"Christian Metal"hahaha

Huh??! W T F. OK, so, well... I bet you never thought you'd read me say this, but, frankly, I am at a loss for words. Gawd there are a lot of morons out there. Ignore.
christian metal is a disgrace.. white metal is christian BM right? lol
this christian metalhead once told me on internet that we were mad about christian metal cause we could feel its strength influencing metal (lol) and he told us that God and good always wins against satan and his acolytes (or something like that, it was pretty funny).
Hahaha, oh shit, thanks for that, that's some funny shit, wait a sec "Slayer may be fanominal (dude, spell check) musicians, but I don't listen to their music cause they are satanic band posers", what a cocksucker. But seriously, I think there is potential for some damn good biblical metal, the Old Testament is full of great material, it's too bad most musicians won't touch it with a ten foot pole because of the fuckhead bible thumpers

Hell no!!!
Who wants to make such music....
But yes, there are some good stories in the old testament but what kind of metal would be the best for such lyrics???
The Old Testament would have so many parts of bloodshed and stuff like that.. and imagine how grindcore bands could create stuff out of pealing skin on those sick people in the bible (can't remember the name of that sickness)