Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Hi people! I'm back with some (actually a lot :lol:) of Banned From Heaven. I was only going to record Roope's solo, but then I recorded the outro and then decided to re-do the intro I had previously done and ended up doing pretty much everything besides Alexi's solo :lol: Raping one solo is enough for one day, so tell me what you guys think of it! :D

Banned From Heaven
buy mine



Near perfect condition, (marfal treats his toys well) and the most kickass colour available
incl jackson multifit case (also fits your warrior!)
buy now!

why do you want to sell it? that's a pretty nice guitar except for the fact that there's only one pu.
how much?

On msn:p

Everyone selling their RR's now? :p


Are you serious?

It doesn't have one single scratch, apart from the very little ones you can only see when you look closely. There's a bit paint off at the upper point (very weak spot). The trem is my problem, it stays in tune perfectly, a month of divebombing and pulling with the back to the wood - no problem, stays in tune. But there's something broken in the looseness ajusting weel or whatever that calls, and this is definetly a factory mistake. It makes smooth tremelo and fluttering quite hard.

And i got tired of it.

Hi people! I'm back with some (actually a lot :lol:) of Banned From Heaven. I was only going to record Roope's solo, but then I recorded the outro and then decided to re-do the intro I had previously done and ended up doing pretty much everything besides Alexi's solo :lol: Raping one solo is enough for one day, so tell me what you guys think of it! :D

Banned From Heaven

I practised a bit on it, opinions are welcome.
Awesome :)
I think it's really cool to see that your recordings have improved so much after you got your Toneport.
Hi people! I'm back with some (actually a lot :lol:) of Banned From Heaven. I was only going to record Roope's solo, but then I recorded the outro and then decided to re-do the intro I had previously done and ended up doing pretty much everything besides Alexi's solo :lol: Raping one solo is enough for one day, so tell me what you guys think of it! :D

Banned From Heaven

I don't like the lead tone. It has too much chorus or sth. in it, but the rythm sounds good. And besides a few mistakes here and there its a good cover.
But you have to work on your harmonics. The solo is also pretty good but you hit a few bad notes but still nice work!
Yep, the lead sound does indeed have a lot more chorus than the original recording, but I found that tone the other day and liked it a lot and I wanted to use it :lol: But yeah, I know it was a bit too much. About the harmonics yes, it's true that I have still loads of room to improve, I just keep trying. Eventually I'll get them down (I hope :lol:).

And yeah Flappy, Toneport works wonders for my tone :lol:
I liked the tone, it was a little chorusee but not in a bad way, just in a way that wasnt Alexi you know? But its cool to have your own thing otherwise youre just listening to Banned from Heaven without the Alexi singing. What did you use for the guitar amps? And recording software?
Thanks! I used POD Farm (the tone was made with GearBox and can be used with it, I only use POD Farm for the biamping thing) for the sound and Cool Edit Pro 2.1 to record. If you want the settings just ask :)
nice deal by friend, very nice.

Cool Edit Pro? I think I need to try that, its not a full on DAW is it? its just recording and no other virtual instruments?
That video has probably the best description ever. But then again, what can you expect from a fat fish? Who's also clearly deaf.