Cheers 'N' Jeers VII


1. Glenn, Shane, the crew, and the bands for making this the best progpower i've been to all around. It was an amazing experience yet again.
2. The people. Met a lot of new friends this year, and continue to be amazed at how friendly people that attend this show are. There's always a few exceptions but overall it's an amazing group of people.
3. The vendors (minus one ahole) for continuing to come and stock our pockets with the music we love.
4. JayDub for never letting up on getting FK to progpower.
5. Freak Kitchen for being amazing live, and even more amazing in person. Thanks for playing the 2 songs I requested, whether or not you had planned on playing them in the first place. More bands should look at you guys for how to act around fans.
6. Epica for kicking my ass, and for being cool and talking to your fans as well. I can now tell stories of how I did dueling death metal vocals in Atlanta, to a band from The Netherlands, with a guy from France. :rock:
7. Mercenary for just slaying live and getting glenn to stage dive.
8. Stair Tapers, thanks!!
9. The 2nd drummer for Jorn tossing out drum heads, SIGNED already!! (And to the guy that tipped it right into my hands)
10. The rest of the bands, every one of them was worth seeing this year, and that's the first time that's ever happened for me.


1. The beer selection sucked.
2. Whoever is in charge for getting merch to the show for the bands that didn't bring it. I only bought 2 shirts this year, lowest # of any year.
3. Bartenders that feel the need to actually make snide remarks about tipping when you bought 2 beers within 5 mins. prior of another, and you'd been tossing $5 down for $4 beers ALL WEEKEND. The one time I don't, I get a nasty ass comment. He got a big fuck you from me and will get more next year if he's there.
4. The one vendor that didn't get a cheer from me. :Puke: You lost about $300 is sales from me saturday night. :lol: I hope you know who you are, and I will NEVER buy from you again.
5. Jens from SC not knowing the words to parts of the 1 cd SC has done. C'mon, I don't care how much you've got going on, you've had 7+ months to friggin prepare for this. Major letdown from one of the 3 bands I was looking forward to most. They still sounded great though.
6. Henrik
7. Myself for not being able to find some people I really wanted to say hello too. Hopefully next year.
8. The security for barely checking my camera. I saw a few cameras in there that could do video but didn't see anyone recording. I'd be surprised if half the people with cameras actually paid the money they were supposed to. Where was this "guy" glenn hired??
1. Glenn, Shane and all the staff and crew thank you many many times over for another phenomenal vacation!!

2. All the UM Old School gang! :rock: :kickass:

3. The hot bartenders in Vinyl :p

4. :notworthy AKI !!!!

5. The Residence Inn for not bitching/curtailing any of parties or beer runs!

6. Roust 'Em, Roust 'Em, Roust 'Em !!!!!

7. All the friends, fans, staff, crew and bands...all so totally awesome!!!


1. Rikard for not coming back to CA with me :Saint: :lol:
In regards to the camera issue, the "hired" hand did not show up. I ended up having Todd & another crew member check (& collect $) at the door right up until the bands started. It would not have been fair to ask them to stay after that.

Security helped me out the best they could after that.

We did the best we could under stressful circumstances and it turned out to be the first year that I did not catch or see a bootlegger.
~Cheers to Glenn for another fun year :)
~Cheers to Deron for another year's excellent program/cd sampler :)
~Cheers to Mattias from FK for being the first musician in many years to leave me speechless in his presence (JayDub's never gonna let me live that one down :lol: ).
~Cheers to all of the gold badge members who ended up winning mostly samplers in the raffle but didn't complain. My apologies for year I'll be asking the contributors not to donate stuff they'll be handing out for free anyway, as it's hardly a prize when you already picked it up for free. I had no control over that, though, so thanks for not taking it out on me. Apologies also to those who didn't get raffle tickets, Friday's badge pickup time ended earlier than planned & there was no way to let everyone know (and I was there on Saturday at 2 for the extra ticket pickup, but no one showed..).
~Cheers to Lance King for donating extra stuff to make up for the sampler donating contributors.
~Cheers to Glenn for donating a metric crap-ton of shirts to the raffle to make up for the loss of our gold badge private pre-party room.
~Cheers to Babs & Debbie for the corset lace-up party & for encouraging me to go ahead & be seen in mine in public. :lol:
~Cheers to all of the new folks I met, old friends I saw again, & everyone who made it another fun year :)

~Jeers to the Granada for first almost shafting me out of my room completely without bothering to contact me in regards to a credit card issue, & then for charging me the suite price for a tiny room.
~Jeers to Subway for closing so freaking early on Saturday.
~Jeers to Houlihan's for changing to a much pricier yuppie-fied menu since last year..but Cheers to them for doing a decent job with the SymX lunch folks this year..and Jeers to JayDub for missing it (you know I had to say it :p :lol: ).

