3 big CHEERS, to Tore, the porch king and my temporary weekend spouse.
Miss ya already!
To all the porch partiers, and all the old and new friends I was privileged to hang out with and enjoy one of the best 4-day weekends ever. It's lonely without y'all!
To Glenn, as always, for creating a unique and awesome event full of surprises and providing an environment for camraderie and excellent music that is simply unmatched.
To the crew, who always bust ass and especially Wayne, whose always willing to help out in any situation. Your rock!
To Shane for continually improving the pre-party until it has nearly reached the level of the main event. Awesome job!!
Also, special thanks for the appreciation you showed us in particular. Totally a class act!
Mega-Cheers!!! to all the wonderfully talented and friendly band members who not only provided us with kick ass shows but with good fun and friendship before and after.
To the karaoke singers who were entertaining as hell, some in more ways than one, especially the crew who did the rousing rendition of Margaritaville.
To Tommy King, Lance's son and his stirring performance! Keep at it kid! Your are gonna rock the world someday! :danceboy:
To the Metal Seamstress and the fabulous corset she made me and great costumes for Tommy and Mercenary. Also for being the best buddy and roomie anyone could ever wish to have!!.
Miss you!!!!
To all the vendors especially Ned and all those girlies shirts!
For the Granada breakfast. Hit the spot when I could get to it on time. Just needs to stay open past 9:30 on Thurs./Fri. (partial jeer)
To the security guys who were friendly, patient and understanding in nearly every situation (except one brief misunderstanding; no jeer)
To Paula for helping with the poster! Glad everyone liked it!
To Jax and (the other) Glenn for another GREAT luncheon and the hard work they put into the whole weekend.
To the cab driver who drove us from the airport and, even with an address, brought us to the wrong hotel, than insisted it WAS the right hotel 'cause they'd never put 2 Best Westerns on the same street. Then charging us extra for "not knowing" our hotel was midtown, not downtown. Dude! We gave you an ADDRESS!
To that one smart ass parking lot attendant. stfu, dude.
To the Granada for not doing better maintenance. That shower curtain falling down all weekend was a pain in the ass and that was just one thing. Put a little of that extra money you took from us into some updates, please!
To Subway for running out of bread. Might as well have closed. :Smug:
To the confusing traffic signals for pedestrians at the intersections. Never have figured out the patterns.
Overall, my cheers heavily outweight my jeers, which really have nothing to do with the actual festival. I can't thank Glenn and everyone involved in the administration/production enough and I can't possibly stress how wonderful it was hanging with all of you. This is my worse case of withdrawel ever! Hope everyone got home safe and cya all next year!