Cheers 'N' Jeers VII

Bryan316 said:
Holy crap Ice.. I can't believe you've already updated your avatar!!! LOL!!! Ahh.. technology!

Oh yeah, it was the only pic I uploaded to my computer
:rolleyes: :kickass:
LunaTEKKE said:
The overall caliber of vocal talent at the festival is at the top of my "Cheers" list. I remember thinking during Circus Maximus that I was witnessing one of the best vocal performances I’ve ever seen. As it turned out, I added a few *more* performances to that list before the weekend was over!

That is SO true. Circus Maximus, Zero Hour, Jorn, Pyramaze, Vision Divine, and Epica all have excellent vocalists, and all put on completely top-notch performances. I'm not a fan of Epica at all, but Simone has a great voice. I like Vision Divine a little (not a *huge* fan, though), but I was *very* impressed with their singer...great range, incredible control of his voice, and one of the better "frontmen" I've seen...he really worked the crowd well, and was clearly having a blast up on stage (always a good thing!). The vocals and vocal melodies were BY FAR the best part of VD's set...the rest of it I could take or leave, though.

And not to leave out Tom from Evergrey or Matthias' vocals for Freak Kitchen...they're good singers in their own right, and put in great performance as well. I was just *completely* blown away by the others I named.


Everything, The music was awesome, the crowd as always amazing.
Getting to know more awesome people this year including Colleen and Todd (we'll be watching that audition with great anticipation), TheWhisper, Kittybeast and Pabla (great to talk to you guys so much more this year), Zod and Paula, Jason, the "Rage for Order" guy, Amon, and so many more I didn't have nearly enough time to talk with.
Getting the chance to chat with Carina (sp?) Englund. She is so cool!
All the bands for hanging with us regular people and being able to hang with them. I talked to so many cool people.
Goodstone Cafe -- Holy Cow !!!!
Granada Staff - great to us as always!
All the hot chicks that let me .... well you know who you are :) Love you all!!!


Never enough time to visit with all the amazing people you meet.
Not realizing that the Goodstone would be closed on Sunday morning.
Not finding the bagel shop on Sunday morning and having to settle for Houlihan's.
rockyracoon said:
1. Upstairs bartenders being dicks about water and their TACKY little signs bitching about tips. By the end of Sat night, their attitudes were way outta hand.
2. Where was that hot bartender from previous years, I forget her name???

On #1: You're not the only one I heard complaining. They obviously never heard the saying "you attract more flies with sugar than vinegar." I heard about 3 or 4 people with mixed drinks complaining that they paid $6 for a simple drink (ie. rum and Coke), got it served in a tiny glass (more suited to a shooter than a drink), it was about 75% ice, and with all that, IT WASN'T EVEN FULL. I had the same experience with beers...bought two beers from the upstairs bars, and both were only about 3/4 full with a ton of foam on top. Bartenders: Either learn to pour it correctly to avoid all the foam or set it back down and make someone else's drink while you wait for the foam to subside...then top it off. After those two, I bought the rest of my beers downstairs...even though the service was slower (they were swamped, so I understood), at least they were cool and the drinks were full. :kickass:

On #2: Good question...probably off modeling somewhere. :) I heard several people ask about her, but honestly, it isn't just that she (Maria) is hot, it's the fact that she was so damn cool...and a really goodbartender, too. The fact that HER tip jar was always full wasn't only because she's hot...she knew how to bartend...FULL drinks, a friendly smile, and good service.


Glenn and his ENTIRE Crew - Without them, we'd have NOTHING!

Glenn again for booking Freak Kitchen - I hope you liked their set as much as the majority of us did!

Tore from jorn's band for handing me a copy of the new carnivora cd, AND latching onto the "Shrek" nickname some close friends have given me. You'll pay next time! :D

The Freak Kitchen guys - For being so fan friendly and helping us finish our beer stash!

All my friends from the UM Boards - Always good to see you all again! Also great to meet those I hadn't previously! Lets do this again next year!

