Chuck Billy singing Metallica with Death Angel (video)

Yeah, that's definitely something many people are hoping for. There were some rumours about it finally happening once both bands release their new albums, but unfortunately nothing happened.
Yeah, but it's only camcorder footage. It's cool to see it nonetheless. I remember back in the "old" days where you had to go to record conventions and spend $20 for a crappy bootleg video. Of course it was all fun and games till the FBI busted those people, haha.
I can't see Testament opening for many bands, but Metallica would be one of them.

actually I remember an interview with Chuck right after the "Low" album.the reporter asked him about a Metallica/Testament tour... Chuck answered that it would be cool,but he doubt it's going to happen because Eric just stole Kirk's girlfriend...

edit:but that was some time ago... obviously.
I'm no sound engineer so could someone explain to me why Chucks speaking voice is crystal clear but when he starts singing you can barely hear it?
Haha I doubt Eric would steal Kirks girlfriend...or that Kirk had one it was probably a dude in drag!
Heh, I remember reading somewhere that Eric was married to Kirk's ex-wife. That was some time ago and I'm rather interested in music than in the personal lives of my favourite musicians, so it might have been the other way around, but there definitely was something about an ex-wife. Couldn't tell whether it was a reliable source or not, though. Anyway, let's hope they got over that :)