Black Metal chicks

Bryant said:
They are just like white metal chicks. It's all pink on the inside. Ha ha ha ha I hope I don't offend any fems in here with that, but I couldn't resist. ^___^

Thats generally...... the truth.... A couple of glasses of wine they sing along with any pop song. I have never met a girl who REALLY dig Slayer for some reason. But I love em, and I get the impression that goth chicks are better in bed, they are kind of freaky.
Nocturnal Emperor said:
the majority of "goth" style girls are in it for the image and listen to manson and korn.

So true. "Goth" is retarded. Everyone is in it for the image. Very few people are in it for the actual lifestyle. If they are true "goth", they should listen to darkwave or the Cure or that shit, not manson and corn. It's just pity me imagry. Black Metal is very different from goth.
Metal chicks are freaking scary .. I like my women like women, not like fucking scarecrows .. thanks!

Metal is a state of mind not how you look.
The Trou-Peur said:
I like girls with long black hair.
Me too!;)

NOTE TO HAL : This opens the door for your jokes. As long as I can laugh at them, you shant be beaten down by my wrath. But don't piss me off!
Welp, after the Day at the Border festival, I can safely say that there are no ugly metal chicks in Milan, Italy, possibly Italy altogether. OMFG. Everywhere you look, perfect 10s in really skimpy black clothes. Some with nothing but a bra and panties, some with even less. You gotta love those Italians...there's something to be said for a culture that just doesn't give a shit about what other people think, especially when it comes to sexuality.