Children Of Bodom: 'Why Not Do That Whole Covers Album Thing?' - Ultimate Guitar

"Of Children Of Bodom's albums, do you have a favourite?

It's between 'Blooddrunk', and 'Hate Crew Deathroll' (2003). I don't know which one, but either one of those. "

Alexi is a noob! :lol:
Well, honestly, I'm not surprised by the answer. Obviously he will say Blooddrunk. I mean who wouldn't want to promote their latest album? Second of all though, the way I see it FTR and HCDR are the glory days of CoB creating its 'own sound.' Things like Bodom Beach Terror, Hate Crew Deathroll, and You're Better Off Dead are just so "bodom." Anyway, before another old bodom vs new bodom war begins, thanks for posting the interview.
If fans of Children Of Bodom are wondering what to expect from the group's next studio album, what would you say to them?

I don't even know what to expect from our next album, so it's kind of hard to say (laughs). We'll have to wait and see, but I know it'll be heavy shit, that's for sure. "

If the next album will be a mix between Blooddrunk and HCDR it would be cool.
Heavy Bodom metal so to speak instead of just Bodom metal
Heavy shit.

I can tolerate the heavy part, but shit?.. I'll be keeping my hopes down this time. I've a gut feeling for some reason it's gonna be a boring album.

You better not fuck this up Alexi. Anything below legendary will be unacceptable. The pressure is on! Don't think the elite fans will be satisfied with Lamb of God / Cannibal Corpse / Pantera type bullshit!

Get the spirit back. It's not how heavy it is, it's how hard it hits.. I'd have a lot more to say if I knew he actually read this.. :bah:
Heavy shit.

I can tolerate the heavy part, but shit?.. I'll be keeping my hopes down this time. I've a gut feeling for some reason it's gonna be a boring album.

You better not fuck this up Alexi. Anything below legendary will be unacceptable. The pressure is on! Don't think the elite fans will be satisfied with Lamb of God / Cannibal Corpse / Pantera type bullshit!

Get the spirit back. It's not how heavy it is, it's how hard it hits.. I'd have a lot more to say if I knew he actually read this.. :bah:
Couldn't agree more!
respect for you!
I think the next Bodom album will be incredible. A mix of Blooddrunk and HCDR, btw LOG's new album is awesome
You guys realize Alexi (actually noone from the band nowadays, besides Janne to tell me I was wrong about Gus G beeing a cunt) doesn't read this and the only thing you may get from posting stuff like that is starting again the boring oldVSnew fight, right?

If the next album will be a mix between Blooddrunk and HCDR it would be cool.
Heavy Bodom metal so to speak instead of just Bodom metal

I'd be glad to get something in that lines :kickass:
What's with the old vs new COB war? Both are incredible and epic in their own fucking way. I'm sure next album will put us on our asses, like they always fucking do. Shame on you for having doubts.
What's with the old vs new COB war? Both are incredible and epic in their own fucking way. I'm sure next album will put us on our asses, like they always fucking do. Shame on you for having doubts.

The war that never ends, because each side will not agree with the second part.

If they get to much core influence and so on i will have my doubts on the next album... to bad to destroy such own concept..
I don't think they will ever "destroy the concept". I mean, imho what makes Bodom really stand out is Janne's role in the band, not beeing just a back up keyboard player, and the twin solos. Then Alexi has it's own style and all, but really Janne's role is a big part on the band's sound imho, so as long as Janne is in the band I wouldn't worry. It won't be FTR part 2, but it's not gonna be Wrath part 2 (LOG's new album) either as many here fear.
I dont think anyone cares what people say here. Why would Alexi write songs which he doesnt like? It seems like you all try to force him to write songs that you like :lol:
he couldnt care less, there are enough people who buy bodoms records, if he pisses off *old school* and *real* fans he might lose some people who buy records but he can afford it.
I dont want to start such a conversation again, but it would be so dumb if he said: The fans want the FTR sound back, so I'm trying to write songs that sound like songs of this album.
Ofcourse people are caring, otherwise the "old bodom vs new bodom round #131" whould never existed at all.

