Childhood belief's website


Confusing avatar! :O
Jan 2, 2004
Weee! Check this websitez0r!

People there post their own childhood's believes, and you can add your own as well. There are some cool ones. :D

When I was little, I used to think that people don't smell my farts whenever I hold my breath in.

I once believed that because I drank much milk if someone by chance hit me with a sledgehammer nothing would happen.

I used to think that "giving someone the finger" ment to litteraly give someone THE finger. I really thought that there was a golden finger being passed around! So, when someone said " You better stop or I'll give you the finger!" I was overjoyed !

When I was seven, I was in swimming lessons. I was getting changed back into my street clothes in my 'cubicle' when I saw the f word written on the wall. I thought F*ck was a funny name for some kind of mushroom. I repeated it until I was scolded by my parents and my sister and we got out of the building asap. I finally learned that f*ck meant something radically different than a mushroom.

Hahaha, it's t3h rulez0r!. :D
Tut Ankh Amon said:
when i was a kid i thought clouds were made of dead cotton, cause they died and went to heaven and shit

ain't i cute? :p


When I was little I used to put my hand in front of one eye, and think I could see though my hand because it didnt block too much vision.
when i was like 9 or 10
my brother thought me some basic stuff about atoms and shit like that
so i found it very interesting that the way the electrons float around the proton-neutron core was the same way that the planets go around the sun, then i thought "hey, maybe the solar system is one big atom"

and i'm not shitting you :lol:
i was so much smarter when i was a kid :(
Tut Ankh Amon said:
when i was like 9 or 10
my brother thought me some basic stuff about atoms and shit like that
so i found it very interesting that the way the electrons float around the proton-neutron core was the same way that the planets go around the sun, then i thought "hey, maybe the solar system is one big atom"

and i'm not shitting you :lol:
i was so much smarter when i was a kid :(
Now if the planets could jump around in the orbits, that would be scary stuff.
I just remembered that when I was a wee lad I believed that the spermatozoids would enter the body and make the woman pregnant during the kiss of the wedding :p
Such an inoccent thought, eh?
When I was a little kid and a thunderstorm came and the thunder was so loud I used to think it was god tidying up in heaven... *lol*