Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

How do you get the revalver to work and not sound shit? I've installed it but the tones I can get are crap. Is there anything specific I have to do?

And about the Nick Crow 8505, I'm suposed to record clean signal from Toneport and then put it over like if it was chorus or does it sound like if it were Gearbox and then you record with it? Sorry, I'm quite n00b on this.
well it sounds quite good imho... but just a bit too "blechern" ;)
might be because there is like almost no bass at all!
what do you use you korg for actually?

btw this revalver thing and recabinat programs are fucking expensive!!!!! :mad:
How long can you use the demos?
"what do you use you korg for actually?" Hä? Meinst du die Einstellungen?

Das blecherne ist grade das, was mir so gefällt :) aber hör dir mal Mitch'S Ton an...der is mit Abstand der blechernste Ton den ich kenne - was mir aber zu viel ist. Hab den Bass auch komplett raus genommen weil's sonst gekratzt hätte, ja.

Wegen dem ReValver... Die Demo endet im Prinzip nicht. Du kannst nur keine Einstellungen speichern und er haut dir ab und zu ein kurzes rauschen rein - was aber bei zwei Gitarren nicht unbedingt auffällt (in meinem tone test clip hört man es nach etwa 23 sek. linke Seite. Da ist der Ton mal ganz kurz leiser)
Absolutely great fantastic awesome or as you want to call it man! Great tone (best of all you've had imho), great playing and great interlude and solo, which are both pretty tricky. Great job dude!
Thx guys! It's funny when I look back to my first recordings. I've started recording videos with my cam of my phone, then with a shitty camera over a shitty line6, then with my Korg with shitty settings but better cam, then good settings on my Korg and now perfect settings of my Korg and impulse files. Btw. I just used the SoloC plugin for my last recording. It's really the best plugin I've ever had. When you compare my last recordings where I used plugins aswell with HCDR...wohoo! (WNGF,TMR Peavey and Mesa impulse files, LDB,PMIB,Sioux Peavey and Marshall JCM 800 impulse files)
Thx guys! It's funny when I look back to my first recordings. I've started recording videos with my cam of my phone, then with a shitty camera over a shitty line6, then with my Korg with shitty settings but better cam, then good settings on my Korg and now perfect settings of my Korg and impulse files. Btw. I just used the SoloC plugin for my last recording. It's really the best plugin I've ever had. When you compare my last recordings where I used plugins aswell with HCDR...wohoo! (WNGF,TMR Peavey and Mesa impulse files, LDB,PMIB,Sioux Peavey and Marshall JCM 800 impulse files)

yeah indeed... you pretty much perfectionised you recordings!.. they are really awesome!!
what exactly are impulse files? :)
awesome guide! thanks for posting it! :kickass:
I definatly underrated this forum last time i checked it out (you have posted it before didn't you?) - really helpful stuff...

Just out of curiosity.. dou you guys use a DI-Box? if not, what else do you use?
If so :)P) which one do you use, I hope not one of the 200$ ones^^

I use my Korg Px4d
but a DI-Box is the best option for recording