Alexi should really care, i mean ofcourse he shall write songs that he like and so on but the fact remains that he was the one that wrote SW HB & FTR in the first place a long time ago, so why could he not do it again? I am aware that Alexi has several times said that the will never go back to their old sound so that's quite much for sure then. But I will not tolerate if he gets to influed by other bands like LOG and so on, you know the deal.

I say it again, why destroy a unique concept? He always suprices us in different ways, me atleast. Did not think that blooddrunk whould turn out as it did.

The point is that he should take a break and think about what is and what's not. The winning concept isnot the one that brings in the biggest load of $, if it would be measured like that Akon would be the best artist in the world or so, and we would't want that do we? ;)
I don't think they will ever "destroy the concept". I mean, imho what makes Bodom really stand out is Janne's role in the band, not beeing just a back up keyboard player, and the twin solos. Then Alexi has it's own style and all, but really Janne's role is a big part on the band's sound imho, so as long as Janne is in the band I wouldn't worry. It won't be FTR part 2, but it's not gonna be Wrath part 2 (LOG's new album) either as many here fear.

I dont think anyone cares what people say here. Why would Alexi write songs which he doesnt like? It seems like you all try to force him to write songs that you like :lol:
he couldnt care less, there are enough people who buy bodoms records, if he pisses off *old school* and *real* fans he might lose some people who buy records but he can afford it.
I dont want to start such a conversation again, but it would be so dumb if he said: The fans want the FTW sound back, so I'm trying to write songs that sound like songs of this album.

So well said, on both accounts.
Caring too much and going off of what other people think, and writing music that other people liked rather than what oneself does, that is "selling out" and being redundant/unoriginal.
Ever thought some of us like AYDY and Blooddrunk? AYDY is my favourite album, the solos and all arent as good as Hatebreeder, but there is better song structure and a better vibe to it, some of Hatebreeder stuff is crazy shredding which is awesome but sometimes lacks song structure if you know what I mean. Just my opinion, I like the vocals better in the recent years too, it'd be nice to understand what Alexi is saying
^R.I.P. You're gonna be raped for such a statement, :lol:

Ofcourse people are caring, otherwise the "old bodom vs new bodom round #131" whould never existed at all.

Alexi should really care, i mean ofcourse he shall write songs that he like and so on but the fact remains that he was the one that wrote SW HB & FTR in the first place a long time ago, so why could he not do it again? I am aware that Alexi has several times said that the will never go back to their old sound so that's quite much for sure then. But I will not tolerate if he gets to influed by other bands like LOG and so on, you know the deal.

See, that's what I don't get. What the hell does it matter if you "tolerate" or not what he writes? He's the one who writes; you, me, everybody else.. we're just the ones who listen. If we like, we buy, if not, we don't. But such thing as "I will not tolerate" is imho retarded. Alexi doesn't write for you or for me or for Joonas or for Mitch or for anyone as a matter of fact. He writes for himself and, in some part, for the label. I don't care for which side you go in the oldVSnew battle, but you wrote as if the process of writing should be coming here, reading what we post and then writing. And even that wouldn't make sense because everyone has it's opinion.

Also, I think snowy meant that noone in the band cares what we write in here, which is quite frakly true, and if they did it'd drive them nuts because not even two of us share the same view on what the album should be.
^R.I.P. You're gonna be raped for such a statement, :lol:

See, that's what I don't get. What the hell does it matter if you "tolerate" or not what he writes? He's the one who writes; you, me, everybody else.. we're just the ones who listen. If we like, we buy, if not, we don't. But such thing as "I will not tolerate" is imho retarded. Alexi doesn't write for you or for me or for Joonas or for Mitch or for anyone as a matter of fact. He writes for himself and, in some part, for the label. I don't care for which side you go in the oldVSnew battle, but you wrote as if the process of writing should be coming here, reading what we post and then writing. And even that wouldn't make sense because everyone has it's opinion.

Also, I think snowy meant that noone in the band cares what we write in here, which is quite frakly true, and if they did it'd drive them nuts because not even two of us share the same view on what the album should be.

That's just the thing, I don't tolerate it but i never think that Alexi whould care a bit for that reason. Just thinks it's sad if it is going to be like that.

And ofcourse our opinions in here does not make a different, atleast not in the "Alexi songwriting"-manner.

let's just be friends and together know that there will not be another Hatebreeder... :)