i think the "courtney" stuff is the name of her "daughter". i know and work with alot of 'neck women and their children - especially daughters - are the pinnacle of their lives. not that theres anything wrong with that. but when your daughter you had out of wedlock at age 19 is ALL you have, thats annoying as fuck. i always politely ask if we can discuss something else other than their children.
oh, the topic: are you asking if tattoed women are hot or hot chicks with a tattoo are hotter? theres a difference. i never had an inkling of interest in someone because they had a tatoo. but a hot chick with a tatoo, i was, whatever. as long as it wasnt ridiculous. but let's be honest: most chicks who get tatoos are unreliable, not too bright, and kinda redneck/trashy. it's something military wives do.