Lastly, all of the nay-sayers & people on the fence who decided to hang out for the FK set, I almost crapped my jeans when I saw how full it was!
Looks like most of you enjoyed yourselves! :rock:


ONE forum member here for spilling Mattias' beer, and being a complete dick head about it. "It was probably warm anyway" take your rock star 'tude and shove it up your ass....

Bartenders - The guys working the main bar off to the right when you enter the lobby were totally cool. The guys in the other corner were complete assholes. If I never see the mohawk guy again, it'll be a GOOD thing for both him & I. Maybe if you guys weren't such assholes, you wouldn't be bitching about your tips. Taste my fist, you douche....

Me - For being kidnapped and forced to drink beer, then be taken to late breakfast/early lunch by a trio of Swedes.....AND missing the TEoF lunch...
I'll be there next year! Promise! :Saint: I'll be in Jax's doghouse for the rest of the year.....

And finally Rick & Barb, for making me walk back to my hotel with an exposed "Shrek" Chia-Pet and expanding the Shrek nickname fanbase (see cheers) Seriously, love you guys! See you soon maybe! :D

ratanda said:
The lights.
The bartenders' attitude. I even saw one bartender giving shit to another bartender who seemed cool.

I thought the lighting was incredibly well-done this year (far better than previous years even, which were still good). I'm guessing that you're talking about when the rotating lights would shine out into the crowd? Now THAT was pretty blinding (especially when they were on pure white and stayed out for a while), but overall an excellent light show, though...just don't leave 'em pointed directly in our faces (in pure white) for more than a second next year!

As far as the bartender's attitude...if that was the one guy downstairs (in Vinyl's), he was probably joking. I thought he was a complete ass at first, then I realized that he was just joking and giving shit to EVERYONE...ALL THE TIME. He was actually damned funny.

Now, if it was the upstairs bartenders...yeah, they sucked balls.


1. Glenn Harveston. Yeah, you deserved the Balls of Steel award.

2. Circle II Circle. We got to party with you at the Super 8 after the pre-party.

3. Speaking of the Super 8 - MAJOR kudos to you guys from Southern Cross (Quebec) and Strangeland (Illinois). Also got to party with some guys from Puerto Rico and Norway. Damn nice to party and hang out with all of you! :rock:

4. Freak Kitchen. IA kicks SOLID ass! Who would have known a vibrator would have sounded good on an electric guitar?

5. Prog Power Metal CDs! Gotta get a ton of them. SkiBumMSP damn cleaned them out! :)

6. Getting to meet Coldie in person. Getting to meet two members of Odin's Court in person.


1. The Hampton Inn closing down. I know, not their fault, but I would liked to have known when I made reservations in February, not in August!

2. The stage lights. I've said my peace on this already.

3. Too much time between sets. All the bands shared the same drum kit. How hard is it to set up mics, guitars and synths? I guess it isn't plug and play?

4. The boom camera. Yeah, its gonna look good on the DVD, but there were MANY people who had a hard time getting in and out of the venue (not just me). That's one problem with Center Stage - the lack of good exits.

But overall it was way WAY cool! Better than last year.
3 big CHEERS, to Tore, the porch king and my temporary weekend spouse. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: Miss ya already!

To all the porch partiers, and all the old and new friends I was privileged to hang out with and enjoy one of the best 4-day weekends ever. It's lonely without y'all!

To Glenn, as always, for creating a unique and awesome event full of surprises and providing an environment for camraderie and excellent music that is simply unmatched.

To the crew, who always bust ass and especially Wayne, whose always willing to help out in any situation. Your rock! :rock:

To Shane for continually improving the pre-party until it has nearly reached the level of the main event. Awesome job!! :rock: Also, special thanks for the appreciation you showed us in particular. Totally a class act! :notworthy

Mega-Cheers!!! to all the wonderfully talented and friendly band members who not only provided us with kick ass shows but with good fun and friendship before and after.

