Chity Somapala leaves Power Quest


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Press Release October 3rd

We are sorry to have to announce that Chity Somapala has left Power Quest, making the appearance at BOA his last with the band. Chity decided that, at this stage of his career, he wanted to move away from metal to focus on his solo work which is more rock and blues based.

Power Quest mainman Steve Williams commented:

"Clearly the last thing I wanted after releasing the Blood Alliance album earlier this year was to have another line up change, having been through so many in recent times. Having said that, we all have to do what is right for us at specific points in time and we part ways with Chity on very good terms and wish him all the very best for the future.

Myself, Andy, Paul, Rich and Gav have been auditioning potential replacements for the past couple of months and we have now decided on who will be the man to take up the frontman role in the band. We would like to thank everyone who has submitted recordings and travelled to auditions as well.

We are already hard at work rehearsing for the UK dates in November and we can promise quite a different set list to what we have been performing so far this year. We will be revealing the identity of our new frontman very soon.....this guy blew us away at the auditions!"

The first shows with the new vocalist will be in Bedford on November 25th and Wakefield on November 27th, and the Wakefield show will be streamed live on the web! Grab your tickets for the Wakefield show here
:( I don't take to change easily and it's sad to once again hear of a news announcement only for yet another lineup change to happen. But I suppose it's what's best for Chity and the future of the band, it's just a shame to lose such a great singer and friend for non-metal horizons. Alessio and Chitral Somapala, great voices in metal now investing their talents elsewhere :(

I truly hope for a stable PQ future and all the very best to Chity in his endeavours, you're a cracking singer and brilliant dude :headbang: And I'm very excited albeit anxious too to hear the new frontman and the live webcast is some nice news :)
Not again...

Best of luck to Chity in his music, I have nothing but great things to say about the guy. It's just such a shame... Blood Alliance was, is, and will always be a remarkable album, and Chity's vocals were a huge reason why I loved it so much - I was really looking forward to hearing another PQ album with him on it. This probably explains why there haven't been any podcasts all summer!

All the same, I'm very much looking forward to the new guy, and I hope he sticks around. This line-up is fantastic.
Aaah :(
That's a real shame, I really loved his voice on Blood Alliance, and it's a shame I won't be able to see him live. Still, he's left quite an act to follow.

Still, it's better for Chity to do what's best for him, and I am quite hyped about the new vocalist! I'm sure it's a great choice. :)
Gutted, but as ever all the best to Chitty. Thanks for the fantastic vocals on Blood Alliance

Interested to hear who the new vocalist is
I must add like others have that Chity's Vocals are great on Blood Alliance, and massive respect for him in contributing to such a brilliant album. I feel privileged to have witnessed him perform with Power Quest twice.

Good luck for your future Chity!
Awww noooo...

It was great to see Chity with Power Quest. It's sad he has to go but it's understandable. Good luck to Chity on everything! :D

Along with everyone, I am also excited and curious to see who this new vocalist is.
What can I say that hasn't already been said? I feel for the rest of the guys in the band, but am glad at the same time that they've already seemed to find a new frontman. I'd like to extend a warm thank you to Chity for his contributions to the glorious story that is Power Quest. You did a splendid job on Blood Alliance, man, and good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future! Too bad I never got to see you live with PQ though.
I thought this would be the news when I saw the announcement! Sad to see another line-up change but hopefully this will be for the better and we get to hear the old classics again with a singer who can hit the high notes. I really feel it would be beneficial if the new guy is a UK based singer - readily available for gigs and rehearsals etc.

Very excited for the future of PQ!
I have to say since Bloodstock more and more of these news seem to appear and I'm beggining to get a bit scared here...:(.

However, Power Quest have already proven that you know what you do when it comes to line-up changes, so got full trust in you new choice of frontman, but I think this is really sad, Chity was SO good on Blood Alliance.

Best of luck to the future of both Chity and Power Quest!
Please don't blame me:) i won't sing for free anymore and i've done it too often for's time to get paid for you work, i don't care anymore what good songs,what great fucking label,what great respect... nuff z nuff and power metal is dead so i decided my own thing, is it bad?

Erm. I'm not in much of a place to speculate nor do I wish to pry, but this comment from Chity (if it is Chity) raised an eyebrow on a few points. Firstly, I'm not sure what he means not getting paid? Secondly, not caring about the songs, the label and the respect but only in it for the money...well...I suppose that's fair enough but it surprised me, I thought being a musician meant more than that and that Chity was in it for other reasons :( Lastly, 'power metal is dead'? I'm really not sure of this at all.
Yep...that's his account.

I should clarify that none of us get paid in PQ.....everything we earn goes back into the band to pay for touring/merchandise/recording.

I've never taken a penny in 10 years of doing this band.....I do this because I love it :)

I can't say I blame the guy for wanting to get paid for his work. His comments sound very bitter though, as if he wasn't happy even being in Power Quest. However, as long as he's happy doing what he wants to from now on, I'm fully supportive.

God bless you and your dedication and generosity, Steve - it's truly admirable.
Now I know that for whatever reason, many people on this forum are quite reluctant to put across any controversial opinions, so forgive me if what I'm about to say offends anyone.

I never really rated Chity as a singer or a live performer. There, I've said it.

I never felt he was really right for PQ (his range and his stage prescence) and didn't seem to interact with the fans on any level. I think this is now a great opportunity to create a new, more focused, PQ with an equal amount of energy and excitement from each of the band members.