
They smell, make too much noise, crap and piss everywhere when they're younger and it takes forever to get them to do what you say... what's the point? I'd rather get a dog. Atleast it wouldn't reach for my wallet when it's 15.
I want 2 boys. If I have girls I will be the stereotype jealous father, God help the boyfriends
Strangelight said:
I want 2 boys. If I have girls I will be the stereotype jealous father, God help the boyfriends
the amount of honesty and frankness in your posts has a significant peak around 5-7 a.m. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :grin:
it could be the influence of alcohol or drugs
it could be the absence of external stimuli which are only present during daytime - then the sound of the inner voice can come through
it could be the influence of being tired - there is no energy to keep the self-defence wall up any longer
Crack Hitler said:
They smell, make too much noise, crap and piss everywhere when they're younger and it takes forever to get them to do what you say... what's the point? I'd rather get a dog. Atleast it wouldn't reach for my wallet when it's 15.
I second that. Except the dog. Too much work. Same goes with girl-friend / wife.
i like kids cos you have the opportunity to be stupid with them without being judged or anything. their fun. and i dont mind wiping their ass or feeding them or anything. i'd prefer a girl.