Cheers and Jeers

Holy fuck! I have heard a lot of irrational bitching and complaining over the past 14 years. but you have just taken it to a level previously unknown to man. Congrats! Perhaps you can get a discounted shoestring in advance to wear next time instead of the lanyard? That should save you about $1.15? Or perhaps steal some yarn? I know knots can be tricky and all, but I have confidence in you to pull it off.


P.S. Are you the same person that I emailed the Gold Badge mailing list about after the festival? Please be him so I can narrow my list rather quickly via your IP address with the Ultimate Metal registration.

doesn't want to pay $2 for a lanyard.....
Spends $300 on CD's and another $200 on booze......
Yeah,that seems logical

And yeah,your second part.......was wondering the same thing
You know, I found it surprisingly easy to remove my gold badge from my pocket and flash it each time I entered. It's not like a lanyard is necessary to attend PPUSA.

I bought the lanyard because it wouldn't be unheard of for it to fall out of my pocket and disappear ... and on at least one occasion I didn't HAVE any pockets, although the security guys probably wouldn't mind me storing it in my bra. :lol:

I actually had planned to pack my Oscar the Grouch lanyard, but then I couldn't find it, so I just sighed and paid the two bucks.
You know, I found it surprisingly easy to remove my gold badge from my pocket and flash it each time I entered. It's not like a lanyard is necessary to attend PPUSA.

It wasn't really that major of an inconvenience. I blew it out of proportion, and I apologize to Glenn and the forum for letting that happen.

In all actuality, coming in and out of Center Stage as often as I did (usually out to the vendor room, or in to the water fountains) made for some fun moments with the security, depending on whether or not they recognized me from last time. They tended to have fairly good memory!
Funny how I came home with two copies of that Circus Maximus CD, perhaps these guys should take a moment to look closer. As for a lanyard; jeez I gave away three of them over the weekend, not like there going to cause me to go broke.
So many people at the festival act like they have never been to a concert before, hell even outside for that matter.
So there is my biggest jeer of the weekend and every Progpower, having to deal with dumbasses like this. Yep I said, waiting for Glenn to bitch me out now. :lol:

Ok so...


- it went rather smoothly
- seeing friends
- selling A lot of Dark Design CDs
- FINALLY seeing Armored Saint
- the announcement of Pain of Salvation, they are always pleasant
- not getting stressed out or pissed off really


- dealing with dumbasses but I guess that is how it goes
- not seeing a lot of regulars
- that have loud imp dude in the bar/vendors room that well never shut the hell up. He was easiest enough to block out though, it was just all the people around me bitching about him.
Without that practice it could have been a nightmare, similiar to last year where all 2000 photo's have blur to them, with the exception of a few of Elise Ryd's ass (how did those get on my memory stick???)

Hahaha! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man I needed a good laugh today, been a rough day at work. I appreciate it! :lol:
Holy fuck! I have heard a lot of irrational bitching and complaining over the past 14 years. but you have just taken it to a level previously unknown to man. Congrats! Perhaps you can get a discounted shoestring in advance to wear next time instead of the lanyard? That should save you about $1.15? Or perhaps steal some yarn? I know knots can be tricky and all, but I have confidence in you to pull it off.


P.S. Are you the same person that I emailed the Gold Badge mailing list about after the festival? Please be him so I can narrow my list rather quickly via your IP address with the Ultimate Metal registration.

I paid $5 for my PPUSA Lanyard the first year I went. I'm not sure what this guy's problem is pay $2 for a basic lanyard. That's about what they cost if you bought them in a store!
1) Seeing Renegade outside the Loft, and bringing him in to say hi to the rest of the family. This happened right after the Saint issues.....nice to get a glimpse of good karma once in a while...

2) Morglbl at the pre show. Never thought that would happen, but it did! Maybe The Aristocrats next year? :heh: Very happy so many of you enjoyed them. :rock:

3) Seeing a lot of my friends in one place, for 4 days. Special to kudos to Bari's life saving cookies!

4) Not taking any prescription drugs until AFTER closing Saturday....I am a Vike King!

5) TN hill water.... :goggly: Especially + #4
6) Working with the best crew family ever! This trumps anything bad!
7) All the bands were exceptionally cool to work with.


