which i won't discuss here, but my good friends will know what it is
The drunk ass that vomited all over himself and passed out in the left alcove of the Courtyard. The guy was definitely not a festival attendee. No one at the hotel knew who he was and he didn't have any friends with him. He probably stumbled in from the street. I grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and found his id. Security called him a cab and me and another person walked him out front as fast as we could. We put him in a cab ( he didn't want to go home..he wanted to go to the Masquerade!! With vomit all over him!! WTF??) but I just wanted him gone so I gave the driver the money and figured he would be the Masquerades problem! Douchebag!

Do you happen to remember his name? What night was this? I might know who this was..
Circus Maximus for actually saying hello to me on stage before Game of Life! Best moment of the whole fest for me! Also, for just playing The 1st Chapter!

Shadow Gallery for watching my six CDs and them and the table staff ensuring they got back to me, even though I had arrived at the table late because I thought it started at 3:30, and had left and didn't come back until after Myrath, by which time the band was long gone, because I mistook them for saying they would be there the whole day (I'm new to PP and this was my first signing session, so shoot me).

Wolverine for being the only band I saw that actually ran around the venue, as I bumped into them at least ten times and got to know them very well, and to Stefan Zell for packing copies of Communication Lost so I could buy one when the vendors ran out. See the top entry of Jeers for what not to do.

Circus Maximus for not bringing any merchandise and also giving the vendors so little stock of Nine. You are playing EIGHT SONGS from Nine. Everybody here and their dogs expect there to be enough copies of that album at each vendor in the vendor room to need more than fingers to count. I held off on buying Nine Friday afternoon in favor of buying it from the band and couldn't get it later that afternoon from anybody. Myrath played Friday and there were tons of copies of all three of their albums, and most of them were gone after the fest, with only Tales of the Sands intact. Think of the Nine sales Circus Maximus could have racked up. I don't care if the album is hard to get (which I disbelieve): there was a FULL YEAR to get back copies.

The bathroom inside Center Stage was absolutely despicable. Stink worse than a landfill, sticky floors full of that stink, and half the urinals were non-functional. I expect better when you know thousands of customers are coming. I doubt people won't come back next year because of bad bathrooms, but that could be fatal to the whole fest. Your venue MUST be presentable if so many are using it for so long.

Shadow Gallery for leaving on Saturday morning, although they were likely busy, and for opening with a 10-minute introduction when they were already quite late.

The security for asking me for my gold badge 4,000 times and nearly driving me to buy a $2 lanyard.
- Glenn and Jen, you guys make our year with this festival. Seriously, love you both!
- Sponsoring. Just loved every second of it! Being able to be up front for a bit of each band was just incredible. Running into people like Matt Barlow backstage and watching my buddy help Circus Maximus carry out their equipment, too much fun!
- The lineup for next year... DEAR LORD.
- Circus Maximus and their special dedication. :waah:
- The appreciation shown by all bands, experienced or not.
- The Artmore Hotel. YES, CHEERS to the Artmore! Besides a few obviously tired and annoyed bartenders, the staff was great, security hardly noticeable and I believe whoever runs their Facebook page may be attending the fest next year! :lol:
- Yes I got to spend more time with my tight metal buddies but I also met so many more people this year. Just love the atmosphere at this fest, sincerity and passion of the attendees.

Honestly what jeers I have don't even matter. This fest is amazing and I can't say much more than that.
Basicly this as far as learning manual
Of course I learned because I do photography as a part time thing and a hobby and I learned real quickly shooting on auto with a DSLR defeats the purpose of having one(not to mention the pop up flash is useless except for casual/screw around pics )

basically the key is to pump the ISO up as high as you need or go(I was at 3200)and hope you don't get too much noise...shoot in RAW(Which I despise because of the extra large file size)to bump up exposure if needed and use the noise reduction...

I'm hoping the 7D ll Coming out has the low light specs I'm hearing rumored(to be close to the 5D lll)because besided concert photography there are some really neat things I want to shoot at night as well

This festival also forced me to figure out how to use my camera manually instead of relying on the auto settings. I will admit it was actually a lot of fun to experiment and play around with my camera and learn just how the various settings affect things. I did minimize the use of flash, but there were still a few appropriate times that I did use the flash. One nice thing with digital photography is that you can immediately see how your setting affect the resulting photograph (and throw away the duds), instead of hoping for the best and see what you got when it came time to develop the film.

However, I am pretty much able to squeak about as much as I can out of my now getting ancient Canon PowerShot G3 camera. For example, the highest ISO that thing can go to is 400, plus being only 4 megapixels. But at the time I bought this camera, it was an $800 camera and it was the highest end you could get before getting into the DSLRs (which I just could not afford at the time, damn, I was barely able to afford the G3). I will admit for such an old camera, it actually does take some really nice pictures, though.

I am now wanting to move onto some more modern and more advanced then that. I keep saying this every year that I am going to get a new camera, but other things seem to come up that prevents me to (such as having to deal with knee surgery last year). I think this time, I am going to drop and find something new to get myself for my birthday in November. I would like to try before the Fates Warning show at Jaxx/Empire to give it a test run. I found myself to be a fan of Canon gear, so that is where I am most likely going to start.
There still was a little bit of this going on. Not with a pillow case or a sheet, but...

I sat down for Heaven's Cry. Found a pretty good seat just a few rows up...perfect to view the whole stage and still be nice and close. A friend sat beside me, but a seat away. Before the band was done, this big dude tells me it's his seat. I didn't know this. He had some merch underneath, which I handed him. He then made a point to plop down between my friend and I and take both armrests. Remember, it's his seat, right? Eventually his wife joined him and they demanded that I relinquish their seats. Heaven's Cry was basically over, and I didn't really feel like starting shit, so I just got up and let them sit there.

I still found it annoying. I feel like your seat is like your spot on the can save it to go to the restroom or something quick like that...but if you plan on missing a whole band's set to go do something else, then that's not your spot any more.

I have more rail experience than seat experience, anyway. If I want a spot on the rail for a certain band, I'll either take my chances or work out a deal with someone near me (you get rail for Xandria/Ashes, I get it for Soilwork, etc.). But seat saving is just dumb.

My wife and I were sitting directly behind you in the 1st 2 seats and thought when he stepped over the rail and plopped his ass between you guys that he was a Master Douche. I would have started shit with him just because...