Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

hahah I just LOVE how pissed off, annoyed or bored most women look when they're playing COB covers
They all seem constipated or something.

I have only ever meet 1 chick that looked totally comfortable playing guitar, and not all locked up or bored. And she was bad ass on it too.
Even the most beautiful melodies by COB require a bit of this certain aggression that's natural only in men. Little timing things on notes etc. Girls are handling the guitar a touch too gently or something. It would be cool if there actually was a chick making brilliant COB covers.
I guess this is a COB cover, this was for the bloodrunk solo contest a couple years ago, changed it a bit to be a original but in the end some sucky ass guy one.
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Off topic -
but i saw your discussion and couldnt ignore :P
Watch her ! :

she's pretty thin and with a razorback looks weird but watch it all ! she shreds till the end :P
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I've seen her on other forums before. She like knows or has been taught, at some level by Michael Angelo Batio.
What the hell is wrong with this kid? :D I'm gonna throw my guitar to the wall now.


Actually I can kinda play this song apart from the solos. The fast melody (I play rhythm at the chorus) is above my speed skills tho.
Off topic -
but i saw your discussion and couldnt ignore :P
Watch her ! :
she's pretty thin and with a razorback looks weird but watch it all ! she shreds till the end :P

:lol: thanks for backing me up, she impersonates everything I wanted to say in post.
Anyways,where is the shredding? how can you playing some notes and looking shy in the camera call "shredding" (eventhough that word sucks big time)

And she looks like 12 :guh:
This Kid is Amazin...shame on us :D

Really one of the best BBT Solo's i've heard!

And he plays wihout backing-track, so that you could hear how clean and correct he plays, respect!
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