The Man. The Myth. The Legend. The Stage-Diver.

KARAOKE NIIIIGHT!!! What a fun time. Who didn't have some fun there??? SOMEDAY.. LOVE WILL FIND YOU.... I love Alby. I wanna get a sex change and marry that boy.

Claus from Intromental is such a cool cat. He doesn't even need to be there, and I have a feeling he's coming every year just for the hell of it!

SLAYEERRRRR!! He knows who he is. My man, we MUST party hard together next year!

Ed (aka eppst1... hopefully I got that screen name right) was the coolest guy to hang out with all weekend long. Thanks for hanging with us everywhere we went, and I'll see you next year!

The Cheesecake Factory - We were the fattest, fullest, most painfully-satisfied metalheads in all of Georgia that Friday afternoon. Never again will we eat a meal like that.

VISION DIVINE - Luppi Luppi Luppiiii!!! They rocked my world exactly as I hoped they would. Perfect. What a setlist. Seeing Olaf on stage with an ear-to-ear grin made my weekend. I still cannot believe that is Michele Luppi's actual voice! Did he have a backup tape? Damnit damnit DAMNIT that boy is too good.

Bear - I shook that man's hand A LOT. He was hustling so much this weekend.

The Door Security - They are the coolest guys, and did their jobs well. I thanked them for helping us Friday night.


The drunk-as-fuck guy we had to get kicked out. He was such a beligerant, cocky, arrogant, embarassing example of Yankee Americans and what all the world loves to rip on America about. I hope he didn't act that way to any of the band members. How he behaved to his friend's daughter was unacceptable and intolerable. He embodied everything that America gets ragged about, and I'll thank the security team once again for dealing with that guy. And I want to offer an apology to that little girl, for having her Prog Power experience ruined because of that incident. She never should have seen that, and should have been able to enjoy the whole night. I just wish I woulda had him kicked out after the first incident. White Trash.

WE HAD A SEVERE DEFICIENCY IN MARIAAAAAAA!!!! I cried. I was sad. She better have a damned good reason for not serving me beers! I was sooo ready to give her my Sharpie marker again!!!
Evergrey's set
What I saw of Zero Hour's set
Freak Kitchen's talented guitarist
Mercenary's cover
The little tiny bit of Masterplan played in Jorn's set.

The lights.
The bartenders' attitude. I even saw one bartender giving shit to another bartender who seemed cool.
Lack of closer restaurants. (Of course, not anyone's fault, but still one of my jeers.)

*to ALL the Amazing people that I spoke with and had the privledge of performing for this year....It felt like I had A.D.D. on Friday jumping from the Nightmare table to sound check to the table, to play and then back again talking to 5 people at a time as I went...:goggly:

*Glenn for being Glenn and again, coordinating an amazing metal fun fest!:kickass:

*Freak Kitchen....all I can say is WOW! :rock:

*Getting to meet Face to face so many musicians and music fans
that I've grown to know only by cyberspace....very nice putting a face
and body with the names!

*John, Laura, Sebastien, Jonah, Katagory V guys for helping me at the NIGHTMARE table, big thanks to Dustin and cohorts for doing this during my set!:notworthy

*COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT staff...have to be the most helpful and most
coutious I've EVER experienced in my life....they go all the way on customer service!!:p

*Tomy my son and my PYRAMAZE brothers for an great show!:rock:

*Not enough time, would have liked to play for hours, and stay for more days~!

*Not able to see the bands, caught a few momentary glances here and there,
but missed several I really really wanted to see!

Jax said:
~Jeers to Houlihan's for changing to a much pricier yuppie-fied menu since last year..but Cheers to them for doing a decent job with the SymX lunch folks this year.