To the karaoke singers who were entertaining as hell, some in more ways than one, especially the crew who did the rousing rendition of Margaritaville.:tickled:

To Tommy King, Lance's son and his stirring performance! Keep at it kid! Your are gonna rock the world someday! :danceboy:

To the Metal Seamstress and the fabulous corset she made me and great costumes for Tommy and Mercenary. Also for being the best buddy and roomie anyone could ever wish to have!!.
Miss you!!!! :waah:

To all the vendors especially Ned and all those girlies shirts! :notworthy

For the Granada breakfast. Hit the spot when I could get to it on time. Just needs to stay open past 9:30 on Thurs./Fri. (partial jeer)

To the security guys who were friendly, patient and understanding in nearly every situation (except one brief misunderstanding; no jeer)

To Paula for helping with the poster! Glad everyone liked it!

To Jax and (the other) Glenn for another GREAT luncheon and the hard work they put into the whole weekend. :worship:


To the cab driver who drove us from the airport and, even with an address, brought us to the wrong hotel, than insisted it WAS the right hotel 'cause they'd never put 2 Best Westerns on the same street. Then charging us extra for "not knowing" our hotel was midtown, not downtown. Dude! We gave you an ADDRESS!

To that one smart ass parking lot attendant. stfu, dude.

To the Granada for not doing better maintenance. That shower curtain falling down all weekend was a pain in the ass and that was just one thing. Put a little of that extra money you took from us into some updates, please!

To Subway for running out of bread. Might as well have closed. :Smug:

To the confusing traffic signals for pedestrians at the intersections. Never have figured out the patterns.

Overall, my cheers heavily outweight my jeers, which really have nothing to do with the actual festival. I can't thank Glenn and everyone involved in the administration/production enough and I can't possibly stress how wonderful it was hanging with all of you. This is my worse case of withdrawel ever! Hope everyone got home safe and cya all next year!
AMBR said:
To the Granada for not doing better maintenance. That shower curtain falling down all weekend was a pain in the ass and that was just one thing. Put a little of that extra money you took from us into some updates, please!

For what it's worth, the very nice shuttle guy told Yippee and I last night that the hotel was bought out and they'll be doing renovations before next year including round the clock room service.
* I have to add a ++ for all the comments about Glen, Shane, and the crews.
* The Q for his idea for reflective tape (and those who applied it). It worked excellent, especially the second night when all of the stairs were taped.
* The guy working the boom camera. I realized that every time somebody tried to go up or down the stairs, he would go for a zoom shot to make way for them. Good job dude. (Just saw the post above. I never had a problem with it. Every time I came up the stairs, he moved the boom out of the way. Maybe it was coincidence.)
* Whomever came up with the nametags. I only saw about 3 people wearing them though. It was cool though. I saw one guys wearing one and it was Pyramaze51. I walked right over and introduced myself and had a nice chat with him. I would not have if he weren't wearing the nametag. I suggest we really do nametags next year.
* The Vinyl for doing whatever it was they did to get the food our fast this year. We got ours in about 10 minutes. Was that the norm, or an exception?
* Two-floor rooms at the Grenada that helped me sleep through the after party across the hall. It was expensive, but it was a damn nice room.
* Friendly staff at the Grenada (except for the big guy with the funny necklace at the front counter who was completely unfriendly).
* Mark Jansen for pleasantly chatting with us.
* All the cool people I met and got to party/chat with this year, and the people I knew from previous years, and the people I just haven't met yet, but will in years to come. You guys all rock!

