Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Great covers guys- can't wait til after my exams, then iget my plug in and a program to record. On that note, can anyone recomend me a program? If possible could someone send me that program as I don't wanna fork out £300?

In my opinion ChildrenofCoB has done the best cover- the tone and fluencey are totally l337, everything is perfect, aaprt from a heavier and louder rhythm guitar so you can really hear/feel the PM during the main riff.
You have an EMG 81 in your bridge aye? What settings do you have? treble, gain, bass, mid etc- much appreciated!
What fingering do you use for the first/lower part of the main melody? The one with lots of open strings?

I tried recording it today...I think I have some latency or something..melody sounded like shit and totally out of snych with the backing track :erk:. Will try again tomorrow.
^I go guitar->pedalboard->mic input too, :lol:

@orcy_uk: Wow, now I'm flattered, but that must mean you've not heard Ben's cover. He pwns mine IMO, :lol:

Yes, I have an EMG 81.

I go through a Korg AX1500G and directly into computer. Settings are:

-Metal Distortion
-4x12 Vintage cab
-Drive 6.0
-Bass 6.3
-Mids 4.0
-Treble 7.7
-Pedal=Wah (switched off)

What fingering do you use for the first/lower part of the main melody? The one with lots of open strings?

I tried recording it today...I think I have some latency or something..melody sounded like shit and totally out of snych with the backing track :erk:. Will try again tomorrow.

Yeah, I use the one with lots of open strings for the first part, and then it goes an octave higher to the 12th fret and surroundings.
^I go guitar->pedalboard->mic input too, :lol:

@orcy_uk: Wow, now I'm flattered, but that must mean you've not heard Ben's cover. He pwns mine IMO, :lol:

Yes, I have an EMG 81.

I go through a Korg AX1500G and directly into computer. Settings are:

-Metal Distortion
-4x12 Vintage cab
-Drive 6.0
-Bass 6.3
-Mids 4.0
-Treble 7.7
-Pedal=Wah (switched off)

I had heard Ben Johnson's - the recording quality was much better ,BUT your lead guitar sounded better IMO :)
What fingering do you use for the first/lower part of the main melody? The one with lots of open strings?

I tried recording it today...I think I have some latency or something..melody sounded like shit and totally out of snych with the backing track :erk:. Will try again tomorrow.

I do it different from the tab on the tab thread

:OMG: That's seriosly the weirdest fingering for Hate Me! intro I've seen, :lol: As I said, I do it like OMGAlexi because for me it feels easy. It's a bit tricky to get, but when you get it it's easier IMO.
Guys I decided to record some bodom....
Alot of it im just improvisin at times...
An' I did kinda fuck up a few times...
But go check it out:)
Drop me a rating aswell
Cheers Guys

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I would have had done last night but I plugged in my Jackson and there was no sound. I'm going to need to re-connect the electronics on Wednesday and do it then.