Cheese Vs Cheese

Rhapsody rule! Though I'm glad that saga thing they had going over four albums is over. They should do something different. Hearing about "mighty warriors", "mighty dragons" and the like gets a bit tiresome! I like the odd bit of cheese though. But not the Edguy kind (at least on their late 90s albums). That sucks arse.

Whoracle and The Jester Race are both fucking ace. No rhyme intended.
Well I have a selection of about 90 at home haha, plus I hired out Sleepaway Camp which I hadn't seen yet. But we didn't end up watching any of them. We watched Clerks and American Movie instead lol.
Clerks is great !
Have you ever seen night of the demons 2 ?

How come when I take a quote from someone I can't get it to say at the top "originally posted by the tropper" or whoever it is.
What am I doing different ????
Originally posted by Goreripper
Erm... it should it automatically if you click on the "QUOTE" button in their post first. If you just use the Quick Reply feature, it won't work.

Hahahahaha .... ok , I worked it out now. I was trying to do it some dumb way that was completely wrong.
Thanks :)
Originally posted by The Trooper
Nup haven't seen Night Of The Demons 2... should I? :)

I got a few laughs out of it when i watched it about 5 years ago. I can't remember if the soundtrack was metal though. It did have some good cheesy one liners and sorta reminded me of argento's demon movies.