CHEERS to Jax and to Glenn (no, not THAT Glenn) for putting the whole thing together! It was a great opportunity to put faces with screen names and e-mail addresses. I can't compare to prior years since this was my first time to attend, but I though Houlihan's did a great job with such a large group.

CHEERS also to "The Michael" for organizing the lunch on Friday at Front Page News -- and for taking care of the accounting for us at the end. :) A great time was had by all!
1. Balls of Steel award - Thank you many times over for all you do and put up with, Glenn!
2. Hanging out (and staying up until breakfast) with the guys from Pagan's Mind (espeically Steiner)
3. Seeing Thunderstone and Epica back to back
4. The Porch at the Granada
5. PP Girlie Tees and the amount of other girlie tees available
6. Meeting all the folks I've been corresponding with online for the past year or so
7. All the nice comments I got about my pants (the one with the patches) on Friday night ... and all the new friends I made because of them
8. Seeing Tom Englund smoke on the floor at Center Stage before Jorn's set and not seeing anyone bitch at him for it - I think it's hillarious how so many people bitched on here about the smoke, but no one would dare say anything to Mr. Evergrey. (By the way, I'm not a smoker.)
9. Experiencing one of the most fun PP weekends ever

I have deleted the first jeer as I have already explained the situation in an earlier post in this thread and I also felt it to be very insulting and giving the impression that I am not true to my word.

Sorry, Glenn. I posted this before I saw your reply. No disrespect intended. I was more upset with security than you. - BRMH

2. Finding out some other guy bought all the Doro from the CD Inzane table before I got there.
3. No Thunderstone or Savage Circus merchandise (T-shirts, posters, etc.)
4. Jens Carlsson needing to check liner notes during the Savage Circus set. I know he's in a lot of other projects, but he is in Savage Circus (not filling in) and they only have one album. On the plus side, checking the lyrics did not inhibit his overall vocal ability or my enjoyment of their performance.
5. Having to drink Kahluah on the rocks all weekend, because there is apparently not an ounce of cream (or Bailey's) in the entire Center Stage venue. (Please, no sick jokes in response to this.) I was not the only girl who was annoyed about this. Although I suppose this could be a plus, because of instead of paying $7 for a drink made with 1/2 liqour, I got drinks for $7 that were all liquor.

MaxDuo said:
Uhh... Guess a semi cheer can go to the cute girl who sat next to me during Jorn's set. Was funny because she kept falling asleep. She did that head rocking thing where your head falls down then shoots up real fast over and over again. Was a funny looking headbang hehe. Even if it wasn't intentional.
Hahaha! :lol: Dude, I think you caught me. I had just finished standing (and rocking out) for all of Thunderstone and all of Epica. Those were the two bands I was most excited about seeing this weekend. However, I didn't want to miss Jorn. I was on the floor for the first part of his set, but my legs were so tired, I had to go sit down. From looking at the posted set list, I don't think I missed much of their set - maybe parts of two or three songs (I'm really glad I didn't miss any of the finale), but I am a little embarrassed that you caught me headbanging in my sleep. Haha! :lol: :rock:
CHEERS to the whole dam thing!! From Glenn to the bands to the fans. My list would be too long and for the most part redundant of what's already been said. Good to see so many friends from years past as well. Having missed V and VI and to feel as though I havn't missed a beat, while noticing significant improvements in the quality of bands and sound has to speak volumes for the festival itself. I love this festival and the people involved. Thank you.

My only Jeers would have to go out to the Courtyard by Marriot, who's service and price for the rooms that weekend were definitely inproportionate. And being one, if not the longest walk to the venue. Can't blame that on them though. I'm booking earlier next year. It might be cool for GB holders to know the dates in advance for that purpose???

And being a photographer, I hope the lighting improves at the venue overall and if not, having the light guy provide sufficient lighting no matter the performer. Seems the headliners got more. They are ALL headliner-caliber bands and deserve the attention. :)

Oh, and the 'black metal' fans who thought they could push their way to the front before Epica's set, squeezing out a few folks who had spent more time 'earning' the spot. I knew they were black metal fans from the Gorgoroth backgrounds on the cell phones and the velvet black robe...LOL!!
ConnieOH said:
I looked all over and even asked around, but still could not find the Forum picture board. Where was it??

It was behind the people selling PP shirts. Right after the " main" stairs on the left.