1) My fucking hip! It's pretty bad currently. 2 weeks of Dub therapy, and if it's not better, I'm off to the docs. Get the sawzall ready! Getting old sucks. Working on a bloody stump year, if I have to!

2) Armored Saint issues....relieved that they seem to have taken it in stride...

New Damnation Angels song. HOLY SHIT. This is the album that's going to make them the new Kamelot, you heard it here first. They fucking crushed their entire set, but I was most excited about that new song.

Xandria's setlist. I really didn't like their old stuff and wasn't looking forward to sitting through a lot of it just for the chance to see a few new songs. Holy crap, they played all my favorites except for "The Nomad's Crown"!

The dude to my right with the brand new looking denim vest covered with power metal patches rocking the fuck out on the rail for his first Sabaton show!

All the sponsors for keeping this show going. If I had the money to spare, I'd be in your number!

And finally, cheers to the taste of the audience at this Sabaton show! They did a similar voting thing in Denver the last time I saw them, except that the crowd chose "Uprising" over "Price of a Mile" and "Midway" over "Poltava"! That last was one of my favorites off the new album, and "Price of a Mile" is pretty much my favorite Sabaton song ever. Just goes to show that the crowd at ProgPower knows their shit!


The broken water fountain by the entrance.

Reinxeed for not coming. Dammit, they would have been so much fucking fun to see!
Let's add some more Cheers into the mix:

Da Vinci's for, as always, staying open late for ProgPower customers. I went there twice this year.

The sound checkers. The sound quality on the stage was absolutely amazing. Myrath's songs, for one, sounded ten times better live because of all the clarity of details; the thundering ebb and flow of the drumkit gave off the impression of warlike tribal scenes in Tunisia as the band intended. You tend not to find this kind of dynamic punch on a studio recording anymore, and it made the sets of pretty much every band unforgettable, though the impact on Myrath's mood and aesthetic was particularly special.

Glenn for busting his backside getting Myrath over here to play despite the challenge, and thus showing great dedication to and trust in the band.

- Getting awakened halfway through my sleep last night by a mob. While I admit it was funny as hell, I had a hard time going back afterwards. Also, while I knew most of you, to have random people taking pictures of it was not cool. Just a thought for the sake of common respect. ;)

LOL Get ready for next year, buddy!!

I have one Jeer:

I had to miss this year :( MAKING UP FOR THAT SOON THO!! :rock::rock::rock:

1. Everything about the festival
2. How nice the bands were.. Circus Maximus and Sabaton went so far as to insist on shaking my hand and getting my name during the signing sessions, and asking ME questions.. that was a great connection with the fans.
3. Most of the people we met - instant friends! We shared pizza with one PP veteran that we sat with for most of Saturday - only fair, he watched our stuff while we went out so I could go fanboy on D.C. Cooper before Armored Saint's set. :)
4. Meeting Kevin and Morgan from Myrath at DaVinci's Thursday night - they talked with us for about 15 minutes, and were very warm and nice when we ran into them again after their set on Friday and on Saturday. Amazing guys!
5. The little boy on the left side of the stage that knew every word of every Sabaton song. :)
6. Did I mention everything about the festival?


1. The drunken fools that went too far and tried ruining the show for others because they couldn't behave. Great job on security for getting them out asap.
2. The girl that was filming Armored Saint's set on the left side of the stage - I loved watching the show through her viewfinder.
3. The crowd surfers. Really?

Overall, this was the greatest concert experience of my life. I was somewhat overwhelmed, and I don't think my sleep schedule has recovered yet. :)
The security for asking me for my gold badge 4,000 times and nearly driving me to buy a $2 lanyard.
Dude, I always have about a half dozen extra. If you lose your investment between now and next year, hit me up and I'll save you the two bucks. That goes for anyone else who needs one and is financially "strapped". ;)
I was right near it. This was part of my drunkards comment. Annoying as hell. I had to keep my eye out as they almost knocked me down several times. One time, the one girl fell to the floor and four of us had to hold her up bc she decided just to lay there. People like to drink, I get it but don't go overboard and make things uncomfortable for everyone else, and if you insist on staying and can barely walk, take a seat.

The worst was when it happened three times. First two, security hauled her out of there but she still got back in for then the aforementioned make-out session.

That's really my sole Jeer for the fest.