Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

sykosick2 wrote:''ok retard read the fuckin description dumbass i wuz bored, but if u wanna be a fuckin flaming faggot bout it, jus cuz ur mommy didnt raise u right and be there to tell you that its not right for a boy to tuck ur dick between ur legs, ill tell you if u think i suck and u can do better how bout a solo duel faggot?''

Everyone in this forum are way better than this guy!
swFlappy (14 seconds ago)
Omg dude us guys at the Bodom forum think you really feckin' good dude, can ye please record a vid of you playing Kissing the Shadows? Youre awes0me dude!

Posted at his Living Dead Beat video. Let's hope he does it.
Haha yes!!

sykosick2 (34 seconds ago)
sure man, u got it

Already looking forward to it now :D
sykosick2 (1 minute ago)
actually i gotta wait till i go to my drummers house next time and pick up my alexi 600 or my jackson rr3, cuz my shecter doesnt have a tremolo, and do you want me to do the whole song or jus the solo

What do we want guys, the full song or the solo?
Aye sir:

swFlappy (9 seconds ago)
please dude if ye can do a quick vid of the solo now that would be awes0me!
He said:haha r u kidding me i would ripp you apart u have nothin on how i really play u r a fuckin joke son,lmao, when u can compose something and METALLICA likes it then ur worthy of my time,, 'the unforgiven IV'

my band asked james hetfield if they would mind if we did it he said if its good go ahead he and lars heard it and said fucking great ya so u can fuck off, plus,lol, im a signed artist im rolling in money ur not lmao so fuck you

Now I see that this guy is crazy
I have seen more of his videos, he's serious :lol:

At least he's confident with his playing unlike me