Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Hey Crazy Aus, that SNBN made me smile. When you started playing the first solo, I was like whoa he's sweeping on a violin! :lol: Except I guess it's not technically sweeping then is it, but still arpeggios. Either way it pleased me haha. Hate Me! was interesting too.
Hey Crazy Aus, that SNBN made me smile. When you started playing the first solo, I was like whoa he's sweeping on a violin! :lol: Except I guess it's not technically sweeping then is it, but still arpeggios. Either way it pleased me haha. Hate Me! was interesting too.

Haha thanks... True, there's no sweeping involved there but it is still tricky switching between 2 or 3 strings... Took me awhile to figure it out... SNBN is very classical, but Hate Me, for the lack of a better word, very jazzy ^____^

I only listened to SNBN so far, but damn dude! It sounds hard to do on violin. I've never touched a violin before so I don't know hard it was for you....but well done.

And it gives such a beautiful, melancholy tone to it. Maybe you should start a cover band, playing violin ;)

Well, I've played the violin for over 10 years now so it's not all that tricky ;) The bad part is fingering, which gets uncomfortable pretty often cause the guitar ad violin don't match open strings... And the solos are a tad too fast for me but the hell, I'm faking them ^_______^

I'd start a band already if I wasn't studyin an a tiny college in the South where I can count the people who ever listen to metal, much less play anything like that...
BTW, here's my Hate me!

Goddamnit Ben! Hehe! Nice one :D

hey, why do the recording of the week start on Fridays?
Could we change it to start on Sundays or Mondays?

Well, originally I was gonna do it every sunday night, but when I started the idea, which was a friday, Mitch was in the mood for recording, so he asked me to do it then!

Thanks mate :D

Okay, here comes...

Needled 24/7:
SNBN rerecorded:
Hate me Intro (1-40) for ROTW:

Thanks for all those Crzy! :D
Hate Me! is almost done! Just finished the rhythm, just gotta lay down the lead :D I'll make the lead louder this time. I feel as though the rhythm is a little sketchy in places, but I'll live with it :)

And Ben, I think you should be banned from here! :p haha! :D:lol::lol:
Expect my Hate Me! tomorrow or on Monday I supose. Thanks for that one Tim, I fucking love Hate Me!, :lol:

Hey dude, I know you have the same version that I have of Cool edit pro, how do I make it record only what I play and not what is being played, it records the backing track too and I just want to record the guitar.

Well, on each track you should have two grey buttons one saying Out 1 and the other Rec 1. Click the Rec 1 one and select Mic at front panel (pink). That's what I have at least.

Hmm, let's see... For the first solo, the first one is much cleaner playing, but I like the guitar sound for the second one more.
EDIT: Uhh, I meant first solo as in the one that goes first on your recording, and is actually the 2nd solo...

The 2nd (a.k.a first XD) solo sounds pretty good for both versions.

Isn't it all a bit under tempo though?? Or maybe it's me who should stop listening to the SKL version. I actually didn't recognize the solo at first >.<

Could someone please kindly tell me where the 40th bar ends, cuz I have no idea >.<

Download Guitar Pro ;)

That was a good one!

Thanks for uploading those, Arcane! It's helpful to hear the tracks broken down a bit like that, so I can figure out what's going on in the mix...even though they sound like ass (really bad mp3 encoding or something?)

BTW, here's my Hate me!

Now I'm not recording, :lol: Dude you make them perfect! And your backing tracks sound fucking killer!

And Ben, I think you should be banned from here! :p haha! :D:lol::lol:

I support that one!!!! :lol: Not banned, but he should upload his contribution the last day and then, immediately after, you should change the ROTW, :lol:

Nah, Ben is here the target: we have to reach his level with our recordings *wakes up from dream* Oh shit :lol:
Thanks guys.

I use Reaper for my DAW - (KILLS Pro Tools in just about every way imaginable, IMO). You can download it for free from the link there and try it for 30 days. After that, the program is still fully functional, so it's up to you whether you want to buy it or not.

I use Drumkit From Hell Superior, mixed with Steven Slate Drum samples. Bass is a Spector 5LX. Keyboards are done with Vienna Symphonic Library and the good old JV2080 and Russian big muff. For guitar, I used my SV with J50BC w/ JE1000 and GP1000 into a plugin called Voxengo Boogex for cabinet simulation. Add tons of outboard equipment, plugins, and 5 years of practice, and that's where I am now.
Thanks guys.

I use Reaper for my DAW - (KILLS Pro Tools in just about every way imaginable, IMO). You can download it for free from the link there and try it for 30 days. After that, the program is still fully functional, so it's up to you whether you want to buy it or not.

I use Drumkit From Hell Superior, mixed with Steven Slate Drum samples. Bass is a Spector 5LX. Keyboards are done with Vienna Symphonic Library and the good old JV2080 and Russian big muff. For guitar, I used my SV with J50BC w/ JE1000 and GP1000 into a plugin called Voxengo Boogex for cabinet simulation. Add tons of outboard equipment, plugins, and 5 years of practice, and that's where I am now.


I myself started using Reaper too a few days ago. I haven't got the chance to really fool around with it that much due work but it seems pretty good so I think I'll stick with it from now on. I've been using Voxengo Boogex too for some time now.

I also tried DFH but didn't manage to get any decent drum sounds out of it. I think the problem was the user at that time because I'm really just learning to use these VST instruments/effects.

After a short break I'm now getting into all this "recording shit" again so I downloaded Addicting Drums which is very similar to EZdrummer but I somehow find it a little bit better. I've been playing with it for a few days now and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.