* Catching a cold (I assume from being on the flight down) on the first day of the fest and not being able to do after parties.
* Whomever was responsible for the problems with Lance's mic during the Pyramaze set. Somebody told me it wouldn't effect the DVD though, so that's cool.
-Cheers to all the awesome people I met and talked to (I would name names; however, I know I will mix up names/forget people). Once again I am blown away by the number of genuinely nice people I met. This has to be the best bunch of people on the planet; it really feels like an extended family (except we all get along better :)). I can't wait until next year.
-Cheers to Epica for living up to my high expectations of them and for being really cool people; I was proud to be one of their sponsors.
-Cheers to all the bands that I saw and hung out with. Kick ass performances and almost everyone was really friendly and approachable.
-Cheers to the beyondearcandy folks; you guys made my weekend! Thanks for helping me feel more comfortable with the VIP thing and making sure I was in the right place to go upfront for Epica. You guys are the best!
-Cheers to the Glenn, Shane, and the rest of the crew for putting on such a great show (again) and for being such nice guys.
-Cheers to Glenn finally having PP Girlie shirts! I hope they sold out and that we will have them every year!
-Cheers to Brian for keeping me from making an ass of myself with anymore band members (see jeers).
-Cheers to the bartender in VIP lounge for making me a rum and coke that was more like a large glass of rum with a spritz of coke.
-Cheers to the guys in room 321 for having kick ass parties!
-Cheers to the guy who gave me ibuprofen Saturday b/c I forgot all my pills! He saved my evening!
-Cheers to Vision Divine and Luppi for actually sounding better live than on their cds. I was very impressed.

-Jeers to me for forgetting so many people's names. I am sorry to those of you whose names I kept forgetting and to those of you whose name I will forget next year. I am bad with names and good with faces.
-Jeers to me for arriving at PP only knowing what Piet, Zach, and Simone looked like and therefore not knowing who was in what band etc...
-Jeers to me (again) for making an ass of myself by asking Jorn if he was with Jorn's band and then having Brian go "He is Jorn"! I was so embarrassed that I didn't try talk to Jorn for the rest of the weekend (despite seeing him almost everywhere I went).
-Jeers to Jorn for hardly playing any of my favorite songs from his solo material; great performance anyway.
-Jeers to Vision Divine for not playing any songs off their first two albums (2 of my favorite power metal cds); once again, great performance anyway.
-Jeers to the lights for blinding me during every one of Olaf's solos.
-Jeers to the vendors for not having the new Heed cd as of 3pm on Friday.
-Jeers to the Residence Inn (see other thread).
-Jeers to being up so late so many days in a row that I am now exhausted and nocturnal.
-Jeers to the fact that there are so many of you that I didn't get to talk to or see enough.
-Jeers to the fact that there were so many people I said "see you later" to and then didn't bump in to them again.
-Jeers most of all to the fact that PP is over and it will be another whole year before I see most of you awesome people again.

ReaLM said:
-Jeers to me for forgetting so many people's names. I am sorry to those of you whose names I kept forgetting and to those of you whose name I will forget next year. I am bad with names and good with faces.

Yeah. I'm with you on that one. I feel especially bad about "Nav". He is the guy from Trinidad, but I don't know if he's on the boards. The whole pre-party I was calling him some other crazy name (don't remember what). It was so loud in the Vinyl, that I had to have him repeat it several times, and even then kept forgetting it and calling him something else. I thought I finally got it right the next day, but somebody else said his name, and said it differently, so I just started calling him "Nav" (he did suggest that earlier). Anybody know his full name? I think Empress knows it. He was a very cool guy.

I've got another Cheer. I broke my watch band on Wednesday night (smacked my arm on a wall). We found this really upscale jewelry store in Buckhead where the lady said that they may be able to fix it. She said, "Nobody does repairs while you wait though." Ugh. We caught a cab up there and found the shop. The lady was very nice and when we explained that we were in town for the weekend she took it back to her jeweler and he fixed it while we hung out. She then stood there and chatted with us for about 15 minutes. If any of you guys in the Atlanta area need any fancy jewelry, go visit the lady at "The Golden Fleece" in Buckhead.
What were the forum Name tags about? I didn't see anybody wearing one. Did one of the forum members just copy down all the user names and make name tags out of them or something?