
generally i just don't tell people what music i listen to unless they ask, because in all honesty most people have an absolutely abysmal taste in music. i never try to plug music :shrug:

I when you say "death metal mostly" to people that don't understand what it is, they can make a lot of assumptions about you.

I know a couple of people who would really love Opeth if it wasn't for the growling. It makes no sense to me at all, but at least they can enjoy Damnation. Damnation is what I listen to when I study, it's perfect for that...everything else is for the car (BWP and Ghost Reveries currently) or background music while I waste my time on the Internet.
I kind of aovid all this genre hubaloo by just hijacking the cd player and putting whatever I want in ;)
Up until a year ago or so I never realized how much of Opeth's music was soft. I was playing my game and had all of Opeth's music on random repeat. At one point, I got out of my own world and listened to the music and im At that point, I feel in love even more.

Currently planning on getting an Opeth tattoo on Tuesday, just gotta find out how much it would be to get it done. I don't have alot of money atm.
^Which is why I try to avoid using the term "Death metal" when I defy Opeth's genre.

Whenever this happens, the discussion goes basically like this:

Someone: "So what kind of music is Opeth?"
Me: "It varies."
Someone: "In general, I mean"
Me "sort of progressive stuff, sometimes metal... You know, it changes from that proggy kind of stuff to heavier parts... Acoustic passages, clean vocals and stuff... and then death metal and growling vocals... Progressive death metal.."
Someone: "WTF"

Perfect explanation.

Everytime I talk about Opeth, people are asking me about the genre, especially since I keep slobbering over the Opeth gig last Thursday and I tell them exactly what you've said. The reaction is allways the same...

*"Nah, Death Metal... growling and screaming, I don't like those music."

*"Progressive? Isn't it this ultra long music thing with complex rhythms and tempo changes? That's too stressful and boring for me, I like to relax when I listen to music."

*"Acoustic parts? Hmpf, do they sit around a campfire outside at the beach and sing hippy songs?"

*"Oh these guys come from Sweden? Do they have these strange corpse paint? I bet they are filming videos in the woods or burn churches and give hail to Satan and stuff like that. I think it's ridiculous!"

I think it's funny, how people sometimes react, if you give them some random facts to think about and what prejudices they have... Most of the time, I'm laughing my ass off. The fewest give Opeth a try, but if they do, then they really start to like Opeth because their music is so versatile and pretentious.

And I bet, some of you have had those conversations in the past, too :cool:


It's not just their mellow music that gives me chills, but the mellow parts are the ones that give me this special feeling deep inside... sort of fullfilment, happyness, joy. In combination with the heavy parts, the mellow ones, in most cases, are the really moving parts on an emotional level, but don't get me wrong, I'm such a fanboy, I love every single note from Opeth/Mike.

The song Burden is a good example, I think ;) This song has a special feeling straight on from the first note. It sounds so fragile and beautiful at the same time... the lyrics, Mikaels singing, and musically p.e. the prog rockish dual "lead" guitar riff at the end, before the acoustic part... I could literally cry everytime I hear this song. But that is not just with Opeth's songs, especially the 70s have had some awesome bands, who knew how to write astonishing music ;)

Since my dad died two years ago, Opeth's music became an important part of my life, I don't want to miss their music anymore and I guess there are not so many bands out there who will do it for me like Opeth does.

Opeth is more than just music.
i am sorry to hear about your father, but it sounds that your moving on decently which is good. Losing a parent or someone close is never fun. Other than my great grandmother, I myself have never lost anyone close to me, but I can partially relate. My best friend lost his cousin a couple years ago, she had just graduated high school, not two weeks. Since my best friend is pretty much my brother (best friends for like 16 years or so), I felt like I lost a family member myself.

My music and video games is my way out of the real world. I don't get out much, not because I can't, but because I don't want to. This due to because I know how the real world is first hand. So I'm always in my own world when i'm home, but ofcouse I hang out with close friends and my best friends whenever possible.
Sorry. Damnation is their worst album by far. Even the ballads they made in other albums are better than any song on Damnation. "Isolation Years", "Hours of Wealth", "Harvest", "Burden", "Benighted", etc... All better. And I like Damnation, but is their weakest album. It's not even progressive. It's 5 min repetitive songs.

I think a lot of people are doing it like we do, trying to find a way out of reality by playing computer games or by enjoying music or by doing both of it. Others might do drugs... Life is hard and often not fun, losing close people is the perfect example, I guess. And yes, you're right, I'm moving on decently, but of course just little steps, sometimes it feels like it happened yesterday :/

And Opeth's music... well, it kind of gives me "power" to cope with it, this is what I meant with:
Opeth is more than just music.

But now back to topic. If you want to talk a bit more about that, pm me ;)

Sorry. Damnation is their worst album by far. Even the ballads they made in other albums are better than any song on Damnation. "Isolation Years", "Hours of Wealth", "Harvest", "Burden", "Benighted", etc... All better. And I like Damnation, but is their weakest album. It's not even progressive. It's 5 min repetitive songs.

You have your opinions of the album and we have ours, please don't flame us for enjoying some music while you don't. As Mikael said, the album was a bunch of extra music they had from Deliverance that they decided to publish.

I used to also enjoy nothing but heavy metal and death metal music 24/7. But i have grown fond of the softer side, when I just feel like relaxing.
You have your opinions of the album and we have ours, please don't flame us for enjoying some music while you don't. As Mikael said, the album was a bunch of extra music they had from Deliverance that they decided to publish.

I used to also enjoy nothing but heavy metal and death metal music 24/7. But i have grown fond of the softer side, when I just feel like relaxing.
Where did I flame you? And I also did't say I don't enjoy.
Sorry. Damnation is their worst album by far. Even the ballads they made in other albums are better than any song on Damnation. "Isolation Years", "Hours of Wealth", "Harvest", "Burden", "Benighted", etc... All better. And I like Damnation, but is their weakest album. It's not even progressive. It's 5 min repetitive songs.

I truly have to agree. Songs like Windowpane, Closure and Weakness are great songs, but the rest of Damnation dissapointed me quite a lot.
I truly have to agree. Songs like Windowpane, Closure and Weakness are great songs, but the rest of Damnation dissapointed me quite a lot.
I am not dissapointed. This was truly what Opeth wanted to do. But for me, it is not what I expect from Opeth. The songs are good, but.... I prefer listenning to others.
I truly have to agree. Songs like Windowpane, Closure and Weakness are great songs, but the rest of Damnation dissapointed me quite a lot.

I disagree, I think Damnation is one of the top 5 albums of Opeth if we had to make a list.

Btw it is quite interesting that you liked Weakness but not Ending Credits(!) or To Rid the Disease(!!) or Hope Leaves (!!!).
Ending Credits is one of the best tunes in Damnation imo.

A friend of mine, who I have been getting into Opeth a little, thinks it's their best record. About the other albums, he said something like "I don't really dig the killing-atmosphere going on in some songs."

I could only laugh.