Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Latest version? :(

I'd love to see that guy make a tab for Kissing the Shadows or anything :rofl:

In his profile:
"I also take song requests if u like, it might take a couple of days to learn though, or maybe less than 15 minutes"

Guys seriously, shall we request something? :p

Kissing The Shadows, Lobodomy, Blooddrunk breakdown, Sixpounder second solo... :lol: I'd love to see him doing them.

:lol::lol::lol: How can he be so deaf and not notice he fucking sucks?

Lol!(offtopic but you need to check it)

this guy is a loser!
Holy shit! If the second video didn't exist I'd asume he's just deaf and doesn't hear that he sucks, but with that vid I can only say he's a fucking asshole and that he's fucking dumb :lol: ''tell me and I'll do a new vid retarded speed for you if you can't follow me''. Damn dude, first learn to play, then look up ''humble'' in the dictionary and THEN psot videos on Youtube :lol:
He actually responded to my comment and said he was tuned in C# :lol::lol::lol:

man he sucks...

/Disrespect on

Holy crap seriously, that guy is absurdly full of himself, he's a jackass, and on top of it all he's fucking horrible.
I read this on his profile:''ive been playing guitar for about 3 or 4years,most people call me DIME, DIMEBAG, or DIMEBAG OLSON, im a self taught guitarist, drummer, and bassist, although i took 3 lessons from alexi laiho on cleaning up your sweeping, but besides that i learned everything over time by myself, , i love to shred, Metallica, Pantera, Children of Bodom,Mr. Bungle, Cannibal Corpse, BLS, sabbath, Job For A Cowboy, Damageplan, and Joe Satriani are my top 11 bands, ill straight whoop ur ass in a solo duel on guitar and bass, ehh and drums, but mostly on guitar, if u wanna fuckin challenge run that shit, ill do it son,lol, but for real if u wanna solo duel u got it''

I read this on his profile:''ive been playing guitar for about 3 or 4years,most people call me DIME, DIMEBAG, or DIMEBAG OLSON, im a self taught guitarist, drummer, and bassist, although i took 3 lessons from alexi laiho on cleaning up your sweeping, but besides that i learned everything over time by myself, , i love to shred, Metallica, Pantera, Children of Bodom,Mr. Bungle, Cannibal Corpse, BLS, sabbath, Job For A Cowboy, Damageplan, and Joe Satriani are my top 11 bands, ill straight whoop ur ass in a solo duel on guitar and bass, ehh and drums, but mostly on guitar, if u wanna fuckin challenge run that shit, ill do it son,lol, but for real if u wanna solo duel u got it''


I think I will ask him for a solo duel